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WELCOME TO YEAR 5 2014. THE CLASS TEACHERS WILL BE: Lisa McLaughlin & Nicole Priest Nicole Wright & Kate Burnett Nadia Costantini. WELCOME. This year we warmly welcome all of our new families to St Aloysius College. We also welcome our families returning again to the school for Year 5.
WELCOME TO YEAR 5 2014 THE CLASS TEACHERS WILL BE: Lisa McLaughlin & Nicole Priest Nicole Wright & Kate Burnett Nadia Costantini
WELCOME This year we warmly welcome all of our new families to St Aloysius College. We also welcome our families returning again to the school for Year 5. We look forward to a positive and exciting learning journey with you and your children this year.
Overview • Welcome and introduction of teachers • Expectations • Student leadership • Prayer • Communication • Extra Curricula • Specialist Lessons • Curriculum • Student Awards • Coming Events • Questions and individual introductions
EXPECTATIONS • Classroom expectations and learning behavioursare set up at the beginning of the year and are negotiated and discussed between the students and each homeroom teacher. • Students learn that they make their own choices and take responsibility for the choices and decisions that they make both inside and outside the classroom. • Students have a timetable in their diaries. This is to help them to be prepared and organised. Students are expected to have their books ready for the day before school begins.
STUDENT LEADERSHIP • All students take on varying leadership roles and are encouraged to make important decisions within the classroom. • roles as monitors • SRC • Roles in class meetings • Through group tasks in curriculum areas • Aim: to develop the girls confidence, communication and teamwork skills.
PRAYER • Students are introduced to prayer and different ways of praying. • We have a sacred space in the classroom where we can gather together, pray and reflect. • We have morning prayer, and prayer reflection at the end of the day. • We have a roster so that each day a different student is able to share a prayer with us and have an opportunity to create their own sacred space.
COMMUNICATION • DIARIES Homework expected 45minutes every night Monday to Thursdays. Record in diary of daily activities. Students are given a homework grid to be completed fortnightly. As part of this grid there are school components and community/home components Aim: to develop relationships and the whole child. Sign diary once per week. All notes must be written in the diary. Diaries provide information about what we are doing in class and things we may need in the classroom.
COMMUNICATION • Phone Leave a message with the front office and we will return all phone calls regarding your child. • Email Email any concerns regarding pastoral care or curriculum to your child’s teacher and we will respond as soon as possible. • Meeting Please arrange a time in advance to discuss any concerns with your child’s teacher. Any urgent messages and reminders need to be made through the front office.
Wiki and Weebly “Parents sharing & learning side-by-side with their child” • Reminder of Important Dates/Notes • Year 5 Information • Curriculum support • Student work samples
Supporting Curriculum Activities... • Visit Bay Discovery Centre • Camp ‘Douglas Scrub’ • Lab on Legs • Spectacular • Mercy Day • Walk a thon • Athletics Day • Swimming Carnival
MERCY IN ACTION PASSPORTS • MiAP “Mercy in Action Passport” is a whole school community service program that aims to encourage every student in the school to experience the personal growth and enrichment that flows from making a difference to those in need. • The MiAP program promotes works of Mercy as well as discussion and reflection on this experience. • Students can select from the following types of service: School based, wider community or home and family.
EXTRA CURRICULAR • Volleyball • Basketball • Netball • Soccer • SAPSASA • Swimming • Athletics • Oliphant Science Awards • Tournament of Minds • Private music lessons Please wait for notices to be announced in the morning Bulletin or pick up a form from the front office.
SPECIALIST LESSONS • PE • CHINESE • MUSIC • Library • ICT • Science • Maths • English (spelling, grammar, writing, reading, oral) • History TEACHING LESSONS • Art • Design/Tech • Religion
Topics Term 1 • Religion – Prayer and Lent • Science – Solids, Liquids and Gas • Maths – Place Value, Number, Angles • History & Design– Early Australian Colonies • Art – line & perspective • Health – Relationships If you have expertise and can contribute to our learning in one of these areas please let us know.
