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The annual programme for agricultural consultancy in Bratoszewice for 2016 aims to improve the competitiveness of agricultural holdings and promote sustainable farming practices. It includes individual advice, training, economic analysis, and publishing activities. The programme supports the implementation of EU and Polish agricultural policies and encourages entrepreneurship in rural areas.
Provincial Centre of AgriculturalAdvisory of LodzkieVoivodeship
Annual Programme for Lodzkie Region Agricultural Consultancy based in Bratoszewicefor 2016 was developed based on existing documentation, information, detailed analysis of the implementation of the programme for previous years and needs resulting from economic and market situation of agricultural holdings. As well as tasks arising from the common agricultural policy of the EU, polish agricultural policy and issues arising from the implementation of designated regional and local programmesfor agriculture and rural development, established by the competent authorities on local level. Supporting document was also the strategy of Lodz Province Development.
TASKS PLANNED BY SPECIALISTS OF LODZ FARM ADVISORY CENTRE BASED IN BRATOSZEWICE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED THROUGH: • individualadvice • organizationof trainings, seminars,conferences, courses etc. • organisation of trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, competitions, • development of economicanalysis • publishingactivities
THE OBJECTIVES STATED ABOVE ACTIONS – AS IN PREVIOUS YEARS – WILL BE: • to improve the competitiveness of agricultural holdings • implementation of activities related to the RDP2014-2020 • to improve the standard and quality of life of rural areas inhabitants • popularization of modern methods and of technical and technological solutions • popularization of the integrated production methods • implementation of good agricultural practices • identifying the besttechnological and economicsolutions in agriculturalholdings • raising awareness in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) • raisingenvironmentalawareness • to stimulate entrepreneurship in rural areas, including processing at the level of the farm and direct sales • promotion of a healthy lifestyle • cultivatingculturalheritage • to popularize the idea of cooperatives in rural areas and encourage rural community
Agriculturaladvisory services offered to farmersshouldcontribute to ensuretheywere increasingly aware of the processes running on the farm, processes related to environmental protection, food safety, public health and animal welfare. This should result in greater participation of producers in both marketsonnational, European and globallevel. • 2016 agricultural consultancy will be involved in the implementation of the common agricultural policy, and in particular the new EU support programme-rural development programme 2014-2020. • Thanksto the work of the Advisory Board of professionalsof widelyunderstoodproffesionalsthe transfer of knowledgeisgrowingamong the farmers’sawarenessof changes in both management and processesrelated to farm functioning. • It will pay in an increase of the quality and distinctiveness of Polish food, boosting its competitiveness on the world market. That will directly lead to the improvement if living conditions of Polish countryside. • Taking into account the continuous improvement of the services offered by the Centre of LodzZS Advisoryin Bratoszewice, it has successfully developed, implemented and maintained Quality Management System based on the PN-EN ISO 9001:2009
Farm advisory task directory is defined in the article. 4.0. paragraphs 1 and 2. 2 and 4 of the Act on agricultural advisory units. (2). The abovearticle specifies the scope of the mandatory tasks, which are required to carry out advisory units free of charge, and (4). -a list of optional tasks that the farm advisory bodies may pursue a fee. • Provincial Centre of AgriculturalAdvisoryof LodzkieVoivodeshipin Bratoszewice in the ‚Programmefor the 2016 year’planned implementation of all tasks. These tasks are carried out in the area of agriculture, rural development, agricultural and rural household.
Tasks free of charge: • training for farmers and other rural residents • information in support of the development of agricultural production • to help farmers in the preparation of the documentation necessary to obtain financial assistance or co-financed with funds from the EU, national, etc. • agri-food market analysis and the means of production, and the collection and dissemination of market information in this field • promotion of environment-friendly agricultural production methods • effortsto preserve the cultural and naturalheritagevillage, a functionalhouseholddevice • promotingthe development of agro-tourism and ruraltourism and the promotion of the village as anactivevacationdestination • synergyin the implementation of the tasksarising from the agri-environmentalprogrammes and measures to reducenitrogenrunoff from agriculturalsources • analysis of the change in terms of the level and quality of agricultural production and performance of agricultural holdings, as well as the dissemination of these analyses in the work of the Advisory Board • upgrading professional skills of farmers and other rural residents.
Chargeable tasks in the following areas: • accounts and documentationrequired in accounting on agriculturalholdings • courses and training preparing to obtain the qualification titles in the competition for agricultural activities (training for combineharvester operator and sprayeroperator) • trainingcommissioned by externalunits • evaluationof technical performance sprayers • publishingbusiness • organizationof trade fairs, exhibitions
Chargeable tasks in the following areas: • PREPARATION: • evaluation of investment opportunities of agricultural holdings • analyses and studies in economics, finance and technology • agri-environmentalplans • plans for the extracts • plans to transformfarm intoorganically grown production • FILLING: • applications or other documents necessary to apply for financial aid or co-financed with funds from the European Union funds or other domestic and foreignaid.
