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Mrs Tunde Kallai Managing director Prolog GmbH KICK OFF MEETING of Leonardo Partenariat CASES We Work PARIS, FRANCE 22/23 November 2012. Social innovation and help for local players/ start-ups in Switzerland ( Preliminary research ).
MrsTundeKallai Managingdirector Prolog GmbH KICK OFF MEETING of Leonardo Partenariat CASESWeWork PARIS, FRANCE 22/23 November 2012. Social innovation and help for local players/ start-ups in Switzerland (Preliminary research)
"Social Innovations are innovations that are social both in theirends and in their means. Specifically, we define socialinnovations as new ideas (products, services and models) thatsimultaneously meet social needs (more effectively thanalternatives) and create new social relationships or collaborations." ExamplesfromSwitzerland
http://seif.org/social-entrepreneurship-2/ http://blog.socialentrepreneurship.ch/2012/11/do-you-want-to-make-a-difference/ https://www.facebook.com/seif.org Social Entrepreneurship Initiative and Foundation SEF-SwissStart-upAward
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30xlabL-iEw&feature=relmfu • Atizoas ONLINE BRAINSTORMING PLATFORMfacilitates a growing web-community of creative thinkers who are characterized by their user, consumer and other special knowledge. Atizo continually develops innovation management tools to help the community mobilize and that support the innovation process. Innovator teams form to participate in innovation projects for companies and organizations of all sizes and from all sectors. • Atizo'splatform supports the development of new products, services and marketing ideas within companies own community and/or with the Atizo community which provides access to thousands of creative thinkers. URL: www.atizo.com
Launching „The TEAM” - an online collaborative platform that combines the IDEATION processwithCrowdsourcingin productivity with tools &functionsfrom social networking and openinnovation (an Hungarian-Swissproject concept2012) Concept: Mrs Tunde Kallai, EU senior expert, Project evaluator of European Commission, ESIC Exploitation Expert for FP7 NMP Program Open Innovation & Living Lab expert CEO of Prolog GmbH – Rotkreuz, Switzerland 31.05.2012
The focus of web applications on collaborative efforts is stronger than evertoimprovetheskills and capacities of theindiciduals and teams. • The main goal of „The TEAM” project is • 1.to develop, evaluate and launch a newsocialnetworkingbased online platform, called „The Team” inordertomanagethe IDEATION process (Idea generation-Ideaprioritisation – ImplementationPlanning), which is combinedwithinteractivecrowdsourcingfunctionalityforstart-ups, entrepreneurs, researchers, professionalsinanysector and level. • 2.In the end of thedaytouse The TEAM astraining platform toimprovetheentrepreneurialskillswithinthelargenetwork of TECHNOPARK Luzern and CORDI in Hungary. • 3.As a market producttoform a newstart-upcompanyorin Hungary, orinSwitzerlandorinbothcountries. • 4. The usedapproach is basedontheLivingLabmethodology: • - activeinvolvement of theusersduringtheworkshopsfromtheveryearlystage • - assessment/evaluationbytutors and facillitatorsby „hybrid” way – online tutoringand facetofaceworkshops „The TEAM”
BasedontheLiving Lab (LL) approach : - Activeuserinvolvement, ineachphase of the IDEATION flow , - Collaborative and co-creative onlineplatform - Hightechnical feasibility potentials fornewSME applications , products/ services. Flow of Ideasstepbystep
User-drivenCrowdsourced IDEAITION Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Large seminar in Hungary Regional workshops Final Conference Switzerland IDEATION Competence Center and new produzt Process and Timeframe of IdeationProcess 2014 2013 2012 2013
Idea generation – Ideaprioritisation – ImplementationplanningusingLivingLabmethodologies
General info: Project budget: 100.000 CHF 90% financialsupportbySwissPartnershipBlock Grant 10% owncontribution & inkind 60.000 CHF for Hungary 40.000 CHF forSwitzerland Project duration: 12 ormax 15 months Deadline: 30 th of September.2012 Proposalsubmissionin 2 languages: Hungarian and English Project writing: MrsTundeKallaiinbothlanguages More info:http://www.swiss-contribution.admin.ch/hungary/en/Home/Thematic_priorities/NGO_Block_Grant_Twinning_and_Partnerships http://www.swiss-contribution.admin.ch/hungary/en/Home/Thematic_priorities/NGO_Block_Grant_Twinning_and_Partnerships/Twinning_and_Partnership_Block_Grant Participants: 1. Project Coordinator: CORDI Non-ProfitZrt. (HU)www.cordi.hu- HUSub-contractors: IBM software developer (1 people) and innovationexperts (2)2. Project parner:TECHNOPARK Luzern (CH) (to be decided)www.technopark-luzern.ch
CVs of „The Team” platform developers ATTILA LUKACS Attila Lukács is co-founder of 'Egyben' ("Wholly" or "All-inv" or "TheTeam"), a Hungarian Crowdsourcing & Open Idea Management initiative. He is researching and evaluating on-line open idea management, crowdsourcing and social project management tools & methodologies in order to develop a comprehensive methodology and an on-line webtool for integrating social project owners, consumers, micro-investors, “idea-providers” into one community.” With Adam Bukovinszki’s methodology support, he designed and deployed an open-idea / crowdsourcing website (currently running on Joomla CMS in Pilot phase). Attila also has a strong background and multi-year, multi-national practices in Project Management, Management Consulting, Webdesign / Web technologies. As Senior Consultant of the world largest Management Consulting companies (PwC BCS, IBM MCS) he significantly contributed to the success of several domestic and multi-national projects at large international clients. From these projects he gained experiences in the following areas: working with international teams; organizing and facilitating workshops & trainings; negotiating with potential suppliers; providing technical and strategic methodology support; managing bids, consortium members and subcontractors; and providing quality assurance of processes and deliverables. ADAM BUKOVINSZKI Adam Bukovinszki is co-founder of Egyben ("Wholly"), a CrowdSourcing technology development startup that aim to provide tools, services and methodology framework for large communities to join their skills, knowledge and resources in definig and completing complex tasks or products. His general activity is to observe, analyse and understand the global situation as a whole and developeor contribute to local solutions towards a flourishing society; including the education and empowerment of individuals and communities (eg.YES-YouthEmpowermentSeminar). As an activist/diplomat he also served as youth representative of Hungary to various international initiatives (IAHV, OneYoungWorld), taking action in projects like the UN'MDG-s. In 2010 he was also asked to stand as an MP candidate for Civil party during general elections in Hungary.
Thank you for your attention ! MrsTundeKallai EU seniorexpert Managingdirector PROLOG GmbH CH – 6343 Rotkreuz, 1, Birkenmatt