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This summary outlines the findings and goals of the St. Paul Cathedral Parish Revitalization Workshop, with a focus on strengthening the core group and improving Christian Formation within the parish. The summary also includes potential short-term and long-term actions to achieve the goals.
Parish Revitalization WorkshopSummary St Paul Orthodox Cathedral Dearborn Hts. MI September 6, 2014 St Paul Cathedral
Parish Health Inventory Scoring(During Workshop Session) Avg. score: 1.81 Level 2 Consciously Semi-competent Level 4 Unconsciously Competent Level 3 Consciously Competent Level O Unconsciously Incompetent Level 1 Consciously Incompetent
Online Survey: Low Score ItemsNote – Only 5 people took the survey! St Paul Cathedral
Workshop Outcome – Our Focus Effort Background We want our parish to last “forever”. We want our parish to grow. We know and admit that we have declined significantly in numbers over the last decades. We discussed important factors affecting this. Many are beyond our control. We agreed that improving the life of our parish involves change in many areas. Yet we know that trying to do too much at once will likely be unsuccessful. We will lack focus and we will lack the resources to effect many changes at once. Focus After taking the Parish Health Inventory as a group we discussed various areas of focus. We could work on attracting new parishioners. We could work on new areas of charitable service. In the end we realized that with our limited human and financial resources we need to strengthen the parish internally. We decided to focus first on the area of Christian Formation –learning about and living our faith. Many in attendance admitted they grew up with little religious education and they are often uncomfortable with questions about the Orthodox faith –and even basic Christianity. We also discussed how to engage more parishioners in the work of our parish. In the end we decided that we have no control over their actions and behaviors and we need to focus on our (those present at the workshop) efforts as a sort of ‘core group’ Overall Goal We selected the following goal: As a result of this workshop our stated goal is to work to strengthen the parish by first strengthening the core group present. We commit to support and actively, regularly participate in various classes to be offered over the year (and certainly beyond.) designed to help us grow in our faith. We hope that we will learn something valuable and that our honest efforts will serve as a positive example to others in the parish to also participate. Specific Short Term Goal – Improve Our Understanding of Our Faith At least 12 of the 15 workshop attendees will participate actively (purchase the book and attend regularly) in a post Liturgy class on the topic of “The Liturgy” to begin soon in the parish. We will work to attract 5-10 others (non workshop attenders to participate as well. Future Formation Related Actions 0-12 months • Share notes and course materials with attendees and others via email. Keep the class present in people’s minds. • In addition to the liturgy class, restart Saturday vespers, (at least once per month) preceded by a bible study. • For parishioners unable to participate in the post liturgy class or bible study offer a basic list of e.g. 10-15 books about Orthodoxy that could be read in lieu of class attendance.(e.g. The Living God) Ask for a commitment from them. • Follow the Liturgy class with a catechism class (Jan 2015) designed to help prepare parishioners to build a basic understanding of Orthodoxy AND the questions asked by inquirers who may come to our parish. St Paul Cathedral
St. Paul Cathedral Other Potential Actions • Worship • Move choir to front. (Done! Great!) • Restart vespers –once/month then increase. • Consider removing 1-2 row of pews at back—church will look less empty with fewer seats. • Continue focus on on-time arrival. This is not a victimless crime. Disruptive, bad example for guests inquirers. Poorly prepared for communion. • Long term consider hard floor wood or other) at front and in altar. It will look nicer and strengthen choral sound. The ideas on this page would be, in the opinion of JK, worthwhile actions. They are second in priority to the education/formation items on previous page. • Facilities • Build a written detailed overall summary of costs to stay in Beech Daly building for next ~10-15 years. Use as baseline for facilities decisions. • Get a new attractive sign in front of church. Must look as good as or better than nearby churches. Good signs say “something good is happening inside” • Take action on flooring in context of overall plan. • Figure out a way to make courtyard more attractive/ less stark. • Communication • Make another attempt at building a parish email list. Grow over time. Add 2-3 names per quarter. • Work toward two emails per week to parishioners. • Build decent website oriented to presenting the story of your parish to potential new members. • Leadership • Improve overall fiscal practice. Insist on a clear budget adopted annually. • Limit discussion of $ @ meetings to < 20% of time. • Parish council members behave as exemplars -- attendance and financial stewardship. Pledge first & meaningfully. • Work with stewardship group to build a “Vision budget” –”What would we do with additional 10-20k/yr. e.g. 1/3 on building;” 1/3 internal ministry; 1/3 external ministry • Review current internal ministries and select 2 additional. • Education and Formation • See previous page • Stewardship and Generosity • Create a stewardship team of 3-4 lay persons who drive the stewardship effort with priest blessing • Consider stewardship workshop (or webinar) for this team from Kormos. • While they are leaders of pledge drive this team’s overall goal is… • Increase the level of meaning that the church has to members and their lives • Foster positive attitudes toward generosity among parishioners • Consider goal of getting 15 parishioner households giving greater than $2500/yr. • Need to address lack of bank balance without generating donations purely out of need. Build a parish future vision in which people want to invest.
“Ticket Out the Door”Comments and Commitments from Attendees at End of Session An Action I Will Take… • Encourage positive changes in the parish • Make effort to attend educational classes after liturgy • Use OCA website • Give more money • Sign up for webinar • Attend vespers restart; bible study • Ask people to come to church with me • Find opportunities to talk about my faith/ Orthodoxy • Encourage participation in individual ministries Things I Learned • Greatest danger is illusion all is well • Heart of an Orthodox parish is liturgical &sacramental worship • Parish practice: Say Thank you often • Types of ministries in parish –places for people to be involved/engaged • “I want what they’ve got” analogy • Sources of vibrant parishes • Take action on me before focusing on others (“let us commend ourselves…”) • Importance of technology in parish communication • Support priest • Cross: vertical and horizontal dimension • No easy answers to problems • We need to focus on things that are attainable –don’t overreach • Apostolic –to be sent forth • Early church unique in its inclusiveness • Its never just one thing • What attracts converts –words they use • Catholic: “of the whole” • I need to read more • We’re not alone • Core group is vital St Paul Cathedral