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Living or Non-Living 9/21/12

Living or Non-Living 9/21/12. Objective: I will be able to describe the characteristics of life Lang. Obj.: I will be able to define what it means to be living/nonliving Do Now: Study for 5 minutes before the Measurement Unit Test. Measurement Unit Test. Move into testing positions

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Living or Non-Living 9/21/12

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Living or Non-Living 9/21/12 Objective: I will be able to describe the characteristics of life Lang. Obj.: I will be able to define what it means to be living/nonliving Do Now: Study for 5 minutes before the Measurement Unit Test

  2. Measurement Unit Test • Move into testing positions • Hand test into Mr. Natter when done • Underneath your objective brainstorm in a concept web what the characteristics of life are Characteristics of life

  3. Are these things alive?

  4. Picture Sorting • Challenge: Separate the cards provided into 3 groups and record your list in your note book Living Nonliving Undecided

  5. Needs Water Energy Exchange gas Eliminate waste Functions Respond to the environment Reproduce Grow Structure A cell is the basic unit Criteria for life/ All living things have…..

  6. Living, Non-living, Dead • A living thing is something that meets all of the criteria for life. It is an organism or a part of an organism. Living things include things that were once living and are now dead. All living things die. I.e. a leaf that has fallen from a tree is living, a seed is a living thing, etc. • Death/ dead: Death is the end of life. • Non-living: something that does not and never did meet the criteria for life. I.e. a rock

  7. Dormancy • Dormancy is a period of time when a living thing does not show all of the signs of life until it is in the right environment/right conditions. • Seeds and Eggs are dormant, living things.

  8. Homework • Paragraph explaining the difference between living/ non-living organisms • A list of 10 items for both living and nonliving

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