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Observation Payload Design

Observation Payload Design. IRM160A Properties. 19,200 Pixels (160 x 120) Biases: 5 V & 75 mA Consumption: 0.375 Watts Operating Temperatures(TEC): 4  40 +/- 0.05K Thermal Conductance: 1E-05 W/K Heat Capacitance: 1E-07 J/K Accuracy: +/- 1 K Storage Temperatures: - 30  + 50 C.

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Observation Payload Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Observation Payload Design

  2. IRM160A Properties • 19,200 Pixels (160 x 120) • Biases: 5 V & 75 mA • Consumption: 0.375 Watts • Operating Temperatures(TEC): 440 +/- 0.05K • Thermal Conductance: 1E-05 W/K • Heat Capacitance: 1E-07 J/K • Accuracy: +/- 1 K • Storage Temperatures: - 30  + 50 C

  3. VO2 Characteristics

  4. Detector Noise Net NETD = 75 mK ( 300 K scene, f/1.2 )

  5. Vacuum Package

  6. Conductance vs. Noise

  7. General Architecture

  8. Heat Transfer

  9. Time Line

  10. References • Dr. T. Pope, INO <Timothy.Pope@ino.ca> • [1] R.A. Wood, "UncooledThermal Imaging with Silicon Focal Arrays," Infrared Technology XIX, Proc. SPIE Vol. 2020, pp. 322-329, 1993. • [2] Y. Honda, "A High Performance ThermistorBolometer based on Micro-machined Structure," Conf. on Solid-State Sensors&Actuators, pp.1253-1256, June 1997.

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