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Flipping the Presbytery

Discover organizational processes, dream of future possibilities, plan and prioritize, implement proposed designs. Core themes include building relationships, committing to something bigger, embracing diversity, and empowerment. Explore the identification of processes that work well.

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Flipping the Presbytery

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  1. Flipping the Presbytery

  2. Flipping the Presbytery 2009 – Appreciative Inquiry, Dreaming TF 2010 – Los Ranchos resources, frame Opening up the Budget Flipping TF, Co. of Elder conversations 2011 - Open Space Technology Mission @ Presby mtngs 2012 - Company of Elders

  3. Flipping the Presbytery Appreciative Inquiry DISCOVER: The identification of organizational processes that work well. DREAM: The envisioning of processes that would work well in the future. DESIGN: Planning and prioritizing processes that would work well. DELIVER: The implementation of the proposed design.[

  4. Flipping the Presbytery • CORE THEMES IN DISCOVERY PHASE • Building Relationships • Commitment to Something Bigger • Embracing Diversity • Empowerment • Think Tank • Worship and Music

  5. Flipping the Presbytery DREAM: what would it look like if we take our core themes to the next level? BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS – tech connections: skype, facebook, video conferencing for snowbirds, virtual church for youth, shut ins info packets & orientation for new members of churches, presby reinstitute Silver Bay mtng, pastors retreats, commitment to shared ministry, tent making training & support for elders and laity throughout presby more trust, delegated authority gatherings that go beyond business

  6. Flipping the Presbytery DESIGN & DELIVER – BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS – Go To Meeting, beginning use of YouTube no facebook, twitter yet, but workshops available Silver Bay reinstituted – low attendance Pastors retreats – canceled for lack of interest Road Show – greatly modified Open Space Technology used @ Presbytery mtngs Introduction of Company of Elders

  7. Flipping the Presbytery • DREAM:COMMITMENT TO SOMETHING BIGGER – • sell Hebron, buy house in Arbor Hill, base for church work camps • shed our big buildings • Use our buildings for lots more community outreach • more hands on mission projects at presbytery level. • share best practices and staff to develop these practices. • make churches public buildings again, participatory mission • New church development – emergent, progressive church downtown • Use 30 million endowment of our current churches. • Create immersion experiences in mission, • get out of our churches, onto the streets – in every way –

  8. Flipping the Presbytery • DESIGN & DELIVER – • COMMITMENT TO SOMETHING BIGGER – • Hebron for sale - $ provides camperships • Building Assessment & Stewardship • Grant & Loan program – initial interest, but still early • Mission scholarships ($100,000+) – very well received, but little • follow through • Proposal to bring in Ecclesiastical Facilities Consultant • At least one “hands on mission” presbytery meeting each year – • well received • No new church development yet

  9. Flipping the Presbytery • DREAM:EMBRACING DIVERSITY – • more discernment opportunities before and • during presbytery meetings • opportunities to talk without imminent vote on • social issues we all face. • melt some of the old denominational boundaries • to empower and cluster small churches

  10. Flipping the Presbytery • DESIGN & DELIVER:EMBRACING DIVERSITY – • Open Space Technology at presbytery meetings – well • received, but hitting a plateau, also low attendance • Attempts to coordinate our COM’s work with that of RCA – • unsuccessful • Attempts to share lists of open pulpits and pastors seeking • new calls with other judicatory executives – very limited • success

  11. Flipping the Presbytery • DREAM:EMPOWERMENT – • revive Silver Bay Youth Conference, team of traveling • youth ministers at local churches in 4 week series. • bring in big name, national leaders for week at a time, • Technology training for churches • Presbytery serves as clearing house for people’s gifts. • Help fund local congregations in their mission dreams. • Become more culturally aware...space to see what God’s doing. • Realignment of leadership to inspire us • Invest in the things we’re passionate about: • social justice, evangelism, saving planet

  12. Flipping the Presbytery • DESIGN & DELIVER:EMPOWERMENT – • Youth trips to Taize, Guatemala, camperships • Big name, national leaders - way beyond our price range • Technology training for churches offered – seldom used • New funds available to congregations for mission - unused • Mentor training now offered – expanding • Coaching now offered – seldom used • New staffing model proposed – in its infancy

  13. Flipping the Presbytery • DREAM:THINK TANK – • concentrate on broader issues, let go of minority interests • think bigger, exploring our passions, • workshops on how to share faith, introduce people to Christ • We organize well to explore and study controversial issues. • Spend more time studying core theological issues. • spend more time on spiritual renewal, • get rid of presbytery structure, see what arises • “what can we lose, what must we keep and still be Presby?” • Let churches die gracefully so energy can go to • nurturing church development and mission. • Regional think tanks, call on CRTC

  14. Flipping the Presbytery • DESIGN & DELIVER:THINK TANK – • Fiduciary, Strategic, Generative framework for Council • and all committees, task forces, boards • Unbinding the Gospel – big roll out, small return • Companies of Elders – just begun • Viability task force allows churches to close or become • fellowships – graceful closures but no fellowships • yet

  15. Flipping the Presbytery • DREAM:WORSHIP/MUSIC – • create a presbytery wide “mega-church” experience • Model for all churches diversity of music, upbeat, • gather music of other cultures. • Update technology, improve sound systems. • Big music conference in local church. • Satellite reporting from afar. • Enhance our spirituality and faith • Revival type worship • Global connections through technology for • live sharing in worship

  16. Flipping the Presbytery • DESIGN & DELIVER:WORSHIP/MUSIC – • Transformation & Media staff person – not well focused • Grants available to update technology, • improve sound systems– used somewhat • Difficult to be creative in presby worship aside • from offering great music

  17. Flipping the Presbytery Next steps… What are we missing? Where are we over reaching, micromanaging? Where are we under performing, lacking trust, unaware?

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