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Splash Cymru 2003 Effective Practice Event. Kate Woolland – Prevention Programme Support Team. Agenda. Introduction Splash Cymru 02/03 findings Partner Agencies – NOF Requirements Workshop 1 & report back BREAK Practitioner spotlight Workshop 2 & report back
Splash Cymru 2003Effective Practice Event Kate Woolland – Prevention Programme Support Team
Agenda • Introduction • Splash Cymru 02/03 findings • Partner Agencies – NOF Requirements • Workshop 1 & report back • BREAK • Practitioner spotlight • Workshop 2 & report back • Effective Practice Brainstorm • Wrap up & Q&A
Background to Splash • Splash schemes have been running since 2000 • The aim of the programme is to engage 13-17 year olds at risk of offending in constructive activities over holiday periods • The mix of diversionary and developmental activities help to develop the confidence and social skills of the young people involved • Previous years have seen a reduction in youth crime in Splash areas
Schedule Return of monitoring material 26th September Final 30% of summer grant On approval of monitoring Initial 70% of October grant On approval of monitoring Please note: • Completion of monitoring and evaluation material is a condition of YJB funding • The full amount should be invoiced in advance for the February scheme
Splash Programme Manager: Catherine Knowles Tel: 020 7271 2983 catherine.knowles@yjb.gsi.gov.uk Media: Katie Martin Tel: 020 7271 2988 katie.martin@yjb.gsi.gov.uk Grants: Tom Ellis 020 7271 3100 tom.ellis@yjb.gsi.gov.uk Youth Justice Board
Programme processes Support Reporting Everything else except GRANTS Tim Allan 0870 905 3447 timothy.allan@cgey.com Splash Helpline 020 7799 3819 yjb.pps.uk@cgey.com Prevention Programme Support
Splash Cymru 2002 /2003 - Background • Ran in the school holidays of October 2002, Winter 2002 and February 2003 • Consisted of locally run holiday schemes based in areas characterised by high levels of crime and deprivation • Funded by NOF (following Splash Extra 2002) • 31 schemes ran in October and Winter, 33 ran in February • Aim: to ensure that those 9-17 year olds who are likely to offend during the holiday periods are engaged in positive and constructive activities
Splash Cymru results • 160,000+ young person hours delivered across 1,400+ activities • Local agency networks were formed and strengthened • More balanced male to female ratio • 3:2 compared with 2:1 in previous schemes • The number engaged increased for holiday period: • 2,989 in October • 3,485 in Winter • 4,419 in February Feedback shows that Splash Cymru made a real impact on the lives of the young people it engaged
Crime data returns are an area for improvement • Only 55% of projects submitted complete crime data relating to specific types of crime • Less than 10% of projects submitted complete total crime data • Sample sizes are small and analysis is inconclusive This makes it difficult to assess the impact that Splash Cymru had on crime
Splash Cymru 2002 /2003 - Recommendations Local: • Involve young people in the planning and implementation of the schemes • Vary activities in order to retain the interest of the young people • Work with local delivery partners • Hold activities on neutral territory • Increase scheme advertising and promotion • Improve referral process National: • Give more advanced notice of funding for future programmes • Continue to provide funding for schemes to run in all holiday periods • Develop a different operating model for schemes operating in areas characterised by lower population densities
Further Splash results • Publications: • Splash Cymru report: TBC – look out on YJB website • Splash Easter 2003: TBC – look out on YJB website • Splash 2002: www.youth-justice-board.gov.uk/PractitionersPortal/PreventionProgrammes/Splash • Splash Extra 2002 NOF report: www.nof.org.uk/index.cfm?loc=gen&inc=research/3_pubs
Other relevant Youth Crime research Communities that Care Report: • “Risk and protective factors associated with youth crime and effective interventions to prevent it” (November 2001) • Available from YJB: 020 7271 3033 Youth Inclusion Programme evaluation: • Available on YJB website
Links with Arts and Sports bodies & CYPP are required • The Arts Council Wales artists database: • http://www.ccc-acw.org.uk/artsdb/index.asp • Sport Wales website: • www.sports-council-wales.co.uk • Wales Youth Agency • http://www.wya.org.uk
Delivery partners can make a real difference • Providers of additional funding (cash or in-kind), and may also be able to provide volunteers; • Locally based providers have a lot of knowledge of local issues and sensitivities, and may already know the young people we need to work with; • Can provide continuity outside the holiday period (provision, or even volunteering opportunities); • Can provide high quality specialist arts/sport provision.
Problems with Delivery partners… • Health and Safety issues • Need for management (contractuals, communications, administration) • Quality Assurance and monitoring • Do they know how to work with young people at risk?
