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AVUHSD Perkins Industry Sector Meetings. October 10 and 14, 2013. Taking it to the Next Step . Agenda for the Day. Introductions Group Activity #1 Overview of Linked Learning Group Activity #2 Teacher Best Practices CTE Model Curriculum/CCSS Group Activity #3 Integration
AVUHSDPerkins Industry Sector Meetings October 10 and 14, 2013
Agenda for the Day Introductions Group Activity #1 Overview of Linked Learning Group Activity #2 Teacher Best Practices CTE Model Curriculum/CCSS Group Activity #3 Integration Group Activity #4 Information
Agenda Discussion regarding pre-assignments (30 minutes) Linked Learning (1 hour) Break (10 minutes) Teacher speaker/s (10 minutes) Common Core and MCS-CTE begun (2 hours) Lunch break (45 minutes) CCSS and MCS-CTE concluded (45 minutes) Housekeeping items (45 minutes) Wrap-up and preview for February meetings (30 minutes)
Outcomes Understand how Linked Learning framework aligns with district direction Deeper understanding of CTE standards and alignment to CCSS Develop thought process for design thinking as it relates to CCSS Lesson alignment to Quadrant D, specifically in project based learning Course sequencing Information related to Perkins
The Benefits of Failure • Based upon the HBR article you read and the David Kelley video you watched, please discuss among your table partners, then share out your conclusions: • Reflect on how a lesson, unit, or project that you did last school year could have been done better, and why. • How does failure play a part in learning (for both you and your students)? • How would you approach improving the experience for your students and you?
Group Activity #1 • Review both the article and the video that was sent to you and posted on wiki • Discuss within your group a lesson that didn’t achieve the results you expected • How could the resources you reviewed help you with making changes to increase the level of student learning
Design Thinking • How might you use the design process in your efforts to change your teaching practice? • Tim Brown on Design Thinking • Design Thinking Process handout
Linked Learning • "What is Linked Learning?" video • Teacher research activity • In the envelope on your table, you will find one of the four pillars of Linked Learning • You will have 20 minutes to conduct Internet research regarding that pillar – as a group, please be able to answer the following questions: • What is the main element of that pillar? • Based on your research, why did Linked Learning select that component as one of its pillars? • What questions do you still have about the element?
Linked Learning continued • Overview • Four pillars • Academic core • Student support • Technical core • Work-based learning • District direction • Course wiki – Linked Learning tab – handouts • ConnectEd Studios
Linked Learning Key Components- Academic Rigorous, aligned with state and Common Core Standards leading to proficiency on standardized tests Diverse and robust array of authentic assessment measures Ensures ALL students have access to courses that meet UC/CSU a-g admissions Prepares students for success w/o remediation
Linked Learning Key Components Student Support Identifies students who need support and provide range of services and strategies to facilitate student support that improves student academic performance Effective system of guidance and advisement that provide resources that demonstrate student achievement and progress Counselors ensure equitable recruitment and placement of students
Linked Learning Key Components • Technical Core • “A sequence or cluster of 6 or more technical courses is aligned to state or national CTE standards and/or industry standards. Multiple sequences offer specialization options for students. The pathway ensures that all students have access to courses that meet UC/CSU a-g admissions requirements.” • Pathway theme • Program of study
Linked Learning Key Components • Work-Based Learning • Continuum of career awareness, career exploration, career preparation, career training beginning at early ages through adulthood • Does not mean that every experience must take place at a workplace or during a standard work-day • Could include: • Career assessments • Guest speakers • Career days/fairs • Field trips • Job shadowing • Industry mentorships • School-based lab or simulated work environment, school business • Virtual environment – industry relationship • Internships, apprenticeships, etc.