ENGLISH READING – Children are encouraged to view reading as an enjoyable activity and to read for at least 15 minutes each night. By Year 5 it is expected that each child takes responsibility for completing this and encouraged to do so by parents. In class focus book, “My Place” by Nadia Wheatley & Donna Rawlins. WRITING –Structured genre writing activities that focus on specific skills will be an important aspect of the English curriculum and integrated into many other areas. ** Exposition and Narrative (NAPLAN genres)
SPELLING – Each week, the students will be given a list of Spelling words that need to be learnt by Friday morning’s Spelling test. The girls are also encouraged to learn these words each night by completing activities which focus on how to use the words in their writing and expand their vocabulary. A resource has been adopted by many Primary classrooms called, “Sound Waves.” If the weekly unit has not been completed by your daughter during allocated class time, it will need to be finished at home and be returned Friday for marking.
ORAL PRESENTATIONS- As part of our Speaking and Listening unit a weekly oral presentation topic will be given for homework each Monday to prepare for a Friday presentation. The girls are asked to speak for two minutes and, where appropriate, provide their own opinion of the topic with a well-structured argument. Your input or opinions may be sought by your daughter and this is completely acceptable! Notes and ideas should be jotted down in their writing books but the talk should be prepared on cue cards..
Homework SAC has a homework policy. In Year 5 the expected time for homework is 40minutes. We believe that homework: • Helps develop time management skills • Reinforces concepts learnt during class • Is a good way for parents to know what is being taught in the classroom and how your child is progressing • Should be completed by the student, who may seek assistance by her parent when necessary.
Homework cont… • Grid-This year, your daughter will complete activities from a Homework Grid, to be completed over a two week period. • Spelling-In addition, she is expected to complete a spelling activity each night to help her practice and learn her words. • Reading-We expect that your daughter reads for at least 15minutes each day. This is not part of her homework contract, but we ask that you ensure this is done at home. • Study Ladder- This is often a school task in the grid and must be completed on the computer using a log in and password given by the teacher.
ATTENDANCE 8:50am start Staff are on yard duty At 8:20am. Students and family members are not permitted in the building or classroom without a teacher present. Should students arrive after 8:55am, they are required to enter via the front foyer doors, as the AngasStreet gate will be locked. They must sign the late arrival book before coming to class, otherwise they will appear as absent on the absentee form.
DISMISSAL • Dismissal is at 3:15pm Tuesday-Friday and 2:30pm on Monday. • The Angas Street exit is supervised until 3:35pm Tuesday –Friday and until 2:50pm on Monday. • If your child is not picked up by 3.35pm they will be walked to after school care where they will remain until they are picked up.
STUDENT AWARDS Each year in Term 2 and Term 4 class Awards are presented by Primary Coordinators at an assembly and at our End of Year Mass. These awards are based on a criteria which considers students academic endeavour and achievement, service to school and community and school pride. The five awards are the: McAuley Dame Roma Mitchell Mercy Dunlevie Aloysius
UP COMING EVENTS IN TERM 1 • This week: Swimming lessons in PE Student ID and class level photos • Week 3:Dux of 2013 Assembly • Week 4: Excursion to Glenelg • Week 5: SAC Open Day 6-8pm. 1pm finish. • Week 6: Swimming Carnival at Adelaide Aquatic Centre • Week 9: Yr 5 Camp
VOLUNTEers • Throughout the year we have many exciting excursions planned, but we need your help • If you are able to assist us by becoming a volunteer, please see Rosie at the front office and ask for a Catholic Schools Police Clearance form. • Just fill it out and give it back to the office and once the clearance has gone through (approx. in 2 weeks) you are able to volunteer at SAC. There is no charge.
THANK YOU! • There are drinks and nibbles now available in the Redden Undercroft. You can use this as an opportunity to network with other parents from our classes.