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Welcome to Open House. Mrs. Sossaman’s Third Grade Class. First of all…. Thank you!
Welcome to Open House Mrs. Sossaman’s Third Grade Class
First of all… Thank you! Thank you for coming tonight! I know it has been a crazy week getting back into the school routine. I appreciate your time and your patience during this first school. The students and I are also very thankful for the all of the supplies you have sent in.
Kemp’s MissionAt Kemp we provide the keys to excellence.Kemp’s Vision At Kemp Elementary, we are a school of academic excellence where children of all backgrounds are encouraged to achieve their maximum potential to become responsible citizens and life-long learners.
About Mrs. Sossaman… New name University of Georgia for Undergraduate Degree Georgia State University for Graduate Degree Family 6th year in 3rd grade at Kemp
Our Classroom Goals: A Learning Classroom A Peaceful Classroom A Clean Classroom A Fun Classroom An Engaging Classroom
Our Daily Schedule 7:45-8:10 Morning News and Morning Work 8:10-8:50 Specials (PE, Music, Art, or Computer Lab) 9:00-9:05 Restroom Break and Snack 9:05-9:30 Science or Social Studies 9:30-10:30 Reading Workshop 10:30-11:21 Writing Workshop 11:21-11:51 Lunch 11:51-12:15 Recess 12:15-12:20 Restroom Break 12:20-12:45 Grammar and Words Their Way 12:45-1:00 Math: Cougar Computation and RAP 1:00-2:00 Math Workshop 2:00-2:10 Copy Agenda and Pack Up 2:10 Dismissal **On most Fridays we do not have Specials.**
Our Class Rules • Take care of our classroom and school. • Treat others the way you want to be treated. • Try your best. • Respect your teacher. • Have a positive attitude. • Have fun! Created by our class on August 13, 2012.
Behavior System • Positive Reinforcement: Behavior Bucks: Students receive a “behavior buck” for personal positive behavior. Every other Friday students will record the amount of money they have received in their checkbook. This money can be used during third grade’s Market Day. The students will also put all of their behavior bucks into a “Bucket of Luck” for a prize drawing. Table Marbles: Tables receive marbles in their cup when they make good choices, stay on task, and work well together as a group. The first table to fill their cup gets to vote on a reward for their table. Spelling a Word: The class will try to spell a word on the front white board by having great behavior and receiving compliments from other teachers and administrators. Once they spell a word, the class will vote on a reward for everyone to enjoy. • Sticks: Each student has a pocket labeled with their classroom number that contains three sticks. When a student is not displaying appropriate classroom/school behavior they will be asked to pull a stick. 1 stick= Warning 2 sticks= Deduction from checkbook 3 sticks= All of the above and a note home • Learning Skills and Behavior Sheet: A learning skills and behavior sheet will be sent home each Friday. It must be signed and returned on Monday.
Market Day • At the end of each nine weeks, the entire 3rd grade participates in Market Day. • Students have the opportunity to earn behavior bucks in the classroom on a daily basis. • At various times during the nine weeks, students will deposit their behavior bucks into a checking account. They keep track of their money and account by using check registers. • Market Day is a time for students to use the economics skills we study during the school year. • Students can buy and sell items with the money they have earned over the past nine weeks. • After Market Day, students deposit their proceeds from the day back into their checking accounts.
Conference Week and Report Cards • Conferences will be held during the week of October 22 – 26, 2012. • Report cards will be sent home at the end of each nine week grading period. • Look for graded papers coming home on Wednesday evenings. • Standards based report cards
Homework Policies • Homework will be written in agendas daily. • Homework should be completed and returned the following day, unless it is stated otherwise. • Parents should check and sign agendas nightly. • Homework will be checked for completion. • Math and Reading Logs need to be completed nightly (Math– a minimum of 40 minutes a week; Reading—a minimum of 80 minutes a week). These logs are due every Friday.
Third Grade Things… • Homework • Homework will be written in planners daily. • Homework should be completed and returned the following day, unless it is stated otherwise. • Parents should check and sign planners nightly. • Homework will be checked for completion. • Math and Reading Logs will need to be completed nightly (Math– a minimum of 40 minutes a week; Reading—a minimum of 80 minutes a week). These logs are due every Friday. • UNRAAVEL practice (Steps listed on page 4 of their agenda and on our classroom blog)
CurriculumOverview Please refer to the “Third Grade-The Year At A Glance”
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards(See brochure and link on our blog for videos and more information) • What are they? New grade level standards adopted in Georgia and 45 other states for reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. • Why CCGPS? Standards with increased rigor and complexity that prepare students for college and careers. The standards are internationally benchmarked, ensuring our students are globally competitive. The standards create a foundation to work collaboratively across states and districts. • Math • Language Arts • Speaking and Listening
Transition to Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (See brochure and link on our blog for videos and more information) Reading, Writing, and Math Workshop • Opening (15-20 minutes) • Work Time (25-30 minutes) • Closing (10-15 minutes)
Field Trips More information coming soon!
Testing • CogAT Test • September 4-6, 2012 • Iowa Test of Basic Skills • September 7-14, 2012 • Criterion Reference Competency Test • April 22 – May 1, 2013
Attendance and Dismissal • Please send a note from home if there is an absence or change in transportation. • New Car Pool policy (no tag= get out to show ID) • Safe Rider Bus Program (yellow tags) • Prompt arrival and regular attendance are vital to your child’s success in third grade. • There will be no dismissals after 2:00 p.m. • We cannot release a student to parent without an appropriate slip from office if we are outside of the classroom (playground.)
Clinic andMedication Policies • ALL medications must be sent to the clinic in the original container. • Please send a note with all medications.
Cafeteria Information • Menus are available on the Kemp website. • BreakfastPrices Student: $1.25 Guest: $1.50 • Lunch: Student: $2.15 Guest: $3.25 • Lunches may be pre-paid. • No fast food permitted.
Snacks and Birthdays • Please send your child with a nutritious snack and bottled water daily. Do not send junk food. They will have snack after Specials at 9:05 AM. • All food and treats must be approved by me to ensure the safety of all students. • You are welcome to send in birthday treats for the class. Please make sure all treats are precut and ready to serve. The treats may be enjoyed during lunch. Make sure I am aware that you are bringing a birthday treat to lunch, so I can make arrangements for all students. **Non-food items such as pencils or goody bags are recommended instead of sugary treats.
Communication • Our Classroom Blog • GO Notebooks • Daily Planners • Phone number- Kemp (678)594-8158 • Easiest way to contact me: Email– megan.sossaman@cobbk12.org
Helpful Contacts • Principal – Kristy Mason - Kristy.Mason@cobbk12.org • Assistant Principal – Lori Ann Griffin - Lori.Griffin@cobbk12.org • Counselor – Jenni Briggs - Jenni.Briggs@cobbk12.org • Target– Mary Jo Groeneveld -Maryjo.Groeneveld@cobbk12.org Kemp Elementary Parent Page http://www.cobbk12.org/Kemp/linksparentinfo.htm
Thank you for coming tonight! I appreciate your time. I am excited about the upcoming school year! **If you have a chance, write your child a note on the paper provided. They would love to see a message from you in the morning!