Among the tasks to be performedfree of charge to farmersarealsotasksarising from the development strategy of Łódź province by 2020: • development of modern energy economy is the development of "green industries" and services for the use of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (support for the development of Microtechnology for the use of energy from biomass and biogas, and for the development of low-carbon public transport uses energy from RES) • activeshaping of attitudes on the labour market – the professional growth of the population (support people setting up their own business) • development of creative and innovative business environment-development of small and medium-sized enterprises (promotion of productive investments and services in rural areas) • development of local communities-shaping civil society (promoting greening attitudes) • strengthening regional identity-regional awareness based on the historical and cultural diversity • development of services and improve of access to the cultural sector, sport, tourism and recreation-base of culture, sport, tourism and recreation (tourism holdings, rural tourism) • ensuring the continuity of the natural system-the creation of a coherent regional protected areas in conjunction with the national system (maintenance of the biological diversity of natural areas, including NATURA 2000 areas, promotion of natural values of the region, the promotion of environmental awareness-raising contests)
Among the tasks to be performedfree of charge to farmersarealsotasksarising from the development strategy of Łódź province by 2020: • countering the risks of natural and anthropogenic-increasing the impoundment (the promotion of measures for the prevention and reduction of eutrophication process to stop and good quality water storage) • strengthening the system of functional linkages-enabling urban centres and rural areas in a complementary system of functional relations (processing of agri-food, to promote the development of non-agricultural functions in rural areas) • strengthening regional identity-building marketing strategy in the region and promotion of the brand ‚Lodzkie’ • marketing and promotion of the region (exhibitions, events, competitions, promotion of regional products at the local level) • Creation ofonline platforms for business • the development of digitisation and digital services in the public sector • supporting the formation and activities of the Organization of agricultural producers • promotion ofthe development of cooperation networks between the sphere of scientific research and the development of agricultural producers and the agri-food processing.
Organizationalstructure • Organizational structure in accordance with the regulations of the Minister of Agricultureand RuralDevelopment(Journal of laws No. 211, poz. 1634 from December 4, 2009, as amended), and Resolution No. 955/13 the Board of Łódź province from July 23, 2013, and its subsequent amendments. • Head Office in Bratoszewiceform the sections: • Department of agriculturalproduction Systems and qualitystandards • Economicinitiative farm household and agroturism team • Department of Economics • IT Departmnent • Department of Methodology Consulting, Training and Publications • and the administrative and technical service departments: • Administration • Accounting Department • Human resources
Organizationalstructure • In addition: • Health and safetyInspector • FiresafetyInspector • PurchasingOfficer • Qualitymanagement Inspector • Auditor • Legalcouncel • In 2 branches advisories create teams, in which professionals carry out tasks that correspond to the respective substantive divisions at Head Office. Countyteams of advisors, which is 18, its activities include the whole of ŁodzVoivodeship (24 counties along with the associated municipalities).
Map of Lodz province broken down by the action of the district Head Office Branchoffices Head Officeof District teams of advisors The area of action – HeadOffice in Bratoszewice The area of action – Branch in Koscierzyn The area of action – Branch in Piotrkow Trybunalski
Organizationalstructure • Head Office in Bratoszewice - includesoperationsin 10 counties: brzezinski, leczycki, lowicki, Kutno, Lodzki east, kutnowski, rawski, skierniewicki, zgierski, Lodzcityand Skierniewice city; field advisory service works in sevendistrictteams of advisorsservingindividualcounties(brzezinski, Lodz East and Lodzcity-district one team, similarly, Skierniewice County and the city of Skierniewice).
Organizationalstructure • Branchin Koscierzyn- covers8 counties: sieradzki, wielunski, poddebicki, pabianicki, laski, zdunskowolski, pajeczanskiand wieruszowski; field advisory service works in sixlocalteams of advisors (counties: laski, pabianicki and zdunskowolskidistrictincludes one team).
Organizationalstructure • Branch in Piotrkow Trybunalski - includes 6 counties: piotrkowski and Piotrkow Trybunalski city, belchatowski, radomszczanski, opoczynski and tomaszowski; field advisory service isworksin five teams of districtadvisors, coveringoperations and sites of individualcounties(piotrkowski and in PiotrkowTrybunalski districtincludes one team).
