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MIGRATION IN TURKEY. Nuh Çimento Vatan Middle School - TURKEY. Country profile. Location: 97% Asia (Anatolian Peninsula), 3% Europe (Balkan Peninsula) Surface: 780.580 sqkm (36 th ) Population: 78.785.548 (17 th ) Ethnic structure: 75% Turks, 18% Kurds, 7% Greeks, Armenians,
MIGRATION IN TURKEY Nuh Çimento Vatan MiddleSchool - TURKEY
Country profile • Location: 97% Asia (Anatolian Peninsula), 3% Europe (Balkan Peninsula) • Surface: 780.580 sqkm (36th) • Population: 78.785.548 (17th) • Ethnic structure: 75% Turks, 18% Kurds, 7% Greeks, Armenians, Arabs • Net migration rate: 0.5 migrant/1000 population (63rd)
MIGRATION OF TURKEY OVER TIME Since the founding of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, we have witnessed several movements of its population. They can be divided into 4 stages. • Stage I (1923-1950) • Stage II (1950-1970) • Stage III (1970-1990) • Stage IV (after 1990)
Stage I (1923-1950) Two international migration movements: • mass-leaving of the country by the minority non-Muslim population • the return of the Turks from the territories lost by the Ottoman Empire before and during the first World War Ethnical structure of the population of Turkey during 1914-1945 (thousands)
Stage II (1950-1970) • Series of international migrations, an exodus of Turkish citizens towards Western Europe countries • First agreement was signed in 1961 with Germany, fact which provides us with an explanation why today Germany has the largest Turkish Diaspora community in the world (1.658.083 people in 2009). • Immediately after having signed the agreement with Germany, Turkey has signed one also with UK • In 1964 there were signed agreements with Austria, Netherlands and Belgium • In 1965 with France • In 1967 with Sweden and Australia • The end of this stage was brought by the oil crisis from 1973 which pressured Germany and other countries to terminate the agreements with Turkey and several other states; this resulted in closing the migrant workers program
Stage III (1970-1990) • This period is characterized by an exodus of Turkish citizens towards the Arab countries • Two phases: • the first one, migration towards Libya and Saudi Arabia during 1967-1981 • the second one, migration towards Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, Jordan and Libya during 1981-1992 • A series of immigrants from Iran arrive to Turkey due to the political changes caused by the Islamic Revolution • During the ‘80s, part of the Turkish population found itself too, faced with the need to emigrate due to political conditions • This period ended due to the crisis generated by the Gulf War from 1990-1991
Stage IV (after 1990) • This stage begins after the end of the Cold War • Migration towards the former Soviet Union members • In 5 years, towards the ISC, migrated a population double in size compared to the one that migrated towards the Arab countries in 20 years • After 1995 studies reveal an increase in the migration towards more remote destinations, like Canada, USA, Australia
Turkey also has a sizeable refugee population abroad as well as an internallydisplaced population, mainly due to the internal conflict mainly due tohostilities opposing the Turkish army since 1984.
Turkey has also long been a country of destination for migrants, eithermigrants or refugees or asylumseekers. It has recently emerged as adestination for migrants from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, asthese new migrants envisage Turkey as a gateway to a new job, a new life, and astepping stone to employment in the West.
Migration issues in Turkey are shaped by its effortstobecome a memberof the European Union (EU), which are creating pressures for an overhaul ofits immigration and asylum policies. This is because the alignment of Turkey’smigration policy and practice with the EU migration acquis and policies is oneof the conditions for the country’s accession to the EU.
An issue of concern inEurope at present relates to the possible negative consequence of Turkey’s potentialmembership in the EU, that is, the probability of a massive wave of migrationfrom Turkey to EU’s more prosperous members.
MIGRATION IN TURKEY TODAY • Immigrants • Turkey hosts 1.328.405 immigrants, approximately 2% of its population • The immigrants group is balanced, 52.6% being women and 47.4% being men • Turkey hosts approximately 13.000 refugees • It is impossible to know the exact number of illegal immigrants from Turkey, but estimates show that it could be anywhere between 150.000 and 1.000.000
MIGRATION IN TURKEY TODAY • Emigrants • has today approximately 4.5 million emigrants • the most popular destinations for Turkish migrants are Germany, France and Netherlands, these three hosting approximately 2.5 million Turkish emigrants, more than half of the total number of worldwide Turkish emigrants • schooling level of those emigrating from Turkey is rather diverse, but the share of those with higher qualification is larger than that of those without qualification
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.