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"Seeking a Graduate Degree in Germany" 13 February 2014

"Seeking a Graduate Degree in Germany" 13 February 2014. DAAD STAFF. Hanni Geist West Coast Representative, DAAD San Francisco. John Paul Kleiner Acting Director, DAAD Toronto. Jane Fu Information Officer, DAAD New York. GUEST PRESENTERS. Angela Dunkhorst Program Coordinator

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"Seeking a Graduate Degree in Germany" 13 February 2014

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  1. "Seeking a Graduate Degree in Germany" 13 February 2014

  2. DAAD STAFF Hanni Geist West Coast Representative, DAAD San Francisco John Paul Kleiner Acting Director, DAAD Toronto Jane Fu Information Officer, DAAD New York

  3. GUEST PRESENTERS Angela Dunkhorst Program Coordinator International Master of Business Administration International Graduate Center (IGC) Hochschule Bremen - University of Applied Sciences Stefanie Grupp-ClasbyDirectorUniversity of Cologne New York Office

  4. Outline • Introduction • Why Study in Germany? • How to find a graduate program? • How to apply? • How to fund graduate studies? • Examples from universities. • Stefanie Grupp-Clasby  -  University of Cologne, New York Office • Angela Dunkhorst – International Graduate Center, HS Bremen University of Applied Sciences • Questions Submit your questions at any time via the chat functionality on your webinar control panel!

  5. FIRST: • Can you share these slides with us? • Is this recorded to view later? • Will webeabletocontactthepresentersafterwards? • YES

  6. Webinar Walkthrough • All lines are muted – submit questions by typing. (a) Attendee list (hidden) (b) Grab tab (c) Audio pane (d) Questions pane (e) Type question & click send

  7. What is DAAD? • German national agency for international academic cooperation and exchange: Independent association of universities • We provide scholarships, information, and counseling about studying and research in Germany • All academic levels, all fields, varied lengths of stay • Annual budget ~ €397 Mio. /$540 Mio p.a. • 100,000 people supported annually • 70 Regional Offices and Information Centers worldwide • Regional Office for the US and Canada in New York City (Information Centers in San Francisco and Toronto)

  8. The DAAD network worldwide

  9. Why study in Germany? • Great international experience – put Germany on your resume! • Exceptional infrastructure for research work • 10,000 public and more than 800 academic libraries • 380 institutions of higher education • 750 publicly funded research institutions • Bachelor‘s, Masters, PhD programs offered • 1300+ English language degree programs • Great international research that‘s affordable (no tuition at public universities)

  10. THE GERMAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEMINSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION • Universities • Technical universities • Universities of applied sciences • Colleges of music, art and film • Private colleges and academies

  11. TRADITIONAL PHD PATH VS. GRADUATE SCHOOLS TRADITIONAL INDIVIDUAL PHD PATH • Most common in Germany • Doctoral student works largely independently • Charactersitics: • research alone or with other researchers • at relevant institute, third-party funded project at university, or research establishment • 2-5 years • Funding – paid research associate position GRADUATE SCHOOLS • Relatively new in Germany • Structured doctoral programme • English – team language • ~ 700 programmes • Characteristics: • supporting curriculum • Interdisciplinary • opportunities to acquire additional qualifications • 3 years • Funding – scholarships & jobs

  12. HOW TO FIND A MASTER PROGRAM? www.study-in.de/en

  13. HOW TO FIND A DOCTORAL PROGRAM? • online database: www.higher-education-compass.de • informationfordoctoralstudentandfundingopportunities: • www.daad.de/promotion (English, German andotherlanguages) • www.research-in-germany.de/dachportal/en.html

  14. HOW TO APPLY? Depending on the institution and your country of origin, there are various ways to apply for admission to a German university: • Direct application to the university – especially for PhD programs • uni-assist enables international students to apply at several universities at the same time: www.uni-assist.de • Central Office for the Allocation of Study Places (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (SfH)) for subjects with a centrally restricted admission policy (only for applicants from the European Economic Area): http://www.hochschulstart.de/ --- Please check with the universities for their application guidelines ---

  15. Howcan a DAAD scholarshipfundyourgraduatedegree? Monthly stipend or lump sum All-Grantees Meeting in Bonn Some travel reimbursement Health Insurance

  16. Study Scholarships for Graduate Students • Support for one or two years of study in Germany • Can be used to earn a Master’s degree at a German university • German language ability should be commensurate with needs • Final-year undergrads may apply • 60 awarded annually • € 750/month; insurance; travel stipend Deadline: November 15

  17. Research Grants for Graduate Students • 1 to 10 months (with the possibility of an extension) • Can also be used to complete PhD in Germany • Around 30 short term (< 6 mo.) and 60 long-term awarded annually • Monthly support of ~ €1,000; travel stipend; insurance → Invitation by host institution essential Deadlines: November 15 (long and short-term) May 15 (short-term)

  18. INTENSIVE LANGUAGE COURSES For Grad/PhD Students • Learn German for 8 weeks at top language institutes in Germany • Any field except English, German, or other modern language/lit • Must have 3 semesters of college German • Lump sum of € 2,300 + travel stipend • Deadline: December 15

  19. TIPS FOR SUCCESS • Express why a stay in Germany is critical for your academic or professional goals. • Submit quality letters of recommendation. • Make sure your application is on time and complete. • Obtain a letter of invitation from a German professor or institution (if necessary). • Utilize your on-campus resources.

  20. VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.DAAD.ORG • Visit our website for the USA and Canada: www.daad.org 

  21. Q&A Hanni Geist West Coast Representative, DAAD San Francisco John Paul KleinerActing DirectorDAAD Toronto Jane Fu Information Officer, DAAD New York Stefanie Grupp-ClasbyDirectorUniversity of Cologne New York Office Angela Dunkhorst Program Coordinator International Master of Business Administration International Graduate Center (IGC) Hochschule Bremen - University of Applied Sciences

  22. THANK YOU FOR JOINING US! Hanni Geist, Information Officer IC San Francisco daadsf@daad.org John Paul Kleiner, Acting Director IC Toronto daadca@daad.org connect with us: facebook | twitter | LinkedIn | daad.org Stefanie Grupp-Clasby, DirectorUniversity of Cologne New York Offices.grupp-clasby@uni-koeln.de http://www.nordamerika.uni-koeln.de/ Angela Dunkhorst, Program Coordinator International Master of Business Administration International Graduate Center (IGC) Hochschule Bremen - University of Applied Sciences imba@hs-bremen.de www.imba.graduatecenter.de

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