Delivery Partners - capability check Operational aspects Health and Safety aspects • Ability to deploy staff during the holiday periods required; • Experience working with young people • Experience at consulting with young people • Safety of their premises (if applicable); • Are all staff CRB checked? • Health and Safety training? • Familiarity with risk assessment Administrative aspects • Financial Management • Ability to collect monitoring and evaluation data
GROUP 1 Caroline Dyer Helena Pariobij Graham Miniss Mike Gilbert Zoe Llewelyn Karen Inkster Dominic Edgell Garreg Jenkins Steve Craddock GROUP 2 Rosemary Green Steve Matthews Amy Genders Ali Kerr Kelly James Diane Hebb Workshop Groups
Planning • List common set up problems and how to avoid these • What are the key things that can go wrong during activity period? • What can you put in place to mitigate these risks? • How can you use each holiday period to promote the next one?
Partnership working • List potential delivery partners in Wales • Brainstorm what each partner could add / has added to your scheme • Brainstorm benefits to delivery partners • Generic • Specific • List potential difficulties in getting delivery partners involved • And how to overcome these
Practitioners Spotlight
Swansea Youth Offending Team Summer Splash 2003
Scheme: - Swansea Scheme Background • Splash in Swansea has been running for 3 years under the Youth Offending Team . • 2003 saw Splash introduced to two new areas Mynyddbach Ward Castle Ward What benefits has your Splash Scheme brought: • To the young people engaged • The opportunity to engage in meaningful activities that they may never have had the opportunity to try before. • To meet other young people outside their own peer and community group. • To learn and improve valuable life skills needed for future life. • The opportunity to have some fun.
Scheme: - Swansea • To the local community • To help engage young people into meaningful activities and help prevent crime in the community • The opportunity for all young people to take part in the variety of activities. • Secured funding for Youth Workers and Youth groups/clubs • Recognition for the need of youth workers to support ethnic minority young people • Running the scheme – Lessons Learnt: What went well • Sea Fishing - Fishing Project • Sailing - Sailing Project • The opportunity for a wider range of young people to participate • Street Jams
Scheme: - Swansea What went well cont.. • The excellent weather • Working with local businesses • Zero accidents • The involvement of hard to reach and ethnic communities What went wrong • Alternative activities when one has to be cancelled. • Sea Sickness • Communication between agencies • Access to application forms What you would do differently next time • Effective Promotion • Organise alternative activities • Use venues easy accessible to young people for consent forms • Make use of a web site
Activities Provided Sea Fishing Sailing RoadRunner Football Coaching Genesis Theme Parks Drama and Arts Project Outdoor adventurous activities Drop in Service Street Jams Providers Enterprise Sea Fishing Rainbow Sailing NACYP Swansea City Football Club Mid and West Wales Fire Brigade South Wales Police Starlight Drama Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme/Youth Services Youth Access Ethnic Support Team Culture and Recreation Department - Sport Development Staff Scheme: - Swansea
For Further Details Contact Kelly James - Splash Co-ordinator Youth Offending Team Llwyncelyn Campus Cockett Rd Swansea SA2 0FJ Tel:- 01792 522800 Email - kelly.james@swansea.gov.uk
Caia Park YIP, Wrexham Summer Splash 2003
Scheme : - Caia Park, Wrexham • Scheme Background • Largest estate in North Wales; • 12,000+ residents; 26% children and young people; • Communities First - 2 wards, Caia Park and Queensway; • High numbers of incidents of Juvenile Nuisance and Anti-social behaviour; • High crime figures, including youth crime; • 2 local Service Deliverers- Caia Park Partnership Limited & The Venture; both work in partnership with the YIP; • YIP and partners have run SPLASH/ SPLASH CYMRU schemes since summer of 2000;
Scheme: - Caia Park, Wrexham • What benefits has your Splash Scheme brought: • To the young people engaged • “It’s cool here ’cause we can just come an’ go like we want and there’s always somethin’ to do or you get to go somewhere.” • “Stops us getting’ into trouble- gives us somethin’ to do instead.” • “The sea was amazing when we saw it from the bus and when we got there, it was proper rammy ‘n’ that.” (First sight of seaweed). • “Summer was mint, camp was amazing- a proper laugh, man!” • Hundreds of local young people have participated since 2000; • New opportunities and experiences; • Wide choice and variety of activities available; • Positive choice to become involved in the scheme and learn about activities that are available throughout the year; • Building of relationships with key members of staff; • Key to the engagement of the YIP Target 50.
