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Analyze Germany's defeat, state roles in Europe post-WWII, Khrushchev's policies, Soviet fears, and European unity. Homework and journal entries guide study.
Tuesday, 4/17/18 POD – AP European History - Verify your DBQ 2010 is marked up correctly - Fill out/turn in your Newscast grade sheet - PPT #701– the origins of the Cold War JOURNAL ENTRY 7-4 Considering the period 1933 to 1945, analyze the economic, diplomatic and military reasons for Germany’s defeat in the Second World War. (2006-7) HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson #2 from p. 933-940 Notes for Lesson #1 are optional (924-933) DUE DATE FOR VIDEOS SHIFTED TO MONDAY, MAY 7
Wednesday, 4/18/18 POD – AP European History PPT #702 (Western Renaissance) Intro to Project Cold War JOURNAL ENTRY 7-5 Compare and contrast the social and economic roles of the state in 17th and 18th century Europe (before 1789) to the social and economic roles of the state in Europe after the Second World War (2006-5) HOMEWORK Research your assigned topics, and bring notes or print out. Tomorrow, your group will combine this info, and use it to create support for an argument that your group will also create Tomorrow night, you’ll be responsible for ONE of those topics… but tonight, you need to research them all. Read/notes for Lesson #3 from p. 940-955 for tomorrow Also, know about the KITCHEN DEBATE discussed in the “green” section of the book
Thursday, 4/19/18 POD – AP European History PPT #702 (Western Renaissance) Project Cold War JOURNAL ENTRY 7-6 Describe the extent to which Khrushchev continued Stalin’s policies while maintaining a persona of a non-threatening opponent. HOMEWORK Turn your thesis into an essay. Spend 30-35 min writing a good first draft… Read/notes for Lesson #3 from p. 940-955 for tomorrow Also, know about the KITCHEN DEBATE discussed in the “green” section of the book
Friday, 4/20/18 POD – AP European History Take out your essay Read it out loud to your group – make sure yours is PERFECT, and Assist others in theirs – so their essays are perfect, too PPT 701 – Origins of the Cold War PPT 702 – Western Renaissance PPT 703 - Khrushchev JOURNAL ENTRY 7-7 To what extent has the Soviet fear of German aggression form their Western Frontier policy. Evaluate their decisions, as you know them, to this point. HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson #5 (978-980) And… Read/notes for Lesson #4 (960-970) if you did not already… And… Read/notes for Lesson #3 (940-955) if you did not already… KEEP PLANNING AND WORKING YOUR NEWSCAST VIDEOS (DUE MONDAY, MAY 7)
Monday, 4/23/18 POD – AP European History In your journal, label the date, but take two pages, and divide each page into 3 parts. Label each part with one of these topics (below) For each topic, write down what was the topic of the thesis (the planned argument, not the whole one) and if how they proved it, or why they didn’t PPT 703 (Khrushchev & 1950s) JOURNAL ENTRY 7-8 Early European unity (1951, 1957) French Reaction of American meddling (esp. from Charles de Gaulle) Disparity between “East” and “West” Soviet Five Year Plans and collectivization Khrushchev and destalinization Khrushchev and “peaceful coexistence” HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson # 6 (980-991) TEST is MAY 1 (TUESDAY) (tomorrow I’ll check your notes on Lessons 4-6)
Tuesday, 4/24/18 RHO KAPPA Social Studies Honor Society is offering AP exam study session on Monday, April 30th from 2:30 to 4:00 in cafeteria. Pizza slices can be purchased in advance for students who want it for $1 a slice. Order slips are available in room #211 (Mr. Perry’s room). POD – AP European History Start chart #1 Check HW; In your journal, label the date, there will be ONE lucky essay reader today For winner, write down: what was the topic of the thesis (the planned argument, not the whole one) and if how they proved it, or why they didn’t PPT 704 (Khrushchev and Brezhnev of 1960s) PPT 705 (new crisis of the 1970s) (time permitting) JOURNAL ENTRY 7-9 Rebellions in Poland and Hungary, 1958 Soviet response to U2 Spy Plane incident, 1960 Berlin Wall, 1961 Arms Race, Soviet perspective Paris Rebellion, 1968 Prague Spring and Brezhnev Doctrine, 1968 HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson # 7 (996-1009) TEST is MAY 1 (TUESDAY) Watch Tom Richie Video - AP Euro Post-WWII Stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkIOV-_wx_k&list=PLfzs_X6OQBOxudw-bxvxBuTWvh6bwaVhQ&index=79&t=0s
