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Bible History Overview. Prepared by Kelly Boyd. The Flow of Bible History
Bible History Overview Prepared by Kelly Boyd
The Flow of Bible History • As we begin our study, we will need a framework on which to build, and help us remember. For that we will use a “Summary Sentence” and picture that will help us easily retain the flow of Bible history from the beginnings through the formation of the church. Summary Sentence
BeePSLoWly, JaKeCaRRieSCoCoa! If we remove the vowels, the consonants form the first letter of each period.
B eginnings • P atriarchs • S lavery • L aw • W anderings • J udges • K ings • C aptivity • R eturn • R estoration • S ilence • C hrist • C onsummation BeePSLoWly, JaKeCaRRieSCoCoa!
How to Make the Summary Sentence Work for You! • First, think of the picture. The summary sentence will come to your mind immediately. • Second, take each word in your mind and remove the vowels. Now, with the consonants, recall the basic Bible History Periods that begin with those letters. • Work at it! Memory work is just that: work! But think of the benefits. You’ll always have the Big Picture of Bible history at your command. BeePSLoWly, JaKeCaRRieSCoCoa!
The Flow of Bible History Chart • This chart is too big to display in a PowerPoint slide, so you will need to download it separately and print it out. You can print it on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet, or take it to Staples and have it done poster-sized. It will be in pdf format, so you should have no trouble. • Study this chart carefully to see the Flow of Bible History! Refer to it often. The Flow of Bible History
For Next Week: Genesis chapters 1-11 • Read these chapters to prepare for next week’s study. • As you can see, this is no ordinary Bible class. And you are no ordinary student. You are embarking on a journey through the Bible unequaled by any other church course of study, but you will get out of it no more than what you invest. If you hang in there, it will be worth it, I guarantee it. Bible History Overview
Credits I have created the PowerPoint, but the original course was designed by Gary Olsby and published by College Press Publishing of Joplin MO. It is now out of print, unfortunately, but not forgotten. Bible History Overview