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Learn More: https://creating-a-blog-to-make-money.aromanearme.com/<br><br>I was asked by a friend, Can you get paid to blog in MLM?, I said, I'm not sure and ended up exclusively blogging my network marketing business to success<br><br>When I first started network marketing a thousand years ago it was all about speaking to everyone at arm's length, attending meeting is hotels and asking people for coffee so you could share your business presentation to a new prospect.<br><br>I still believe old school methods work and I know people who do very well from this personal and direct sales model of marketing, however about 20 years ago things started to change when the birth of the online marketer started to appeared online. I have to say at the time I did not fully understand what they were doing and why they were so successful at whatever it was they were doing.<br><br>However, I am surprised that after all that time more network marketers are not using the internet and blog marketing more to market and promote their businesses, because in reality this is the new world order and to have that edge over the competition we need to be online. I believe that creating a blog to make money will be the future, if not already now and for true success and the creation of a sustainable business you need to have a blog and a online presents, but why?
My name is Steven Jackson, if youcan generate leads for network marketingbusiness via a blog, you have struck gold WHY IS CREATING A BLOG TO MAKE MONEY IN MLM A MUST? Get paid to blog in MLM BY STEVE JACKSON
I was asked by a friend, Can you get paid to blog in MLM? I said, I'm not sure and ended up exclusively blogging marketing business to success my network When I first started network marketing a thousand years ago it was all about speaking to everyone at arm's length, attending meeting is hotels and asking people for coffee so you could share your business presentation to a new prospect. I still believe old school methods work and I know people who do very well from this personal and direct sales model of marketing, however about 20 years ago things started to change when the birth of the online marketer started to appeared online. I have to say at the time I did not fully understand what they were doing and why they were so successful at whatever it was they were doing. However, I am surprised that after all that time more network marketers are not using the internet and blog marketing more to market and promote their businesses, because in reality this is the new world order and to have that edge over the competition we need to be online. I believe that creating a blog to make money will be the future, if not already now and for true success and the creation of a sustainable business you need to have a blog and a online presents, but why? Why is creating a blog to make money a vital part of a network marketing strategy? When I first started to market my network marketing business online many of my associates in the industry thought I was mad. I was told, we are network markers not affiliate marketers. Well, the fact is we can you get paid to blog your MLM business and here is the reasons why blog and online marketing is the future of network marketing. Yes, it clear that old school ideas still work, but here is why you should start blogging to put your business in overdrive.I
Is a blog needed to become successful in network marketing? Of course not, most of the high earning network marketers do not have a blog, however I would suggest that they believe now that it would be a great advantage for them to have a blog for their own personal branding which did not openly promote their network marketing business. The best blogs for marketing are duplicatable? We heard this expression “Is it duplicatable?” a lot in network marketing, because to attract average people into network marketing the skills needed need to be duplicatable that somebody new to the business can easily pass this information and skills onto their downline and team. 20 years ago I would have agreed that blogging was not duplicatable, but let's be honest the knowledge we as a society have internalized about social media, the internet and blogging has changed dramatically. Since the introduction of blogging platforms such a Wordpress, Wix and blogger we do not need to understand html coding or how to setup a database. We simply need an eye for design and the writing word. In addition, we do not fear the internet as we did, because even for the older generation it has become the norm and as I mentioned is a previous articles, “the internet is just an extension of the physical world” like it or not. So, I would argue that blogging is duplicatable and can be used by anyone wanting to run their network marketing business online so in theory can you get paid to blog .
Is network marketing ever really duplicatable? This question may angry network marketing puritans, because I don't believe network marketing ever really was duplicatable. From my experience in network marketing many new people to the industry may argue that achieving success and creating personal wealth was no more duplicatable than becoming a engineer or even a doctor. Both of these professions are pursued by all walks of life , but if you asked them could they have studied as a doctor they would say “NO!”. While seeing blogging as an easier and more duplicatable option. Perception is the key, when it is clearly possible for a housewife or a taxi driver to create some new content when the kids are sleeping or at lunch time when they have 15 minutes to spare. How to creating a blog to make money which is duplicatable for MLM? I think all network marketers agree that some part of the process should be duplicatable and so we should be doing what is truly duplicatable which is how we secure our leads. Finding prospects or leads for your business is much about the quality of your blog content and then the follow up system that you should have in place allowing for automation as well as duplication via a newsletters / auto reply system. Once a prospect joins your business, reaching out to them and offering help and support is far easier if you can drip feed information from your newsletter service and in person via Skype or Facebook Chat. Offering all your new team members a membership and business overviews with an open invite for a chat should be the first stage of building a relationship with the new team member.
How to start a blog to make money in your network marketing business? Below I have put 3 basic concepts of creating a blog to make money in network marketing so you can see the overview of what is involved, remembering that the beauty of blogging is that once it is online the blog post is working for you 24/ 7 Converting the traffic into leads and prospects: I have many friends in the industry that do not really understand the point to blogging regarding prospect or lead generation. If we just jump over the SEO aspect of someone finding your blog and go straight to when someone is reading a very interesting article you wrote. For example the content is called "Using essential oils for spots" so we can guess that the reader is arguably someone interested in health and wellness, essential oils and even alternative medicine, so offering a FREE essential oils catalog in exchange for their name and email address is a simple and easy lead generating system. The prospect gets to read a free catalog and guide with the option purchasing some products, also you can follow up with additional information on how to join your essential oils network marketing business. So, for the ones that do not get the point, the point is that the blogger is wasting a lot of time if they are not converting the traffic that arrives at their blog into leads and prospects.
