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Curent EU approach to resilience and specific approach being developed in Kenya Dominique Davoux - EU Delegation Kenya January 2013. Communication from the Commission to the EU - October 2012 - COM(2012) 586
Curent EU approach to resilience and specific approach being developed in KenyaDominique Davoux - EU Delegation Kenya January 2013
Communication from the Commission to the EU - October 2012 - COM(2012) 586 • Definition: Resilience is the ability of an individual, a household, a community, a country or a region to withstand, to adapt, and to quickly recover from stresses and shocks • The concept of resilience has two dimensions: • The inherent strength of an entity an individual, a household, a community or a larger structure to better resist stress and shock and • the capacity of this entity to bounce back rapidly from the impact
Increasing resilience/reducing vulnerability can therefore be achieved either by enhancing the entity’s strength, or by reducing the intensity of the impact, or both. • It requires a multifaceted strategy and a broad systems perspective aimed at both reducing the multiple risks of a crisis and at the same time improving rapid coping and adaptation mechanisms at local, national and regional level. • Strengthening resilience lies at the interface of humanitarian and development assistance.
EU approach in Kenya Until now, a continuous, multi-sector support in ASAL areas, e.g.: • Institutional support to NDMA • Drought Contingency Fund responding to crisis and immediate recovery • Support to Community Investment plan • Support to key productive sectors such as rural infrastructure, livestock, water, • Have for strategic objective food and nutrition security. • Responding to crisis in all the above
Common lessons on past and current programmes • Good pilots and innovations but lack consistency between one EU instrument to another or with GoK and other donor's funding. • Limited sustainability and impact. Proposed development solutions are not adaptive enough to crisis, risks, real capacity, market integration, access to resources and ignore the high demographic growth. • GoKnot in the driving seat, but great improvement since the inception of MoNK and NDMA • EU-WB funded DPCNA assessment paved the way for a coherent programmatic approach. • High intermediation costs and duplication. • Difficulty to integratehumanitarian and developmentresponse
Global Initiative – Building resilience in drought prone areas. A multi-donors mission took place in December under the leadership of USAid in the horn of Africa. Prior to the mission a stock-taking exercise took place on the donors' coverage of the CP EDE budget.
Current donor alignment to CPP priority areas Based on input received from EU, JICA, AfDB, AusAID, DFID and USAID Total Donor funds: USD 823,198,936
CPP Funding GAP Total funding gap: USD 1,714,248,826
Way forward: • The GoK CPP EDE - as a basis for donors alignment. But are we together? are we ready to abandon a project/single sector approach? To integrate humanitarian response? • Global alliance initiative – A lot will depend on donors' long term commitment on the ground • EU future support, in principle to be integrated as part of joint donor's support programme(s) aligned to CP EDE. • Effective coordination! National? County?
Possible future focus : • To support food & nutrition security and resilience needs of: • Individual, along a graduation model. • Community, along investments in Cty resources • To support a conducive environment for resilience building in terms of: • Supporting food security at national level • Supporting investments at county level • Supporting GoK policy implementation and coordination. • Aid delivery modalities and process.
Option 1: Project approach along a fine grid of specific sectors and limited geographical intervention
Option 2/ Project approach along a fine grid of specific sectors but with broad geographical intervention
Option 3: Programme approach along a result based grid of intervention and broad geographical scope
Last minute updates The processisengaged • On GoKside: the MTP shouldprovide a detailledframework for alignment and NDMA coordinate. Date: February. • On donorsside: To develop a commondonorsfeed back to the MTP on possible fundingcoverage, needs to analyse capacity of absorption and possible mechanism of aiddelivery.