RHO KAPPA Social Studies Honor Society is offering AP exam study session on Monday, April 30th from 2:30 to 4:00 in cafeteria. Pizza slices can be purchased in advance for students who want it for $1 a slice. Order slips are available in room #211 (Mr. Perry’s rm). Wednesday, 4/25/18 POD – AP European History Discuss Tom Richie’s video (from last night) We’ll do two essays today: your ONE from 7-9 and one from 7-10 Check HW; In your journal, label the date, there will be ONE lucky essay reader today For winner, write down: what was the topic of the thesis (the planned argument, not the whole one) and if how they proved it, or why they didn’t PPT 705 (new crisis of the 1970s) PPT 706 (the final end of the cold war - 1980s) Work on Chart #1 - chart of European leadership JOURNAL ENTRY 7-10 Brezhnev and détente Helsinki Accords and SALT Talks, 1970s Impact of OPEC crisis on European economy & politics The multiple world crises in 1979 Common Market (EEC) Thatcher’s new Britain of 1979-1990 HOMEWORK TEST is MAY 1 (TUESDAY) Watch ONE of these videos: Cold War in 9 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_apL--9Yf4 What is the Cold War? A Brief History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVqziNV7dGY
Thursday, 4/26/18 POD – AP European History Finish chart // check lesson #7 notes In your journal, label the date, there will be one, as many as THREE lucky essay readers today – give each a page. For “winners,” write down: what was the topic of the thesis (the planned argument, not the whole one) and if how they proved it, or why they didn’t PPT 706 (the final end of the cold war - 1980s) PPT 707 (Collapse of the Soviet Union – 1990s) JOURNAL ENTRY 7-11 Rebellion in Poland, 1980-1981 Impact of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on Soviet Union, 1979-1989 Ceacescu’s Romania Gorbechev’ s Perestroika and Glasnost Rebellions in Poland, Hungary and Berlin, 1989 Split of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia Dissolving of the Soviet Union, 1991 Yeltsin’s Russia Putin’s Russia HOMEWORK TEST is MAY 1 (TUESDAY) RHO KAPPA Social Studies Honor Society is offering AP exam study session on Monday, April 30th from 2:30 to 4:00 in cafeteria. Pizza slices can be purchased in advance for students who want it for $1 a slice. Order slips are available in room #211 (Mr. Perry’s room). See next slide for test topics.
Subjects on test • Iron Curtain, Soviet fears, Berlin Blockade, Satellite nations (what’s a “one party dictatorship”?) • NATO, Warsaw Pact, relationships created and diminished in post war climate (ex: Fr./USA), and why Soviets were “anti-Church” • Destalinization, Decolonization and pressures of immigration • France trying to keep Algeria, being anti-NATO yet pro-Euro union • Marshall Plan leading to a European Socialist agenda (“cradle-to-grave” concept and “the welfare state”) • COMECON, the “economic miracle,” “guest workers” in Germany, and reasons for the failure of central planned economy • Rebellions in 1956, 1968, 1990 and 1989 • Symbols and doctrines, like the Berlin Wall, Brezhnev Doctrine, Truman Doctrine, and the Cuban Missile Crisis // missiles in Turkey • Technology advancements like Sputnik and nuclear triad • European Union – result was economic, purpose was prevention… • Gorbechev’ s unsuccessful reforms (military, perestroika, glasnost) • Changes in Germany pre-WWII vs. post-WWII
Friday, 4/27/17 POD – AP European History Check finished charts and any other missing work HAPPY NATIONAL PRETZEL DAY – grab a free one on Mr. J Cold War in 9 minutes videos Cold War in 9 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_apL--9Yf4 What is the Cold War? A Brief History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVqziNV7dGY Finish all missing pieces of PPTs, like DECOLONIZATION Finally read three essays… Review timeline on board Review any sections in which there might be confusion Sample newscast from students https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvaKa70CDyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvaKa70CDyI HOMEWORK TEST is MAY 1 (TUESDAY) – review material NEWSCAST FROM THE PAST – due May 7 (10 days)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVqziNV7dGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB1Y4Lu1rZs Monday, 4/30/18 RHO KAPPA APPLICATIONS ARE DUE TOMORROW POD – AP European History Finish all PPTs Each group will get one prompt. These are Prompts which will be used on the test; you don’t know the questions, but you should know what the prompt is addressing Prepare the following for the class: Describe the Prompt Describe the significance of the Prompt Discuss what can be learned from the Prompt What questions might I ask dealing with both an analysis of the prompt and other issues dealing with it. HOMEWORK Journals due Wednesday (day of the test) SCANTRON – Bumped to Wednesday NEWSCAST IS DUE MONDAY May 7 SUPERQUIZ #4 (all vocab of the entire year!) – Friday May 11 Don’t forget today afterschool is the course review with Rho Kappa 2:30-4:00 in cafeteria.
