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The Storming of the Bastille

By: Hannah Rush. The Storming of the Bastille. W hy did the Storming occur?. They wanted weapons They first asked the commander Bernard de Launay for the weapons When they he said no, they decided to storm the Bastille They planned on forcefully taking the weapons

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The Storming of the Bastille

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  1. By: Hannah Rush The Storming of the Bastille

  2. Why did the Storming occur? • They wanted weapons • They first asked the commander Bernard de Launay for the weapons • When they he said no, they decided to storm the Bastille • They planned on forcefully taking the weapons • They needed weapons to protect themselves during the revolution

  3. Why did the Storming occur? • They wanted to save prisoners • They wanted to enlarge their mob • They wanted to save innocent people

  4. Why did the Storming occur? • They wanted to start a Revolution • Put an end to the monarchy • End over taxation

  5. Who stormed the Bastille? • A mob of revolutionaries • There were over three hundred people in the mob • They were very enraged • It was said that some guards quit their jobs because of the rumors that the Bastille would be stormed

  6. During the Storming • the angry mob • Gunfire was transferred and killed a number of people • They cut the chains that held the drawbridge closed • The castle archives were thrown out of the window

  7. During the Storming • Damage done • Everything in the castle was destroyed or taken • There was more gunfire when they reached the courtyard • Each side blamed each other for who took the first shot

  8. Results of the storming • Damage to the castle • It was torn apart stone by stone • Everything was destroyed or taken

  9. Results of the Storming • Casualties • 98 civilians died • They beheaded Bernard de Launay • They put his severed head on a pole and displayed/paraded it

  10. The Storming of the Bastille’s Meaning • The Bastille symbolized royal oppression • The storming of the Bastille was a symbol of the French Revolution • It also represented the collapse of the French Monarchy

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