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Enhancing Project Communication Strategy - Workshop Outcomes & Proposed Tools

Explore a new project phase's potential for improved communication rules. Workshop to define info needs, share data, and establish seamless communication methods. Brainstorm to enhance communication efficiency.

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Enhancing Project Communication Strategy - Workshop Outcomes & Proposed Tools

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  1. Communication work program presentation

  2. Why am I here today ? • A new project phase = a new opportunity to establish basis of better communication rules • A new work package configuration = more reasons to work closely and to share information • The WP5 internal meeting = a super opportunity to meet at the same time all the stakeholder representatives of the project + people in charge of managing the project and the global communication.

  3. Let’s be pragmatic ! • Let’s focus only on communication needs without talking about tools ! • Few time available, so let’s highlight the basic essential needs to work together (needs ok, may be some whishes, dreams later !) • No formal method but rather a guided brainstorming • No necessary specific skills to use future tools, the less time possible to entry information (written once and used multiple times) • I collect relevant information during this 4 days, after I will translate this ideas in proposals. This proposals will be submitted to partners and management team. Once the proposals are validated, I’ll build the expected tools (by updating, completing, embedding, synchronizing existing tools) • Regarding information relative to project follow up and management, some information rules will be established by management for WPs and for all partners involved into financial actions of the project

  4. Three objectives • Objective 1:Understanding how the wp’s members want to work together and what kind of information they share inside the WP and outside • Type of Work: brainstorming in plenary session • Expected results: A realistic definition of a virtual WP workspace with its functions and information stored, some necessary rules and procedures to work together

  5. Three objectives • Objective2 : Identifying what is the necessary information needed by managers to manage and to follow up the project • Type of Work: brainstorming with management team • Expected results: • A realistic definition of a virtual management team workspace and its dashboard with its functions and information stored • First draft of set of Information and communication rules and procedures for the project

  6. Three objectives • Objective 3:Establish bases of a stronger information strategy for the project • identifying the targets interested by PAEPARD information • identifying the type of information which is the most suitable to these targets • define the necessary channels to give out this information • Type of Work: brainstorming in plenary session under the direction of François • Expected results: • A map of information flow from sources to consumer • Proposal for project information formats and media (Newsletter, News, Synthesis, ARD events, funding opportunities …) • Proposal for harmonizing, embedding, completing and simplifying existing tools (websites, blog, dgroups, collaborative spaces)

  7. Work n° 1 Workpackage communication needs

  8. Proposed approach 1 – Communicating out the WP • Who is receiving information from WP ? • What type of information is concerned 2 – Communication inside the WP • When have we the opportunity to work together ? • What are the main problems we meet ? 3 – Logical tools we need • What are the main functions (agenda, library, directory…) we need to ensure basis of an efficient work ? 4 – Describing format of information uses in the logical tools • What are the data (fields) necessary to feed the expected tools ? 5 – linking parts of information above to information flows described in step 1 • What parts of information are transmitted to who ? 6 – Establishing a set of minimum rules to ensure a robust communication • What behavior should we have to allow a proper functioning of the communication at the project level and WP level ?

  9. 1 - Communicating out the WP Project managment Partners - Interim activity report (A1) Public - Budget update (A2) - Activity progress summary (A3) - WP event annoucement (A4) - WP event annoucement (B1) WP Others WP - Activity progress summary (C1) ULP/ Consortia ?????? ???????

  10. 2 - Communication inside the WP When have we the opportunity to work together ? • Preparing a meeting or an event • Producing a collaborative document or deliverable • Launch a activity of the action plan • Have an advice or make a decision on an on going activity What are the main problems we meet ? • Validating a document • Document versioning • Find a suitable timetable to communicate

  11. 2 - Communication inside the WP Synthesis

  12. 3 – Logical tools we need By gathering in a logical way the actions/information listed before we can guess what are the main expected main functions we need like : A – An WP’s events and actions agenda B – An action/event description folder C – A shared library D – A directory of people involved into WP work E – A tool box

  13. 3 – Logical tools we need A – Agenda To plan WP action or meeting, to be informed about WP action or meeting, to a have a overall vision of WP activity or meeting, to access to all the data relative to a specific WP action or meeting Possible actions : add an event, search a event by date, access to all th relevant information linked to one event B – Action description folder To keep a track of all relevant information relative to the preparation, the achievement and the decisions taken on a meeting or event led by the WP Possible actions : add a new action description in the folder, add (link) new documents to this action description, search an action by several criteria, list the actions by criteria, C – Shared library A place where are stored all relevant (and last version) document of the WP and where we can search document by several ways Possible actions : add a new document to be shared, replace a document by its new version, search a document by several criteria, list the document by criteria, list the actions where a document is noticed

  14. 3 – Logical tools we need D – Directory Storing the information on people involved into the WP in order to reuse this information later (build a list of participants, send a email, invite to a meeting ….) Possible actions : add a new person, search a person by several criteria, see the actions where a person is involved, create a list of people to : - invite them to a Skype meeting , to send them a document or specific message E – Tool box Some useful tool to help the WP to organize its work • Take an appointment (like doodle) • Make a shared report on line during a Skype meeting • Organize the validation of a document among a group of people

  15. 4 – Describing format of information uses in the logical tools

  16. 4 – Describing format of information uses in the logical tools

  17. 5 – Linking parts of information above to information flows described in step 1

  18. 6 – Establishing a set of minimum rules to ensure a robust communication Rules related to the tools • Agenda • Each action/event must be filled in into the agenda by the leader of this action/event BEFORE the beginning date • Library • Only the last version of a document is stored. The version is updated by a remove/replace of the current version stored. Global rules • Documents notified in global email, activity description folders, others documents must be stored in their last version into the library

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