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Frontiers of Biogeography The scientific magazine of the International Biogeography Society.
Frontiers of Biogeography The scientific magazine of the International Biogeography Society Frontiers of Biogeography (ISSN 1948-6596) is the open access journal published by the International Biogeography Society (IBS; http://www.biogeography.org/). Frontiers of Biogeography is published quarterly and all content is available free online at http://escholarship.org/uc/fb. We welcome contributions from all biogeographers or other persons interested in biogeography or in applying biogeographical knowledge, whether or not they are members of the IBS. Average time forpublicationislessthanthreemonthsafterthemanuscriptisfinallyaccepted. Theeditorial systemfollowsan open sourcepolicy, and theauthorsretainallintellectualpropertyrightsthrough a CreativeCommonslicense. • The journal publishes articles in thefollowingsections: • RESEARCH LETTERS (short and concise manuscripts presenting original scientific research). • OPINIONS, PERSPECTIVES, and REVIEWS(reviews or personal perspectives on specific topics or research areas, as well as opinion papers and debates, and mini-reviews providing brief up-to-date summaries of biogeographical topics). • NEWS and UPDATE(short news, updates and commentaries summarizing recently published literature, dissertation abstracts of recently finished theses, book reviews and workshop or symposium summaries). • PROFILES(interviews or biographies of prominent biogeographers; obituaries). • RESOURCES(toolboxdescriptions of new software and/or methods, and datadescriptions of and links to large datasets). • AGORA(magazine-like section on biogeography-related topics and activities, including education, practice, and research). • MEMBERSHIP CORNER(for communications from the officers and among members of IBS, keeping us all up-to-date on IBS activities, including announcements of meetings, jobs, and any other item of interest). • CONFERENCE/SYMPOSIA PROCEEDINGS(compilations of a series of papers associated with conferences and/or symposia on biogeographical topics). • Recent papers in Frontiers of Biogeography include: • Jiménez-Valverde, A. 2011. Relationship between local population density and environmental suitability estimated from occurrence data. 3(2): 59-61. • Peterson, A.T. 2009. Phylogeography is not enough. 1(1):19-25. • Scheiner, S. 2011. Musings on the Acropolis: terminology for biogeography. 3(2):62-70. • Smith, F.A. & Boyer, A.G. 2012. Losing time? Incorporating a deeper temporal perspective into modern ecology. 4(1):26-39. For more informationonpublishing in Frontiers of Biogeographypleaseseehttp://escholarship.org/uc/fborcontacttheeditor at frontiersofbiogeography@gmail.com. WE WANT YOU TO SUBMIT TO FRONTIERS OF BIOGEOGRAPHY