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We have 26 years of experience in cable production, offering a wide range of products tailored to customer needs. Our products include telecom cables, control cables, special products, and 1kV power cables and conductors. We also offer cables with protection against rodents and cables for mining/pyrotechnics. Our cables meet EU norms for reaction to fire classification. References include telecom operators, nuclear power plants, solar power plants, and various infrastructure projects.
Our products in Europe Trstená Hronsek
Locations ProductionTrstená Warehouses / LogisticsTrstená, Hronsek
Products Telecomcables Controlcables Specialproductstailored tocustomerneeds 1kV powercables andconductors Controlcables withreaction tofire Copperwires, strandsand ropes 1kV powercables withreaction tofire
Products SYKY, SYKFYU, UnPEKFY-Call, PEPKFH-EFK, Qf Telecomcablesinterior interior :from 1x2x0,5 to 100x2x0,5mm exterior: from 1x4x0,4 to 50x4x0,8 mm or 100x4x0,6 mm Telecomcablesexterior TCEPKPFLE, TCEKFLES, QV, QLTCEPKSwFLE, TCEPKSwFLE-RP, DCEPKSwFLETCEKFLEY, TCEPKPFLEY
Cables with protectionagainst rodents TCEPKSwFLE - RP
Products YSLCY, H05VV-F, H05V-K, H07V-K1-CYKFY, H05V-U,H07V-UEFK SOLAR, EFK SOLAR-80 1kV powercables andconductors conductorsfrom 0,5 mm2 to 120 mm2 cables from 2x1,5 mm2 to 5x10 mm2
Products N2XH EFK, 1-CXKH-R EFK N2XH EFKPS60 and PS901-CXKH-VP60-Rand P90-R 1kV powercables withreactionto fire from 2x1,5 mm2 to 5x10 mm2reaction to fire class Fca and B2ca
Products TCEKFY, TCEKFE, TCEKPFLEYJYTY, JQTQ, JEFY, JYFY, JYAY EFKJ-Y(St)Y EFK, SRMKAhM, SRoMKAhM Controlcables from 2x0,8 mm from 1x2x0,5 mmto 61x1,0 mm to 30x2x1,0 mm or 100x2x0,8 mm
Products J-H(St)H EFK, SHKFH-R EFKJE-H(St)H PS60 and PS90SSKFH-V180 P60-R and SHXKFH-V180 P90-R Controlcables withreaction tofire from 1x2x0,5 to 30x2x0,8 or 20x2x1,0 mm reaction to fire class Fca and B2ca
Products copper wiresfrom 0,2 mm to 2,7 mm Copperwires, strandsand ropes copper strands and ropes Class 5from 0,5 mm2 to 50 mm2 special copper ropesup to 1500 mm2
Products conductors for mining/pyrotechnicsXCE, XCE-H, XCYL, XCYS, XPYSCu and FeCu wires 0,5 to 0,8 mm cables withsuperabsorbers(water protection)or rodent protection Specialproducts UV stabileoil resistantflexible in up to -40°C cables with asteel carrying rope Hybridcables combination of variousconductors or propertiesin one cable
Reaction to fire classification In compliance with EN 50575 and EU REGULATIONnr. 305/2011 (Construction Product Regulation or CPR) EU norms reactionto fire classes: B2ca, Ecaand Fca N2XH B2ca -s1,d0,a1SHXKFH-V180 P90-R B2ca-s1,d1,a1 Reactionto fire additional s (smoke) 1 to 3 classifications d (drops)0 to 2a (acidity) 1 to 3
References telecom operatorsin SR, CZ, HU nuclear powerplantsMochovce,J. Bohunice, Temelín energy sector VSE, SSE, ZSE,SEPS, ČEPS, ČEZ solar power plants in SR, CZ, RO, HR
References highways, highway tunnels and motorways hospitals, airports, stadiums
References business and administrativecentresin Slovakiaand abroad
Thank you for your attention team of ELKOND HHK, a.s. obchod@elkond.sk www.elkond.sk
Headquarters:Oravická 1874, SK-028 01 Trstená • Sales department:Hronseckácesta 1, SK-976 31 Hronsek www.elkond.sk obchod@elkond.sk @ +421 48 471 47 44