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SUMMER SESSION 2012. Summer Session guidelines Procedures and Simplified Personnel Action Form (PAF). Summer Session 2012 Guidelines There are several updates, so be sure to review the Guidelines.
SUMMER SESSION 2012 Summer Session guidelines Procedures and Simplified Personnel Action Form (PAF)
Summer Session 2012 GuidelinesThere are several updates, so be sure to review the Guidelines • Summer Session Office in the Office of the Provost will handle both SS resident courses and Distance Learning taught in summer • Summer Session Task force developed new guidelines for Summer 2009, tweaked them for 2012 • Incorporates revenue sharing model for the colleges • Updates course classifications • Provides for a wide range of session dates • Incorporates Distance Learning taught in Summer • Guidelines are posted on Office of the Provost’s web site (APR #19): http://www.wcu.edu/11544.asp
Summer 2012 • New Summer PAF and Procedures for use Summer 2012 are located on the HR Forms web site: http://www.wcu.edu/13158.asp • Incorporates Faculty summer appointment contract for any faculty not on currently active contract (no longer require contract piece on full time TT and FixT on active multi year contract) • Use for resident credit courses AND Distance Learning to be taught in Summer
Summer PAF • “TYPE” section on PAF – to indicate if this is a new appt or additional pay for permanent faculty on active contract • Combines resident and distance learning for summer teaching • One process during summer and • one process during rest of academic year • Must be sure to include appropriate position #’s for each • Includes drop down menu’s and comment boxes for clarification and ease of use • Dept does NOT fill in dollar amounts nor pay dates for Summer Session courses • Dept does fill in fund acct codes and position #’s
Summer 2012 Procedures • Department fills out the PAF on-line • The initial PAF will be zeroed out for dollars • Lists classes to be taught, fund/acct #, position #’s to pay from, but not dollar amounts to pay • This form gets the new instructor access to the classes in banner and includes a contract for any faculty not on current contract • Departments are responsible for loading the courses and instructors into Banner
Summer 2012 Procedures • Dept prints out PAF and sends through signature process to Department Head and Dean • If not on currently active faculty contract, the Dean’s office sends PAF/Contract to Faculty member for signature on the contract • When Dean receives back PAF and signed contract - sends it to Summer Session office
Summer 2012 Summer Session Office • For New adjunct appointment, Summer Session Office will make a copy of the zeroed out PAF and send original to HR to do intake, compliance and establish identity in Banner – original contract filed in personnel file • Remember your pre-requisites • background screening requirement • credentialing • For additional pay for permanent faculty – SS will keep original zeroed PAF– nothing goes to HR on these • SS retains zeroed PAFs and determines dollar amounts to confirm pay with departments once final enrollment is established and configurations completed. • College will know compensation amounts 1 week prior to payroll deadline. • QUICK TURN AROUND – College will confirm amounts within 48 hours
Summer 2012 Summer Session Office • Once compensation is reconciled with the College, Summer Session office submits a pay EPAF electronically and the information is loaded into Banner for payment. • Payment is made according to pay calendar distributed from the Office of the Provost. Terms lasting 4.5 weeks or longer will have multiple pay periods. (See APR 19 for pay schedules per term.) • Payments are made at the end of the month NOTE: After drop add date, if there is no payment for a class, the PAF is voided for that class and faculty access is removed as appropriate
Key PointsAccuracy in every blank is essential! • Contract piece no longer needed for permanent faculty on active contract • All SS PAF’s go to SS office – due by March 28th • DL and resident taught in summer session all processed on one SS PAF for each instructor • Funding for DL teaching is responsibility of the College (no longer Ed Outreach) • Cross listed Distance courses must be indicated as such on PAF – these are paid by Dept DL funding (not Summer Session)
Key PointsInformation on your PAF MUST match the information in Banner for pay calculations to be correct! • Degree earned affects AMOUNT of pay • Type of employee (FT, PT, Retired) affects AMOUNT of pay • Session dates MUST be accurate because dates directly affect WHEN the person is paid! • Course classification (must be approved by the Dean) affects AMOUNT of pay • Pay attention to your position #’s and budget codes - contact budget office if have questions
Note • Course classifications must be loaded into Banner with the course – Banner Contract Codes – THIS AFFECTS PAY CALCULATIONS • PAF’s with missing or incorrect information will be put aside and will likely delay pay to the next pay cycle or later.
Distance Learning Budgets • Any questions, please contact the budget office or the Provost’s office.
Final notes • Guidelines are on the Office of Provost’s web site: http://www.wcu.edu/11544.asp • Forms are on HR Forms web site: http://www.wcu.edu/13158.asp • Send all input, questions and suggestions about forms and process to vknaack@email.wcu.edu • Contact the Summer Session (Office of the Provost) for questions about Summer Session courses and guidelines - Ann Green: ahgreen@email.wcu.edu