Scheme: - Caia Park, Wrexham Staff observations include: - • Improved behaviour and better control of their emotions; • Increased ability to make more educated, informed and moral choices; • Increasing participation of young people in planning, organising and running of events and activities; • New experiences and opportunities widely appreciated by the young people; • Helps break down the territorial barriers that exist on the estate; • Great that we know in advance that we will be running schemes during future school holidays; young people look forward to the schemes now; • Hard work, very exhausting but great fun, too!
Scheme: - Caia Park, Wrexham • To the local community • Reduction of Juvenile Nuisance and Anti- Social Behaviour Reports by up to 36% (Summer 2000); • Addresses local residents views that there is nothing to do for young people in the area; • Very cost-effective- Summer 2003 scheme cost £0.69 per young person hour (initial figures); • Residents see young people participating in and positively contributing to local projects eg. Youth Shelter building, environmental projects; • Reduction in arrest rates of the Target 50 who engage in the schemes- this year, over 75 % of the current T50 participated; (2002 scheme- none of participants arrested); • Enhanced partnership working- key local statutory and voluntary sector agencies involved; • Local people benefit through volunteering and participating in events, eg. Communities First Youth Forum Fun Day.
Scheme: - Caia Park, Wrexham • Running the scheme – Lessons Learnt: • What went well • Trips off the estate, especially camps; • Variety of activities on offer eg football, tennis, swimming, arts and crafts, music and dance, playstations, snooker, pool, bowling, barbecues, fashion night, discussion groups, baby training, hair and beauty, fishing, drama and filming with the BBC; • Provision of activities across the neighbourhoods, breaking down the territorial barriers an preventing some groups monopolising the activities; • Use of the local youth centre (normally closed during the day), to provide an additional base; • Availability of Outdoor Education youth workers, providing canoeing, gorge walking and climbing opportunities; • Building of a youth shelter, involving young people in the whole process;
Scheme: - Caia Park, Wrexham • What went wrong • As far as I am aware, very little! • We can never provide enough trips or places on the minibuses; • Staff struggle to cope with the numbers of young people on occasions, particularly when several of the more challenging ones attend sessions; • Short trips are better! Reduces risks of young people becoming bored, starting fights, cigarette breaks, spitting from the windows and shouting abuse etc. • 16+ need to learn to let go! They keep coming back and want to take part. • Not enough equipment to maintain the interest of the young people at times; • Some equipment was broken, stolen and ‘died’ this year (mixing deck).
Scheme: - Caia Park, Wrexham • What you would do differently next time • YIP is looking at keyworker system with Service Deliverers to increase likelihood of participation by Target 50; • More staff required, but this would need additional funding; • Exit strategy for the16+ age range; • More equipment available for the different projects; • Increased participation from other agencies, delivering workshops and information sharing;
GROUP 1 Steve Matthews Amy Genders Karen Inkster Garreg Jenkins Kelly James Caroline Dyer GROUP 2 Graham Miniss Helena Pariobij Ali Kerr Zoe Llewelyn Dominic Edgell Diane Hebb Steve Craddock Workshop Groups
Targeting at risk young people • List potential sources of referrals • List ways in which to target the YPs referred • Which are the three most effective? • Brainstorm ways to engage hard to reach YPs • Discuss how to track success at engaging referred young people • What are the possible benefits?
Targeting risk factors • List means of assessing YPs • What is most appropriate for Splash Cymru? • Brainstorm list of potential risk factors affecting young people. • What activities are best at addressing which risk factors? • Is there a gender difference? • What mix of activities is appropriate?
EP Brainstorm • What was the: • Best thing your scheme did • Worst thing your scheme did
Planning activities Activity Design: • Requirements: • Variety of activities • Sports and Arts partners must be used • Timing and duration • 78.1% of youth offending occurs between midday and midnight • Coaching • Use of sports coaching to teach new skills • Issue based work • Use of Arts activities to address issues such as bullying and peer pressure • Data capture • Brief staff and partners
Engagement • Specific targeting of at risk individuals will impact on the effectiveness of usual methods of marketing and promotion • need for more intensive and personal contact • Outreach / detached work • Based on local intelligence • Good to capture those who are in contact with no agencies • Peer Mentors • Use of young people as mentors for other young people • Incentives • Activities • ‘Carrots’- Trips, residentials
Scheme suggestions • How to get fair distribution of young people on activities • Get YP to prioritise the choice of trips/activities as places fill up early 1st 2nd 3rd… choice approach. • Target individual groups of young people who usually offend together. • Split up & Reduce risk. • Staffing Use of school teachers - • CRB checked • May be qualified activity instructors • Have free time during the holiday periods • Logistics Initial visit to parents to get original signature on consent form for comparison in the future.