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10 CDL License Violations

After receiving Illinois CDL traffic violations ticket, a CDL holder may feel overwhelmed and shaken by the event of CDL disqualification. But do not worry, this guide will save you. Do watch it.

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10 CDL License Violations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 10 CDL License Violations

  2. OverweightTruck Apoliceofficercanpullover yourtruckforbelievingits overweight. Itmightnotbea severeviolationbutcan quicklyincreaseyourfineupto thousandsofdollars.

  3. DrivingAfterLicense Suspension Thecommonreasonforlicense suspensionbyyourhomestate canbeduetonon-compliance withapriordifferentstate- issuedtrafficticket. Itisa criminaloffensetocontinueto drivewithasuspendedlicense.

  4. SpeedingThrough ConstructionZone Speedingticketsseemtobea pettyissue, butitisasevere violationwithhigherfinesfor CDLholderstospeedina constructionzone. The situationlooksworseifthe officerwrites, "workers present" ontheticket.

  5. TruckAccidentTicket ItisessentialtoCDLholdersas theydriveheavyandoversized vehicles. Theyshouldnotfailto reducetheirspeedtoavertan accident.

  6. Driving & Talking CDLholdersshouldhavea one-touchBluetoothheadset forcallsduringdrivingrather thanhandholdingamobileto answeracall. However, itis bettertoavoidanycallswhile drivingcommercialvehicles. It isalsoasevereoffenseforCDL drivers.

  7. For CDL tickets resolution, contact TVC Pro Drivers.

  8. ThanksforWatching Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe

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