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HOW TO GIVE CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK. Feedback is a Response to an Action or Situation (Roebuck,1996).
Feedback is a Response to an Action or Situation (Roebuck,1996). It is part of the organizational communication process and it is essential for every effective manager to put into practice such good communication skill. Although feedback may seem unsolicited in some cases, it is always triggered by an action (or lack of) or a situation.
TIMING .Make sure the time is right. The sooner the better, but if you're upset about the situation - or your employee is - take a "time-out."
CHOOSE YOUR WORDS. Saying, "You need to do..." or "You're not doing this properly," can put the receiver on the defensive from the get-go. Instead, say "I noticed that..." or "I understand that..." Beginning feedback phrases this way discusses the action or behaviour that needs to be changed, not the person.
START WITH THE POSITIVE Positive feedback acknowledges good contributions and work well done. Give specific examples of what the receiver did well. Let the receiver know the positive impact their contributions had on the department or organization so they understand the results - this also lets them know that you see it and appreciate it.
BE DESCRIPTIVE AND TALK ABOUT THE FACTS. . Discuss what happened, not how you feel about what happened. Focus on the situation, describe it, and stay objective. Give a reason why it's an issue and state the impact it had on the rest of the staff, the organization, or the customer.
COLLABORATE TO COME UP WITH IDEAS FOR IMPROVEMENT It's not up to you to come up with all the solutions by yourself - although you can offer suggestions that you think would be helpful. Make a point of involving the recipient in this crucial part of the feedback process. This way, the recipient has some involvement in decision-making, which will result in a greater commitment to see that it's implemented.
Mary is your employee who is always handing in her reports on time but with errors. How would you give her a constructive feedback?.
Mary, over the last few weeks I have noticed the timely handing in of your reports though with a number of errors. • Am concerned about this because when the reports have errors our customers don’t get the correct bills. • I need your reports to be correct 100% of the time. • Mary, what can we do to resolve this problem?.
Ovando, M.N (1994) http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/ViewContentServlet?Filename=Published/EmeraldFullTextArticle/Articles/0600080605.html Roebuck, C. (1996) Constructive Feedback: Key to Higher Performance and Commitment. 29(3) pp. 328-336 [Online] [Available at] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6V6K-3VW1PHK-5-2&_cdi=5817&_user=128556&_pii=0024630196000283&_orig=search&_coverDate=06%2F30%2F1996&_sk=999709996&view=c&wchp=dGLbVzW-zSkzS&md5=961ff1acce8187182cd82b526e812135&ie=/sdarticle.pdf