Winston S. Churchill, “Iron Curtain” speech, March 5, 1946 • In a great number of countries, far from the Russian frontiers and throughout the world, Communist fifth columns are established and work in complete unity and absolute obedience to the directions they receive from the Communism is in its infancy, the Communist parties or fifth columns constitute a growing challenge and peril to Christian civilization…. • I do not believe that Soviet Russia desires war. What they desire is the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines. But what we have to consider here today while time remains, is the permanent prevention of war and the establishment of conditions of freedom and democracy as rapidly as possible in all countries… From what I have seen of our Russian friends and allies during the war, I am convinced that there is nothing they admire so much as strength, and there is nothing for which they have less respect than for weakness, especially military weakness. For that reason the old doctrine of a balance of power is unsound.
Peter J. Boettke, Why Perestroika Failed, 2002 “The old Soviet empire was doomed to collapse for structural reasons. In addition to the failed economic system, politically the empire simply overstepped the bounds of feasible control. Once Gorbachev unleashed the forces of glasnost and demokratizatsiya it was like squeezing a tube of toothpaste—the toothpaste cannot be put back in.”
Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World, 1987 Perestroika [Restructuring] is an urgent necessity arising from the profound processes of development in our socialist society. This society is ripe for change. It has long been yearning for it. Any delay in beginning perestroika could have led to an exacerbated internal situation in the near future, which, to put it bluntly, would have been fraught with serious social, economic, and political crises.
John le Carre, British Novelist,The Secret Pilgrim, 1990 “It was man who ended the Cold War in case you didn’t notice. It wasn’t weaponry or technology or armies. It was just one man. Not even a Western man. It was their emperor who had the nerve to declare that the emperor had no clothes. And the ideologies trailed after the impossible events like condemned prisoners, as ideologies do when they’ve had their day.”
Heinrich August Winkler, Germany: The Long Road West, Volume 1, 2006 For a long time, educated Germans answered it in the positive, initially by laying claim to a special German mission, then, after the collapse of 1945, by criticizing Germany’s deviation from the West. Today, the negative view is predominant. Germany did not, according to the now prevailing opinion, differ from the great European nations to an extent that would justify speaking of a “unique Germany path.” And, in any case, no country on earth ever took what can be described as the “normal path.”
U.S. President John F. Kennedy, in his Cuban Missile Crisis speech to the American people, October 22, 1962 “Good evening, my fellow citizens: • This government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Soviet military buildup on the island of Cuba. Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. The purpose of these bases can be none other than to provide a nuclear strike capability against the Western Hemisphere… • The characteristics of these new missile sites indicate two distinct types of installations. Several of them include medium range ballistic missiles, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead for a distance of more than 1,000 nautical miles. Each of the missiles, in short, is capable of striking Washington, D.C., the Panama Canal, Cape Canaveral, Mexico City, or any other city in the southeastern part of the United States, in Central American, or in the Caribbean area… • We will not prematurely or unnecessarily risk the costs of worldwide nuclear war in which even the fruits of victory would be ashes in our mouth; but neither will we shrink from that risk at any time it must be faced.”
What did Charles de Gaulle have to do with this image? Describe the result.
Describe the disparity this map represented, and what WE had to do with it.
Describe Decolonization, issues, and why THIS country matters.
Tuesday, 5/1/18 POD – AP European History Final reading of essays Volunteers first Read and discuss a valid grade All students should hand in their essays HOMEWORK SCANTRON – Wednesday (tomorrow) NEWSCAST IS DUE MONDAY May 7 SUPERQUIZ #4 (all vocab of the entire year!) – Friday May 11 Change of plans – we WILL have an argue day for a portion of Thursday… Course Review begins Thursday (Eight in – class days)
Essay practice Top takeaways: • Be SURE your thesis is clear and a statement of opinion • Keep your thesis simple and direct • Keep your contextualization in direct support of subject: how we got to there • Keep your evidence to a few points, and be expert at proving them correct • Be SURE to discuss significance of evidence, especially to prove your thesis correct • Refer back to your thesis over and over to remind reader purpose of essay and to show WITHOUT QUESTION you proved it true
Wednesday, 5/2/18 POD – AP European History Scantron today SUBJECT LATE 20TH CENTURY EURO Plan Each group will be assigned four pages of questions Your group should discuss the questions, decide what the answers are, and be prepared to explain to the class. The class will comment and ask questions about the Prompts At any time, you can choose your OWN answer. HOMEWORK Monday: NEWSCAST IS DUE MONDAY Next Friday: SUPERQUIZ #4 (all vocab of the entire year!)