Call to action: There is a expression we use a lot in blogging and online marketing and that is a “Call to action”. A “Call to action” is really anything that encourages the blog reader or prospect to add their name and email address to your newsletter / auto reply form. You can use a free download buttons, learn more buttons, work with me buttons or anything else that will make someone want to connect with you in some meaningful way. You can add a “Call to action” button anywhere on your blog, such as within the content, maybe with your personal profile in the blog or at critical part of the content. I personally like to add a “Learn More” or a “Download” button in the top half of the page, making it visible without scrolling. I do not fully disagree with mentioning the network marketing business you are working with, however sometimes it is better to create curiosity and discuss what you are doing and how you are doing it in relations to your team, mission and personal brand. Creating a daily blog post: Many of my team and associates ask me, “How to get the best results and more traffic to my blog” and there is only one simple answer and the is persistence. Creating a daily blog post and emailing it to your prospect list is one option and of course share it to your social media sites. However, in the early stages of running a blog you will find the going slow, it took me about 6 months of constant blogging and content writing everyday before I started to achieve the results I wanted. I now get about 20000 unique visitors per month and a ever growing prospect list, however, it didn’t happen overnight.
10 tips about creating a blog to make money in your MLM business Below, I have put a list of the best tips on how the top money making blogs are successful and why you should start a blog today to market and promote your network marketing business. Use these tips below while at the same time learning how to write a blog and presenting it to the world. Creating and attracting a following: Nowadays we use the word “traffic” in regards to the amount people that visit our blog or webpage, but in reality all business need traffic regardless if it is someone walking past our shop and looking in the window or browsing our webshop, the concept is the same. So to have a successful blog we do not only generate traffic we also want to retain traffic so we have a retention rate of growing and loyal viewer. Be educated by your followers: It is noticeable by most of us that the internet has become the go to place to almost everything from buying, researching and reviewing products of all genres. So, to become the the go to places for your choosing MLM product or service is the key to success, however when blogging is in question information flows both ways. The best way to understand the mindset of the blog viewer is to have polls, allow comments and ask for feedback given you the blogger what is in the mind of your readers and how it is changing over time. Keeping your readers engaged: Avoid using advertising to create visibility for your blog, because this will not convert into sales or should I say enough profit from the sales after expenses are spent on the advertisements. The organic approach is best by creating interesting and informative posts because with the best blogs you can keep the interest of the reader longer by adding new posts that they know will be interesting from their experience the last time. So, there is no need to spam the world, just keep the interest. Empower and excite your readership: We have already established that that interesting and informative content will create a retention rate of return readers, but the ultimate goal is create content that activates and motivates the reader to the direction of a “Call to action” button.
Blogging for recruiting, enrolling and sponsoring: This is pure economics, if you are spending more on advertising and so called MLM trainers to enroll prospect into your business you are missing the point and making no money from the enterprise. The best blogs are the ultimate recruitment tool you will ever need, because the most likely people to enroll into your business are the people that have read your articles and trust your opinions. Build relationships with prospect, customers and your downline: Building relationships and giving a great service to customers has never been more important. The internet and social media will go viral with an offensive or negative review so always respond and explain, clarify, apologize or / and fix before the negative issue get out of control. Branding for popular personal blogs: Readers with a long term relationship and experience with your blog will overtime discuss your blog with family and friends branding you as popular personal blogs . This will be the best form of advertising you will get. Build a community of like minded readers: Once your readers have added discussions and comments to your blog, it will give a feeling of inclusions and interaction that will gain a sense of community to your blog that may develop online as well as offline. Keywords to success: The words we use are important and learning to find and optimize the best words for your content is vital for a successfully organically found blog. This is a whole topic in itself so it is not possible to explain everything, but once a blogger understand it power it changes everything on how to write a blog and how you approach creating the best content for your blog in the future. The final word: So, what does all this mean, the benefits simply add up to more new network marketers in your team, more new and repeat customers and sales, more knowledgeable and informed customer and finally a more successful network marketing business for the you the blogger.
Trial and error involved creating a blog to make money for your network marketing business The trial and error involved in how much money can you make blogging for those new to the network marketing industry is understandable, but what is not understandable for me is when people join a network marketing business and after several months without success leave without given blogging a chance. Also, many network marketer tell me that it's too much work creating the content, optimizing it, sharing, engaging with prospect and so on, but I say, a traditional network marketer should be doing these thing anyway. This is when I ask the question, are you doing enough to become successful in network marketing or are you just playing with the business. Regardless, if you are working online, offline or a bit of both we return to the same plot which is “WORK IS REQUIRE!” by taken action, setting goal, making a plan and working on it everyday. So, if you have been considering starting a network marketing business and want to know "can you get paid to blog your MLM business?" the answer is yes. Also, can you work with someone that really does know how to start a blog to make money, for that click on the source link below and I will get back to you asap with more information. Author: Steven Jackson Source: Why is creating a blog to make money in MLM a must?