Organizationalstructure • The composition of the county teams of advisors consists of the following workstations: • head • specialist in production and rural economics • specialist in rural and agrotourism
Diagram of organizationalstructures DIRECTOR SocialCouncilfor AgriculturalExtension Quality Management Inspector Health&SafetyInspector FireSafetyInspector Human Resources PurchasingOfficer Auditor LegalCounsel First DeputyDIRECTOR Second Deputy DIRECTOR HeadAccountant Entrepreneurialteam, Rural household and agro-tourism Dep. of Methology, Trainingd and Publishing Department of Productionsystems REGIONAL ADVISORY TEAM: RZD Kutno RZD Leczyca RZD Lowicz RZD Lodz East RZD Rawa Mazowiecka RZD Skierniewice RZD Zgierz Administration Accounting Department Department of economics Entrepreneurialteam, Rural household and agro-tourism IT Department Administration REGIONAL ADVISORY TEAM: RZD Lask RZD Pajeczno RZD Poddebice RZD Sieradz RZD Wielun RZD Wieruszow Team of accounting and human resources Branch DIRECTOR Koscierzyn Agricultural advisory team and Methodology Entrepreneurialteam, Rural household and agro-tourism Administration Team of accounting and human resources REGIONAL ADVISORY TEAM: RZD Belchatow RZD Opoczno RZD Piotrkow Tryb. RZD Radomsko RZD Tomaszow Mazowiecki Branch DIRECTOR Piotrkow Tryb. Agricultural advisory team and Methodology Branch in Piotrkow Trybunalski Head Office in Bratoszewice Branch in Koscierzyn
Organizationalstructure • In regard to the gudelines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was created a need to place additional posts in the structure of agricultural advisory centres: • Chief specialist. innovation • Innovation broker, • LODR in Bratoszewice plans to introduce changes in the organizational structure of 2016. This is the result of the fact that the Ministry has granted additional funds for financing and co-financing of technical assistance within the framework of the RDP'S 2014-2020.
PRIORITIES for action the farm AdvisoryCentre of Lodzin Bratoszewice - 2016 • I. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2014-2020 • help farmers in obtaining EU funds and national • transfer of knowledge and innovation in rural areas • Improvement ofcompetitiveness of all kinds of agricultural activities • Improvement of organisation of the food chain • II. SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT • Pro-enviromentactivitiesand environmentalprotection • promotion ofdevelopment of entrepreneurship and growth of rural residents • organisation of trade fairs, exhibitions, competitions, Olympiads and demonstrations • Creation ofdigital platforms to assist agricultural holdings.
Exhibitionevents in 2016 • 17/04/2016 - XI PIOTRKOWSKIE HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION‚Rememberthe gardens’ - LODR Branch in Piotrkow Tryb. • 23-24/04/2016 - XXIV Agricultural Fair of AGRICULTURE 2016, LODRCentre based in Bratoszewice • 21-22/05/2016 – XXVI FAIR Agricultural and Horticultural, Branch in Koscierzyn • 18-19/06/2016 - AGRICULTURAL FAIR ‚At the heart of the Polish’ 18TH PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION OF ANIMALS KEPT FOR FARMING PURPOSES, LODR in Bratoszewice • 27-28/08/2016 – XXV Promotional/Commercial Agricultural Exhibition ROL-CHANCE 2016, LODR Branch in PiotrkowTryb. • VI. 18/09/2016 - „Autumnin field and garden’ KoscierzynskiPotatoDay, • Branchin Koscierzyn
MASS EVENTS WHERE DISTRICT SPECIALISTS TEAMS OF ADVISORS ARE PLANNED TO ATTENDDISTRICT SPECIALISTS TEAMS OF ADVISORS(participation or co-organization-advising, promotion of the institution, its work programmes, the promotion of the common agricultural policy and agricultural policy, Member States, the Organization stands to promote news and achieve production of farmers, etc.)
