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The extended Telebiometric Multimodal Model [TMM] ITU-T Recs X.1081, X.1082 (IEC 80000-14) and X.1092 series (twin texts with ISO & IEC 80003 series ). A decade of joint standardization of wetware (human physiology in telecommunication SAFE AND SECURE software/hardware environment).
The extended Telebiometric Multimodal Model [TMM]ITU-T Recs X.1081, X.1082 (IEC 80000-14)and X.1092 series(twin texts with ISO & IEC 80003 series) A decade of joint standardization of wetware (human physiology in telecommunication SAFE AND SECURE software/hardware environment) Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
1st Telebiometric Logotype Chart • $user;# sensor; @ actuator 2003 • ! Symbol of safe and secure HMI • * TANGO—IN (I am touched) • & TANGO—OUT (I touch it) • ^ VIDEO—IN (I see it) • % VIDEO—OUT (I am seen) • ) AUDIO—IN (I hear it) • ( AUDIO—OUT (I am heard) • _ CHEMO—IN (I smell and/or taste it) • - CHEMO—OUT I am smelled and/or tasted) Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
2nd Telebiometric Logotype Chart • $user;# sensor; @ actuator 2004 • ! Symbol of safe and secure HMI • THE 8 LOGOTYPES RECEIVED 4 MORE • + RADIO—IN (I am irradiated) • = RADIO—OUT (I am irradiating) • ~ CALOR—IN (I feel heat) • ` CALOR—OUT (I emit heat) Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
3rd Telebiometric Logotype Chart • $user;# sensor; @ actuator 2011 • ! Symbol of safe and secure HMI • THE 12 LOGOTYPES RECEIVED 2 MORE • \ ELECTRO—IN (I feel electricity) • | ELECTRO—OUT (I emit electricity) • NOW 2011, we have 14 LOGOTYPES • For the 7 MODALITIES (IN & OUT) in the extended TELEBIOMETRIC MULTIMODAL MODEL Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
I thank TSB Director; SG 17 Chairman and Vice Chairmen for their kind words • And I invite you to read along with me what • *ISO/TC 12 responsible for International System of Quantities [ISQ], as well as what • **IEC/TC 25 responsible for the safety features of Telebiometrics and • ***BIPM/CCU responsible for the International System of Units [SI] contributed to the ITU-T Rec. X 1082 Telebiometrics related to human physiology Regarding the RADIO(activity) modality : RADIO—IN (I am irradiated) RADIO—OUT (I am irradiating) Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
Liaison SDOs *ISO/TC 12 Quantities and their units www.iso.org **IEC/TC 25 Quantities and their units www.iec.ch ***BIPM/CCU International Bureau of Weights and Measurements / Consultative Committee of Units http://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cc/ccu/ Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
RADIO(activity)Quantities and their Units [1] • ISQ NAME of Quantity: activity°SYMBOL of Quantity: A • DEFINITION: amount of spontaneous nuclear transitions per unit of time. For exponential decay, A = λN, where λ is the decay constant. N is the number of nuclei in the particular energy state considered.A half-life period is also commonly used, defined as the time it takes for the activity to reduce to half its original value (for exponential decay, twice this time is needed for the activity to reduce to one quarter of its original value, and so on). • °BIPM/CCU Name of Unit: becquerel °SYMBOL of Unit: Bq • DEFINITION: 1 Bq = 1 s−1The becquerel is a special name for second to the power minus one, to be used as the SI unit of activity. Conversion factor: curie (Ci). 1 Ci = 3.7 · 1010 Bq • °ISQ NAME of Quantity: massic activity °SYMBOL of Quantity: a • DEFINITION: activity divided by the total mass of the sample • °BIPM/CCU NAME of Unit: becquerel per kilogram °SYMBOL OF Unit: Bq/kg Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
RADIO(activity)Quantities and their Units [2] • °ISQ NAME of Quantity: exposure rate °ISQSYMBOL of Quantity: X‘ • DEFINITION: X' = dX/dt • °CCU NAME of Unit: coulomb per kilogram second • °CCUSYMBOL of UNIT: C/(kg · s) • DEFINITION: 1 C/(kg · s) = A/kg • °ISQ NAME of Quantity: absorbed dose • °ISQ SYMBOL of Quantity : D • DEFINITION: for any ionizing radiation, mean energy imparted to an element of irradiated matter divided by the mass of this element • °CCU NAME of Unit: gray °CCU SYMBOL of Unit: Gy1 Gy = 1 J/kg • DEFINITION: The gray is a special name for joule per kilogram, to be used as the SI unit for these quantities. rad (rad), 1 rad = 10−2 Gy Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
RADIO(activity)Quantities and their Units [3] • °ISQ NAME of Quantity: dose equivalent °ISQ SYMBOL of Quantity : H • DEFINITION: at the point of interest in tissue, H = D∙Q∙N where D is the absorbed dose, Q is the quality factor and N is the product of any other modifying factors. For Q and N, see [b-CIPM Rec. 1] & [b‑ICRU] Report 33 • °CCU NAME of Unit: sievert°CCU SYMBOL of Unit: Sv1 Sv = 1 J/kg • DEFINITION: The sievert is a special name for joule per kilogram, to be used as the SI unit for dose equivalent. rem (rem), 1 rem = 10−2 Sv • °ISQ NAME of Quantity: activity thresholds°ISQ SYMBOL of Quantity: Ŧr • Ŧ is the Symbol for threshold • Ŧr( ) is with the subscript is the Symbol for thresholds of sensitivity to activity • These thresholds depend on the nature of the radioactivity. It is out of the scope of this Recommendation to specify the units for each radioactivity threshold, as these are dependent on the nature of the RADIO-INstimulus, and on the part of the human body which is affected. Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme
I thank you for your attention • NOW THE QUIZ ON PHYSIOLOGICAL THRESHOLDS : °ISQ NAME of Quantity: activitySYMBOL of Quantity: A Ŧr(a)= ? °BIPM/CCU Name of Unit: becquerel SYMBOL of Unit: Bq = 0 Bq °ISQ NAME of Quantity: massic activity SYMBOL of Quantity: aŦr(ma)= ? °CCU NAME of Unit: becquerel per kilogram SYMBOL OF Unit: Bq/kg= 0 Bq/kg °ISQ NAME of Quantity: exposure rate SYMBOL of Quantity: X‘ Ŧr(er)= ? °CCU NAME of Unit: coulomb per kilogram second SYMBOL of UNIT: C/(kg · s) = 0 C/(kg · s) °ISQ NAME of Quantity: absorbed dose SYMBOL of Quantity : D Ŧr(ad)= ? °CCU NAME of Unit: gray SYMBOL of Unit: Gy = 0 Gy °ISQ NAME of Quantity: dose equivalent SYMBOL of Quantity : H Ŧr(de)= ? °CCU NAME of Unit: sievertSYMBOL of Unit: Sv = 0 Sv Geneva, 30 August 2011 - Liaison from ISO/TC 12 - Dr Paul Gérôme