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Senior Parent Night Falls Church High School 2013-2014

Senior Parent Night Falls Church High School 2013-2014. Senior Parent Night Agenda. Renee’ Foster, College & Career Center Specialist, -Career Center Resources -Family Connection -SAT vs. ACT College Representatives will discuss College Admissions:

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Senior Parent Night Falls Church High School 2013-2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Senior Parent NightFalls Church High School 2013-2014

  2. Senior Parent Night Agenda • Renee’ Foster, College & Career Center Specialist, -Career Center Resources -Family Connection -SAT vs. ACT • College Representatives will discuss College Admissions: -Jeanine Lalonde, University of Virginia; -Lauren Snyder, Marymount University; -Amanda Darr, Northern Virginia Community College Pathways Counselor • Camilo Cardona & Patti Welch, Senior Lead Counselors -In House Application Procedures

  3. Career Center Resources for Post-Secondary Options College Apprenticeship Military Gap Year Program

  4. View and exchange information about your plans with school counseling staff through this extensive resource! • About Me -Develop plans -Record activities -Identify skills & interests (Interest Surveys) • About College -Search for colleges -College Visit Schedule -See College acceptances (Scattergrams) • FromYour School -Messages from Mrs. Foster & School Counselors

  5. College Admissions Guest • Jeanine Lalonde, Senior Assistant Dean of Admissions

  6. College Admissions Guest • Lauren Snyder, Assistant Director of Admissions

  7. Pathways Program-NVCC • Amanda Darr , NVCC Pathways to the Baccalaureate Counselor

  8. Parents……. FCHS School counselors and the College & Career Center Specialist are always available to answer your questions and provide support! This is a team effort!

  9. Important advice we share with your kids… • Choose what’s important to you, not your friends. • Try to visit campus while schools are in session. • Attend College Info Sessions held @ FCHS • While it’s great to go where all your friends are going this is youreducationand yourfuturedependsonyourchoices.

  10. Additional Advice……. • Secure teacher, coach, and employer letters of recommendation early • Keep your grades up!! • If you have recently become a US Citizen, please update your status with the Social Security Administration

  11. The In-House Application Process • Transcript Request Form • Recommendations • Secondary School Report

  12. Transcript Request Form First 3 Are Free Then $5 each

  13. Recommendations Did you know? • Some colleges only want a letter of recommendation from a counselor • Some ask for a teacher and a counselor recommendation. • And there are even a few that don’t ask for one at all! Things to Confirm • Do I need a recommendation? (research the college admission page) • Who will I ask to write my letters of recommendation? Please give Teachers/Counselors 2-3 weeks to complete recommendations!!

  14. Secondary School Report • NACAC Secondary School report is accepted by all universities/colleges in the U.S. • Common App Report will be used for all Common App Schools

  15. RE: Social Networking Sites THINK!! Before Posting!!

  16. Stay Up To Date…..

  17. Calendar Events • Wednesday, 9/25 7 PM @ Falls Church HS: Senior Parent Night Representatives from several colleges and FCHS counseling department give an overview and insight on the college application and aid process. • Saturday, 9/28 1-5 PM @ James Lee Community Center: Fall Festival Our AVID counselor (Joanne PerduOuimet) will have a booth where she will have flyers and answer any questions • Tuesday, 10/1 6:30-8:30 PM @ Falls Church HS: College Applications and Aid w/ Andrea Ashton. Ms. Ashton is a professional college planner that will offer information and insight into paying for college • Wednesday, 12/18 7 – 8 PM @ Falls Church HS: Financial Aid Workshop w/ Renee Foster & Department of Education Rep. Our very own College and Career Counselor Renee Foster and a representative from the US Department of Education will walk you through the Aid process and have a Q & A afterwards.

  18. Before you know it….

  19. Which path will your student choose?

  20. Questions??

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