Tasks of economicinitiative farm household and agrotourism in 2016 • Task: to educate farmers in the field of RDP 2014-2020 • Carriedout by: • transmission of projectinformation and availablefunds (advice and training) • raisingfarmers ' knowledge of applicablelaws and regulations and the conditions of implementation of operationsunder the RDP 2014-2020 (advice and training) • to prepare farmers for the self-determination for the selection of activities and funds directed at rural areas (advice and training) • Table 2.Method of tasks' execution
Tasks of economicinitiative farm household and agrotourism in 2016 • Task: Promoting the development of agro-tourism and rural tourism and promotionof the village as an attractive vacation destination • Carriedout by: • Creation ofa database of holdings of the rural tourism • preparation of rural residents the right to pursue activities in the field of rural tourism and agrotourism (advice and training) • presentation of the farm tourism exhibition events • Table3.Method of tasks' execution
Tasks of economicinitiative farm household and agrotourism in 2016 • Task: To promote the development of economicinitiativeand growth of rural residents • Carriedout by: • transmission of project information and available funds for the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas • dissemination and communication of changes in legislation on direct sales • Support ofexisting and developing new educational units • Table 4.Method of tasks' execution
Tasks of economicinitiative farm household and agrotourism in 2016 • Task: Actions for dissemination and preservation of cultural and natural heritageand functional household device • Carriedout by: • the promotion of regional and local brands • the promotion of culturalheritage • Cultivation of culinaryheritage • dissemination of food quality schemes • Table 5.Method of tasks' execution
Economictasks for 2016 • Task: Advocacy and support group forms of cooperation for farmers • Carriedout by: • promotingthe idea of cooperation of farmers within the framework of the producer groups and technical assistance for emerging groups to create registration documents and obtaining assistance under the RDP 2014-2020 and other sources of funding the promotion of culturalheritage • encouraging groupactionsin management of water drainage equipment and assistance in obtaininga grant for a water company activities • working with existing and forming producer groups and water companies • Table 6.Method of tasks' execution
Economictasksin 2016 • Task: Agri-food market analysis and measures for agricultural production and viability of different directions of production • Carriedout by: • collectingand publishing of up-to-date information on market prices of agricultural products and means of agricultural production • providing information about the changes of prices and price trends of agricultural products • providinginformationabout the entitiesbuying the cereals, fruits and vegetables, and animals • development and publication of profitability ofselectedagricultural production calculations
Economictasksin 2016 • Table7.Method of tasks' execution • *the number of monitored points/number of melds
Economictasksin 2016 • Task: Raising the knowledge in the field aboutbalancedmanagement of agricultural holding in the context of existing tax laws and insurance • Carriedout by: • deliveringlatestinformation on currenttaxsystems and insuranceto farmers • preparingfarmers for self-determination in choosing how the VAT settlement. Table 8.Method of tasks' execution
Economictasksin 2016 • Task: The accounts of agricultural holdings • Carriedout by: • farmersfamiliarization withaccounting principles • exploitation of the results of the accountingactivities EN FADN (individual) farm management • farmers preparationsfor the accounting resulting from the implementation of some of the RDP'S 2014-2020 Table9. Method of tasks' execution
Tasks of agriculturalproductionsystems and qualitystandards in 2016 • Task: Knowledge transferoncrop production and gardening • Carriedout by: • dissemination of the General principles of integrated pest management integrated pest management, plant production, the implementation of legal provisions • the introduction of methods of integratedpest management of individualcrops • the implementation of economically justified and environmentally sound new technologies in crop production • disseminationof economicthresholds of the harmfulpathogens and decisionsupportsystems in plant protection • disseminationof the results of the evaluationcarried out in the plant Porejestrowego Varietal and AgriculturalExperimentation • the use of modern professional weather station-station data are used in Monitoring Agricultural Drought System in Poland (www.susza.iung.pulawy.pl) and other advisory programs benefiting from the current meteorological data, inter alia, decision support system in integrated pest management and plant protection (www.ipm.iung.pulawy.pl) and the system of agricultural weather-related Recommendations • organizationof the provincial Agricultural Knowledge Olympiad XXIV
Tasks of agriculturalproductionsystems and qualitystandards for the year 2016 Table10. Method of tasks' execution
Tasks of agriculturalproductionsystems and qualitystandardsin 2016 • Task: Knowledge transferonlivestock production • Carriedout by: • dissemination of technological innovation in animal production • advice on the application of the principle of cross-compliance (cross compliance) • consultancy for leading livestock production on the maintenance of land in good agricultural • disseminationof knowledge of the law provisionson animalprotectionamongfarmers in LodzVoivodeship • knowledge transfer on animalwelfareconditions, with regards to the variability of the parameters of the environment resulting from the intensity of production and the applied technologysolutions • dissemination of innovative solutions in the production of animal husbandry with regards tothe relevant problems and intensive farming trade breeding with the presentation of the latest scientific advances to their overcoming • informationon the possibility of buying the means of production • breeding advice for the renovation of the herd and of the selection, the selection of breeders,the purchase of breeding youth problems with reproduction, as well as animal nutrition, prevention of health of the herd • organisationof exhibitions and demonstrations of farm animals to promote the progress of breeding and disseminating knowledge zootechnical
