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Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section C

Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section C. Unit 1. Look, listen and say. (影片 1 ). 1a. Goodbye, Mr. Chen. Good afternoon, Mr. Chen!. Good afternoon, Xiao Zeng!. I’m fine, thank you. How are you?. Bye. Good evening, Miss Wang!. Good evening, Mr. Lee!. See you later, Mr. Lee.

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Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section C

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Topic 1 Welcome to China! SectionC Unit 1

  2. Look, listen and say (影片1) 1a Goodbye, Mr. Chen. Good afternoon, Mr. Chen! Good afternoon, Xiao Zeng! I’m fine, thank you. How are you? Bye. Good evening, Miss Wang! Good evening, Mr. Lee! See you later, Mr. Lee. How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? I’m OK. See you.

  3. Practice • S: Good morning,Miss Liu. How are you? • T: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? • S: I’m fine, too. Goodbye, Miss Liu. • T: Bye.

  4. Pair Work A: Good afternoon. How are you?B: Fine, thanks. And you?A: I’m OK, too.B: See you later.A: See you.

  5. 2b Work alone (录音1) Listen and circle the letters you hear . Ff Ll Mm Nn OoPp Qq Ss Ww Xx Yy Zz ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

  6. Sum up 问候 • Good morning. • Good afternoon. • How are you? • I’m fine, thank you. And you? 告别 • Goodbye. • Goodbye./Bye. • See you later. • See you.

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