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Vocabulary Bank for Education

Vocabulary Bank for Education. Mike Collett Vocabulary Management Group. Proposition. A vocabulary service supports content management, federated discovery, multilinguality, competency and e-portfolio services. Overview. ASPECT Project Introduction

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Vocabulary Bank for Education

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  1. Vocabulary Bankfor Education Mike Collett Vocabulary Management Group

  2. Proposition A vocabulary service supports content management, federated discovery, multilinguality, competency and e-portfolio services

  3. Overview ASPECT Project Introduction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjiik2TBNG8

  4. LRE Vision VBE

  5. Service Center • LOR Registry • Vocabulary Bank • App Profile Registry • Automatic metadata language translation • Automatic metadata format transformation • Automatic content format transcoding • Compliance testing • Identifier service – handle • Access to known interoperability issues

  6. VBE vocabularies are for • Controlled vocabularies - tagging terms • Navigation structures (to tagging terms • Additional (curriculum) information • Mappings • Re-use existing terms • Create relationships between terms • Create mapping vocabularies

  7. Potential architecture

  8. Kennisnet (EduStandaard) ‘All our vocabs need to be on static url’s, in VDEX format, we will have 500 vocabs’ ‘Would you make the interface multilingual’ ‘Could you auto create bi-directional relationships’ ‘We also need to use relationships from a specific schema’ ‘It would be good to maintain a full history of all changes’

  9. EduStandaard

  10. ASPECT

  11. National Strategies Online ‘We need to be able to’ • Synchronise our terminology across our enterprise solution • Map to existing vocabularies in VMS Bank • Use these mappings to drive ‘assisted tagging’ • Categorise our terms using ‘facets’ (and see what the results of a query using the facets would look like) • Use these facets to drive data retrieval • Make sure all of this is independent of the CMS we use so the knowledge is transportable

  12. National Strategies

  13. National Strategies • The National Strategies portal reuses many National Curriculum vocabularies downloaded from DCSF Bank • It has adapted them to its requirements • They are managed using their own bank • Automatic ingestion into a tagging tool • Automatic synchronisation with NS CMS navigation and tagging • Ability to go back to any previous version • Probably the first DCSF true taxonomy driven service • For browse navigation • Metadata retrieval • Mapping

  14. Proposition A vocabulary service can support multiple services • A way to edit, publish and manage terminology, including curriculum terminology • Exposed as a web service using open standards • A workable model for managing competences, skills and knowledge

  15. Separate management • Terms can exist in structures • Related to other terms or concepts • Related to other things • topics, curricula, qualifications, objectives, outcomes, courses • Better to represent these relationships outside of the metadata about people and stuff • Dynamic structures – so provide as a web service

  16. Classify terms • Include various term types • Create relationships between terms (narrower or related eg isPartOf or requires) • extend the relationship types eg term x hasCompetenceterm y • faceted classification – with facets from controlled vocabs, eg level, action, topic • allow for tuples so that related terms can be grouped

  17. Services • Vocabulary services can help • Link people, stuff, objectives and competences • Form a flexible component of e-portfolio and content services • Drive navigation, searching and mapping • Best practice in data models and schemas • Reference both source (+label) and terms (name and id) in schemas (not just one URI) • Separate resolution, structure and identity • Allow tuples

  18. ASPECT Next steps • Translations – including investigating automatic translation • Add relevant vocabularies • Improve and publish the LRE Thesaurus • Encode and publish curricula • Investigate competencies support in VBE

  19. More info • http://aspect.eun.org/ • http://aspect.vocman.com/ • http://aspect.eun.org/node/28 look at 2.3 for VBE paper • http://www.cen-ltso.net/ • http://kennisnet.lexaurus.net • http://www.nationalstrategies.org.uk/catalogue/ • http://bank.vocman.com • http://demo.lexaurus.net • http://www.vocman.com/ • mike@vocman.com

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