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C abs to A ugment the B us S ystem (CABS). C ollaboration A t its B est S urely. C oalition to A ugment the B us S ystem. CABS is a taxi subsidy program for persons with disabilities who reside in the Cedar Rapids metropolitan area. Its purpose is to increase
Cabs to Augment the Bus System (CABS) Collaboration At its Best Surely Coalition to Augment the Bus System
CABS is a taxi subsidy program for persons with disabilities who reside in the Cedar Rapids metropolitan area.
Its purpose is to increase access to transportation for persons with disabilities particularly those who are employed, at times when other transportation services are not available.
What you will learn about CABS today: • Its history • How it works • What services it provides • Who’s involved • Why it’s successful • The challenges it continues to face
Service Area Fairfax Linn County Marion Cedar Rapids Robins Hiawatha Population of Cedar Rapids: 120,758 People with Disabilities: 17,857
CABS supplements the community’s other transportation services • Cedar Rapids City Transit • Linn County Lifts • Neighborhood Transportation Service (NTS)
CABS History 1989: Cedar Rapids “Citizens Committee for People with Disabilities” received a United Way Time Limited Grant to pilot a project to increase access to transportation for employment.
1990: A coalition of public and private agencies assume operation. 2000: Personal use component is added. 2004: Accessible taxi service is added to provide 24 hour access to transportation for all!
How it Works • 10 mile radius trip/limit • $10.00 application fee • Participant must have a documented disability • Participant can receive work pass, personal tickets or BOTH a work pass AND personal tickets
Intended as a “last resort” program. • Participants asked to use less costly transportation services when they are available. • Exceptions can be granted.
Work pass -can only be used by identified participant -for rides from home to work or work to home -participants notify program of address changes
Personal use tickets -mailed each quarter -currently 8 tickets per month -can be used to go anywhere for personal needs
Requesting a Ride -participants contact the taxicab company of their choice -all 3 local taxicab companies participate -participants pay a $5.00 per ride co-pay (except NTS which has a $3.00 co-pay) -limited to one location per trip
What Services it Provides • CABS provides door to door transportation services for persons with disabilities, at reduced rates, when other transportation services are not available or cannot be utilized.
CABS subsidizes the cost of a taxicab ride, making it more affordable for persons with disabilities. • It builds upon existing services, ensuring that there are transportation services available 24/7 within our community.
-Abbe Center CC -Arc of ECI -CR Transit -Century Cab -City Parks and Rec -Connor Center -Goodwill -LC Community Services -Linn County MHDD -NTS -Options of Linn County -P.A.D.S Who’s Involved Consumers of Services Representatives from Community Organizations
3 Principal Partners • Cedar Rapids City Transit • Linn County (Community Services & MHDD) • Goodwill of the Heartland
Each Partner’s Role Cedar Rapids City Transit -Funding through its transportation budget -Obtains JARC and New Freedom funding -Provides in kind staff support
Each Partner’s Role Linn County -Funding through its MHDD budget -Serves as fiscal agent -Provides in-kind staff support
Each Partner’s Role Goodwill of the Heartland -Provides in-kind staff support
Why is it Successful • Model of Collaboration -Coalition members donate time, talents and expertise -Pooling of resources, making it a unique public-private partnership
CABS Benefits the Community • Accessible transportation has enabled people with disabilities to become productive members of society. • People with disabilities can fully participate in community life. • The program has generated additional business for local taxicab companies, contributing to the community’s overall economic health.
Challenges: Funding Issues 2008 Support
Funding cutbacks threaten the program • Grant funding is short term, time-limited and undependable • Need for an ongoing source of funding • Personal use passes reduced when budget reductions are required
Affordability of co-pay • Loss of the collaborative structure • Continue to look at ways to improve & enhance services
Conclusion • Program participants give CABS program high marks! • CABS offers a valuable service for those it serves.
Over the nearly 20 year history, the CABS to augments the Bus System has exemplified: Collaboration At its Best Surely!