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Kings of England and The Magna Carta

Kings of England and The Magna Carta. William the Conqueror. -1066: William led an army of Norman knights across the channel to England -known as the Battle of Hastings. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0qZ6_cf6cvg/TST7lsJsNcI/AAAAAAAAAK4/D_LZ-o5thpQ/s1600/Battle%2Bof%2BHastings.jpg.

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Kings of England and The Magna Carta

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  1. Kings of EnglandandThe Magna Carta

  2. William the Conqueror -1066: William led an army of Norman knights across the channel to England -known as the Battle of Hastings http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0qZ6_cf6cvg/TST7lsJsNcI/AAAAAAAAAK4/D_LZ-o5thpQ/s1600/Battle%2Bof%2BHastings.jpg -English were defeated

  3. William the Conqueror -William became King William I of England -at first English resisted his rule, however, became more accepting after he kept many of their laws and type of govt. http://globallearning.pwnet.org/images/WilliamtheConqueror.jpg -the English learned Norman customs, the French language & architecture, and new artisan skills

  4. Richard the Lionheart -busy with the Crusades rather than ruling England -died in 1199 from an arrow wound http://thebsreport.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/richard.jpg

  5. John, Richard’s brother -became King of England - taxes; made nobles angry -1215: forced to sign the Magna Carta http://www.berkshirehistory.com/villages/images/windsor_john.jpg

  6. Magna Carta worksheet

  7. "The Church is free to make its own appointments." Meaning: The Church had the final say who was appointed to Church positions of power.

  8. "No more than the normal amounts of money can be collected to run the government, unless the king's feudal tenants give their consent." Meaning: The King was not allowed to demand more money (taxes) from people unless the Great Council agreed.

  9. "No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions... except by the lawful judgment of his peers." Every free male has the right to a fair trial.

  10. Other Magna Carta Declarations -took away some of the King’s power & gave more to nobles -the King is not above the law http://www.dutiel.com/webquests/test/images/magna_carta_thumb.jpg

  11. -Magna Carta=Great Charter (charters are documents that allow towns to control their own affairs) http://www.thedctraveler.com/files/2007/09/magna-carta-at-the-national-archives.jpg

  12. Why is it so hard to read? The scribes wrote in medieval Latin. They also followed the usual practice of abbreviating words to save space on the parchment, because it was so expensive to produce.  Magna Carta Q & A(courtesy of the British Library) http://www.bl.uk/treasures/magnacarta/magna_6.html

  13. What kind of material was it written on? The Magna Carta was written on parchment, not on paper. Parchment was the normal writing material in England at the time (it was made from sheepskin) Magna Carta Q & A(courtesy of the British Library) http://www.isle-dso.eu.dodea.edu/et/Projects/Constitution/parchmentbase.jpg

  14. There are four known copies of the Magna Carta; why is one burnt? Both copies of Magna Carta in the British Library came from a collection of manuscripts owned by Sir Robert Cotton. In 1731, there was a fire where his collection was kept.  Magna Carta Q & A(courtesy of the British Library) http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/images/citizen_subject/magna_carta.jpg

  15. Why is the Magna Carta so important? It was the first action by an English king to set limits on royal authority.  Magna Carta Q & A(courtesy of the British Library) http://files.vector-images.com/clipart/crown_emp7.gif

  16. -1264 became King -let more people have representatives in Great Council Simon de Montfort http://www.s9.com/images/portraits/21027_Montfort-Simon-De.jpg

  17. -made Parliament -gave people an even greater share in the ruling of England Edward the First http://www.wright.edu/~martin.kich/GLR/Glr5/Images/Ph10.jpg http://www.middletemple.org.uk/Images/h_edward_i.jpg

  18. Bibliography England. British Library. The British Library. Claire Breay. The British Library Board. Web. 28 Feb. 2010. <http://www.bl.uk/treasures/magnacarta/virtual_curator/vcindex.html>.

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