Tasks of agriculturalproductionsystems and qualitystandardsin 2016 Table11. Method of tasks' execution
Tasks of agriculturalproductionsystems and qualitystandardsin 2016 • Task: Knowledge transferonpromotingeco-friendly attitude and pro-environment (agri-environment programmes, reducing nitrogen runoff from agricultural sources, res) • Carriedout by: • disseminationactivitiesaimedatreducingnitrogenrunoff from agriculturalsources, mainly in areasthatareparticularlyvulnerable (OSN) • the promotion of a code of good agricultural practice is, inter alia, the protection of the environment in the area of agriculture, improve the efficiency of the management of water resources and soil (especially towards to abate acidification of soils) • the promotion of rational fertilization with particular regard to the liming of soils • to promote the rational management, and water and sewage systems in rural areas • promotion of balancedmanagment ,eco-friendly food production methods • to helpfarmerswith implementationof eco - farm-climatechangesprogrammes • to promote the use of agriculturalraw materials in obtainingrenewableenergysources • dissemination of knowledge on, and strengthenprotection of the ecosystemsthatdepend on agricultureand forestry • promotion of the Natura 2000 areas, promotion of protectedareas in terms of naturalattractions and cultural • the promotion of qualitysystems for the manufacture of the products eitherdirectlyorafterprocessing for humanconsumption
Tasks of agriculturalproductionsystems and qualitystandardsin 2016 • to support the effective management of resources and the transition to a low-carbon economy and climate change-resistant in the sectors of agriculture, food and forestry sectors • the promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) in rural areas and crops for energy purposes • the provincial organization of the olympics of knowledge about ecology and environmental protection, the contest „The best organic farm" Table12. Method of tasks' execution
Tasks of agriculturalproductionsystems and qualitystandardsin 2016 • Task: Knowledge transferonmachinery, construction and preservation • Carriedout by: • the right to adjust and correct selection of parameters of agricultural machinery and equipment to guarantee a well executed agrotechnicalsurgery • Grantinglicensesby the sprayers • technology and technique in agricultural preservation • sensitization on safety and healthatwork in cropproduction, livestock, gardening • sensitization on safety and health at work of the operators of machinery and equipment used onthe farm • protection of groundwateragainstpollutioncaused by certaindangeroussubstances • the modernisation and equipment of livestock buildings, in accordance with the requirements of ensuring the welfare of animals • proper storage of manure; dungingplate, liquid manure tank, in the municipalities covered by the GES
Tasks of agriculturalproductionsystems and qualitystandardsin 2016 Table13. Method of tasks' execution
Tasks of methodology, training, consultancy and publications in 2016 • The diversity of tasks performed by the Provincial Centre of AgriculturalAdvisory of LodzkieVoivodeship based in Bratoszewiceobliges staff development training, advisory and improvement. Educationis gained only, it is not a tool for the proper execution of the work, it is necessary to improve continuouslyindividual development and competence. With this in mind training and Counselling Methodology Department Releases improvesstaff skills andensures that the Advisory Board, organizing internal and external training. This type of training we have often shared with: Ministry of agriculture and rural development Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinow,universities and scientific institutes. • The tasks of the section include, among others: • coordinatingorganizationalcells in programmingactivities, • the implementation of the programme of activities and reporting on the implementation of the action • cooperation with coordinating regulatory and educationalactivitiesunits and advisoryactivitiesaimedatupgradingprofessionalskills of farmers and otherruralresidents • information and activities in support of the agricultural production development in publishing, notably through the development of editorial articles for the monthly magazine the RADA and materials to once publications (brochures, leaflets) and publication on the website. • Of the above mentioned reasons, inter alia, the task of the Department and scheduled for execution on the 2016 year:
Tasks of methodology, training, consultancy and publications in 2016 • Task: Coordinatingtrainingactivities • Carriedout by: • recordkeeping • the collection of business notes, lists, presence and their evaluation • keepingstatements and reporting • professional supervision over the training relating to the use of plant protection products by using ground equipment intended for the use of these measures, with the exception of equipment mounted on vehicles which run on rails and other equipment used in rail transport, (logs, records, record certificates issued, archiving, documentation)
Tasks of methodology, training, consultancy and publications in 2016 • Task: Coordinating and organizingadvice • Carriedout by: • the development of collectiveactivities • the development of cumulativereporting • the development of designs for planned advisory work documents.
Tasks of methodology, training, consultancy and publications in 2016 • Task: The issue of RADAmagazine, brochures, flyers and other • Carriedout by: • writing and drafting articles for the monthly magazine RADA • acquisition and financial accounting for advertisers • acquisition of materials and their editorial correction • development of brochures, flyers for printingmagazine printing,flyers, brochures, etc.