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L1Calo Run Coordination Summary. Bruce M. Barnett STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Joint Meeting May 5-7, 2010. Overview Time line Blow-by-blow Operational issues Future beam Future work. Overview. Heidelberg Meeting 11 th -13 th January Splashes
L1Calo Run CoordinationSummary Bruce M. BarnettSTFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Joint MeetingMay 5-7, 2010 B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
Overview Time line Blow-by-blow Operational issues Future beam Future work Overview B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
Heidelberg Meeting 11th -13th January Splashes 28th February The trigger everybody loves ring of fire trigger annulus eta 1.6 -> 2 (and reflection in eta for beam 1) (mostly) Tile A cells Time line B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
Nice Events 5th April Time line • World record • 19th March • Nice Events • 5th April • Lumigrows • In jumps and starts B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
January Firmware fixes, calibrations, stopless removal 29th January rxfactors_veit_calib_lar_144829_tile_143479.dat February Jep0-cmm1 Readout errors: clock phases fixed JEP blocked hoses OPM cleans and purges Calibrations, firmware, rate-tests, LHC dry runs 24th February EtConversion:CalibGains:MskOvEmecOnly TBB gains updated to delay_phys_20100223 from delay_phys_20100112 Blow-by-blow B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
March Energy scans, (Tile/Larg: 2/3 March) Occasional g-link error one link (Cmm) Firmware, monitoring, noise hunts Simulation Errors … Prompt fixes to code MCM Replacements Receiver segment, Largto L1Calo migration tests Calibration runs, phos4 saturation runs CP Rare-RoI error investigations & h/w fix 1st March EtConversion:CalibGains:MskOvAlt1 26 March rxfactors_veit_calib_lar_144829_tile_151144_fcal_149451.dat Blow-by-blow B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
April 1stApril Noise Thresholds to nominal (4/4 from 3/4), Cosmicsre-enabled Online monitoring from physics events only Start to see luminosity dependent trigger rate! “Got ~4 million events - and the ephemeral glory of the data taking record: ~20 microbarn-1.” 8th April Timing A few badly timed channels … Occasional spiky triggers Causing irritation through EMPTY (Cosmic) triggers More simulation errors MCM related: fixed MCMs with readout issues Online monitoring ATHENA Stability problems due to database-access issues at startup Blow-by-blow B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
April 15st April Pedestals Poorly set, particularly in Tile, after Intervention (8th March) Error in validation procedure crept in during last s/w update. AND …. Is the FJ Rate too low? Really? Hardware New broken channel in FCAL1 (0x04100f03) For next scope session In Run 152772 (April 9th) one cable from JEM0-CMM0 to JEP1-CMM0 (Energy Mergers) found itself disabled. Simulation errors and fixes Larg Receiver Work Bad channel investigations Updated to 2010 Splash timings Prior to run 152705 Attempted E Calibration Blow-by-blow B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
April 22nd April PPM Readout Occasional G-Link Parity errors PP1-PPM15 Larg E Scan April 16th (Damien/Martin) 29th April Occasional cosmic (EMPTY items) burps Noise cut tests (3/4) 3-4 day technical stop ATONR migrations Calibrations Blow-by-blow J5 EM2 B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
Calibration Energy scans infrequent Currently expert activity Calibration slots between fills are 1 hour …. A bit short for anything but PEDS/DACS 3 hours. Fewer of these and often at unsociable times Shifter should call … but often forgets Shift leader should publish e-log But these aren’t in real-time Solution Need to provide shifter-friendly software Exceptionally robust so as to preclude failures/confusions Provide default calibration rules Operational issues B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
“Original” approved steps Future beam B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
How to get there? Fat bunches? Bunch trains? (50 ns spacing) crossing angles? Future beam B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
Future beam As Presented at ATLAS Weekly Meeting, May 4, /2010 B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting
Shorter term Noise cut studies (ongoing) Calibration issues (eg, FCAL) Re-do phos4 runs for saturated pulse studies Confirm/tweak timing with aggregated TeV statistics (June?) Overlap cable timing/lengths Longer term Mini-phos4 scans with beam TBB and Tile layer timing Fully optimised filter coefficients Dead channel corrections Energy scales (EM/HAD) Future work B.M. Barnett - STFC/RAL - L1Calo Joint Meeting