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This comprehensive overview outlines the appointments, recruitment rules, post-based reservation system, and cadre fixation processes for various Group ‘A’ services on Indian Railways.
Appointments to Group ‘A’ on Indian Railways • 8 organized Group ‘A’ services • IRSE, IRSEE, IRSME, IRSSE, IRSS IRTS, IRAS and IRPS • Appointment through directrecruitment and promotion • appointment to the lowest rung of the Group ‘A’ cadre, viz Junior Scale (Rs 8000 - 13500).
Appointments to Group ‘A’ on Indian Railways • Miscellaneous Group ‘A’ cadres • Law, Hindi, PR, CMT, EDP etc. • Appointment through DR/promotion /deputation as per Rectt Rules. • Appointment made directly to Senior Scale (Rs 10000 - 15200).
Recruitment Rules (Org services) • Rectt Rules ---- 50% vacancies in Junior scale of Group ‘A’ through DR and 50%vacanciesthrough promotion. • Promotion from amongst Gr ‘B’ officers with 3 years in Gr ‘B’. • Hence, total no. of vacancies calculated and divided for DR and promotion in the ratio of 50:50.
Post-based reservation system • Reservation for SC/ST to be provided as a percentage of total no. of posts, not of vacancies. • Separate rosters for DR and promotion, each having no. of posts as per %ages fixed in Rectt Rules. • All RRs to be amended, replacing “percentage ofvacancies to be filled by the different modes” by “percentage of posts to be filled by different modes”
Recruitment Rules for misc cadres • In misc cadres, %age of vacancies by different modes simply replaced by %age of posts, with no change in the number. • For example, in OL cadre, 50% ofvacancies by promotion changed to 50%of posts by promotion.
Junior scale cadre – fixation of cadre strength • In the major 8 depts , Group ‘B’ and Junior scale( Group ‘A’) form a combined cadre. Posts sanctioned as Assistant officers and are also inter-changeable. • With post based reservation system:- • first task - separate and determine the junior scale (Gr A ) cadre strength. • Second task - determine the ratio of JS posts to be filled through DR and promotion.
Junior scale cadre – fixation of cadre strength (contd) • In 2001, Junior scale Group ‘A’ cadre was fixed from out of the total combined JS/Gr B cadre consisting of 5600 (approx) posts. • Required annual intake from either stream - 170 each per year, further adjusted to 180 each per year. • Basis Av intake per yr = total posts(SS & above) av length of service in Gr A (SS & above)
Jr. Scale Cadre fixation(contd.) • Average intake per year = 6000 av of 31yrs (DR) and 10yrs(P) = 6000 = 285 21yrs = 360(after adjustments) • promotion quota every year = 180 • DR quota every year = 180
Jr. Scale Cadre fixation (contd.) • DR batches, after joining Railways, undergo 1-1/2 years of training and work for 2-1/2 years in JS Group ‘A’ posts before promotion to Senior Scale. • Promotees vacate Jr Scale posts immediately due to their further promotion to Sr Scale on account of ante dating of seniority in Group A. • Jr Scale Posts are occupied, at any given time, by 3 batches of DRs and one batch of promotees
Jr scale cadre fixation (contd) • Promotees get 5 years weightage in seniority in Group ‘A’ • Service reqd for promotion from Jr Scale to Sr Scale 4 years • Hence due to ante-dating of seniority by 5 years,they stand further promoted to Sr Scale immediately.
Jr scale cadre fixation (contd) • Hence, Jr scale(Group A) posts divided in the ratio of 3:1 for DR and promotion and provision being made accordingly in the Recruitment Rules. • DR 180 + 180 + 180 = 540 (1998) (1999) (2000) • PQ 180 (2000) = 180 • TotalJS Group ‘A’ Cadre = 720
Revision of Jr scale cadre strength • In 2005, Jr Scale cadre strength was revised and fixed at 1273. • BASIS: Actual indents for DR and promotion quota were added and divided in the ratio of 3:1 between DR and promotees.. • Thus, promotion quota for 2005-06 onwards fixed at 318
Further revision in jr scale cadre strength • In 2007, Jr scale cadre strength further revised to 1647, with 411(25%) posts for promotion quota. • BASIS Jr Scale cadre strength (including reserves) of the different Rly services as finally approved by the cabinet in the cadre review exercise, were added to get the total Jr Scale cadre strength.
Jr Scale Cadre • 1236 (DR) + 411 (Promotees) = 1647 • Promotion Quota 2002-03 to 2004-05 = 180 per year 2005-06 to 2006-07 = 318 per year 2007-08 onwards = 411 per year
Cadre strength of Junior Scale of Organized Services • Promotion to Group ‘A’ is made every year to the full extent of 411 posts due to full vacation of the promotion quota junior scale posts • Direct recruitment is also to be made every year roughly to the same extent viz 411 posts • Ratio of intake to Group “A” by the two modes remains same. In fact, actual intake has been less for DR in the last few years due to reduction of indents to 1/3rd
Implications of demand • With increase of promotion quota to 50% of Jr Scale posts, annual intake through promotion will be 822 in place of 411. • Number of posts for DR will be 822 as against 1236. • Annual intake through DR every year will be 822 /3=274.