How is it Different ? Every pathway includes the four Linked Learning guiding principles and include the four components Each pathway assesses quality and develops action plan to achieve quality and fidelity through certification Graduate student profile is developed by the district Embed system of student support and guidance
District Support and Direction Identification of committee members across district to plan Alignment to mission and vision of district Academy growth across district Assessment of quality of academies Integration of frameworks in district professional development “Design thinking and systems thinking”
What Has Been Happening with CCSS at Your Sites? • Please share with your industry sector colleagues 3 things that have been happening with Common Core implementation at your sites. • One representative from each site share 1 item of CCSS site implementation with the whole group. • AVHS • DWHS • EHS • HHS • KHS • LnHS • LHS • PHS • RRxPHS • QHHS • SOAR Prep
Teacher Speakers Ruben Rodriguez – academic integration/process James Stockdale – integrated projects Tim Klein – math committee Pavel Vogler/Joyce Foss - UCCI
CTE Model Curriculum Standards 2.0 Overview“CTE Leading the Way Towards Career AND College Readiness”
College and career readiness 23
Drivers of Change Economics US Indicators Technology change World Competition – Financial & Educational Demographics
New Model CTE Standards • Fewer, clearer, deeper • Research and evidence based • Reasonable in scope • Essential, rigorous, clear, specific and coherent • Aligned with postsecondary and work expectations Re-written using action verbs in place of “know and understand” • Measurable
CA CTE Standards • MCS 2005 • Industry Sector Foundation Standards • Pathway Standards • MCS 2013 • Standards for Career Ready Practice • Industry Sector Anchor Standards • Pathway Standards • CCSS Matrix
Foundation for Standards Development Research • Bloom’s Taxonomy (revised) • Rigor and Relevance Framework – Bill Daggett • Knowledge Dimension - Anderson, Lorin and David Krathwohl • Depth of Knowledge - Norman L. Webb • Webb's Depth of Knowledge Video 27
Beyond Knowledge Construct Knowledge Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using recycled building materials Develop a wind-resistant solar carport for student parking lots and convince the school board to fund it. Metacognitive form a coherent whole (DOK Level 4) Procedural how parts relate, find Coherence (DOK Level 3) Construct a 1/8th scale model of a garage using only recycled materials List 15 building products and a “green” alternative to each Conceptual clarify, give examples (DOK Level 2) Factual recognize, recall, locate (DOK Level 1) Performance Create solutions to non-routine real world complex problems using multiple steps and sources Solve non-routine problems using a sequence of steps Use one-step process to solve routine problems Apply multiple step process to solve routine problems 17
Verbs FactualConceptualProceduralMetacognitive Access Adhere Analyze Advocate Define Apply Assess Build Describe Classify Comply Compile Find Communicate Compare Compose Identify Compare Contrast Construct Label Demonstrate Deconstruct Create List Develop Deduce Design Locate Discriminate Defend Devise Match Employ Detect Formulate Name Explain Diagram Invent Recall Implement Differentiate Plan Recite Infer Discern Predict Recognize Interpret Distinguish Produce Remember Maintain Enhance Reconstruct Retrieve Organize Evaluate Reorganize Select Participate Experiment Synthesize State Practice Explore Promote Illustrate Summarize Integrate Transfer Research Understand Solve Use Test 30
Activity #1 Share with an “elbow partner” one or two examples of “Quadrant D” activities or lessons that each of you has done so far this year or last year. Choose one example and share out with the rest of your table. Each table share out one example of a “Quadrant D” activity from your industry sector with the whole group.
Standards for Career Ready Practice Apply appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge Communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason Develop an education and career plan aligned to personal goals Apply technology to enhance productivity Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Practice personal health and understand financial literacy
Standards for Career Ready Practice (continued) Act as a responsible citizen in the workplace and the community Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence Demonstrate creativity and innovation Employ valid and reliable research strategies Understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions
Alignment Process Identify pathway standards that have a substantial and natural alignment to a core curriculum standard Determine if the pathway standard will enhance, reinforce or apply a specific core subject standard Developed an alignment matrix at end of each Industry Sector
Activity #2 • Working with your industry sector/pathway partners: • Compare your course outline (access from the course wiki) with CTE standards (SCRP, sector anchor, and pathway) plus the CCSS matrix. • Crosswalk to determine where the course outline matches the standards, and where there are gaps. • Create an outline of what needs to be done to the outline to fill the standards gaps, and turn it in today. • Review the UCCI list and determine which course/s might fit within your pathway.
National Shift in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment: CTE’s Role
Video: Tony Wagner on 3 P’s Tony Wagner on Play, Passion and Purpose
Shift to Career and College Readiness • Focus from high school graduation to college and career readiness • Teaching literacy across all content areas • Profound changes in the way • students learn and are assessed • teachers teach • instructional leaders lead
Knowledge • Metacognitive • to form a coherent • whole • Procedural • how parts relate, find • Coherence • Conceptual • clarify, give examples • Factual • recognize, recall, • locate • PerformanceUse Apply Solve Create one-step process multi-step process non-routine solutions to real world • to solve a routine to solve routine problems using non- routine , complex problem problems multiple steps problems using • multiple steps Shift in Assessment Create solutions to real world non-routine, complex problems using multiple steps
Assessment Examples One of the following is an assessment in one of our CTE classes. The other is from the new Smarter Balanced Assessment. Can you tell which is which?
A job requires 45 brackets as shown. What is the fewest number of 4 x 8 sheets of plywood required? • 45
A construction worker is using wooden beams to reinforce the back wall of a room. Determine the height, in feet, of the beam that ends at point G. Explain how you found your answer. • 46
How do we shift an entire system away from multiple choice “right answers” to deeper, critical thinking, 21st century skills that employers want?
Activity #3 Work with your industry sector colleagues to discuss and then choose one set of standards which you will use to create an integrated project-based learning lesson or unit to be delivered later this year. Determine which core academic teacher at your site with whom you will work on the lesson or unit. Write a three- to five-sentence summary of what the lesson/unit will be, and turn it in before you leave today.
Questions or comments? Thank you for your participation!
Housekeeping Items Technology needs assessment – complete forms by industry sector Professional development opportunities - review Teacher externships – 1-2 days Field trips/experiential learning for students – including CTSO’s, colleges, industry certifications CTE Month - Feb. 2014 - community service Sign articulation agreements - CATEMA Distribute old equipment