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A detailed guide on Component I of the GEF Country Support Program, providing financial, travel, and monitoring support for Focal Points. Learn about key steps, modules, and reporting requirements.
Direct Support to Focal Points under CSP • The GEF Country Support Program (CSP) is a capacity building project encompassing an overall comprehensive and integrated approach focusing on the provision of support to GEF Focal Points for activities related to training, outreach and information sharing. • CSP has 3 modules. Here we will explain Component I: A country specific assistance program • Component I has 3 Modules
Module I: Obtain financial support to carry out activities based upon national work plans • Step 1: Prepare an Annual Work Plan (Annex B of SSFA): OFP will be required to submit a draft annual work plan to the GEF Secretariat • Step 2: Signing the Small-Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA): OFP will receive a Small-Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) from UNEP, will be required to sign this SSFA and indicate a government bank account to which the funds ($8,000 per year) will be transferred • Step 3: Disbursement of Funds: Upon approval of the annual work plan by the GEF Secretariat, UNEP will proceed to disburse the funds to the account designated in the SSFA.
Module II: Obtain travel and financial support to participate in constituency meetings • Focal points can receive an airline ticket and a daily support allowance to enable the participation of both, operational and political focal points or their representatives, at two constituency meetings a year, previously to the bi-annual Council Meeting. • Step 1: Setting up the meeting: the Council Member will agreed with his/her colleagues dates, venue and draft agenda for the meeting, then send the official request to the GEF CEO. • Step 2: Request for the financial support: each focal point will send a request to UNEP for his/her support for traveling to the constituency meetings. UNEP will arrange for transportation in addition to a daily subsistence allowance.
Module III: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Country Support Program • Focal points from each participating country are required to UNEP and the GEF Secretariat annual reports • Step 1: Annual Financial Report: provides information to clarify estimated and annual expenditures in line with the set of activities organized during the year • Step 2: Annual Progress Reports: reports on specific activities undertaken in the course of the year including results, problems encountered and lessons learned. The report should also forecast proposed activities for the following year based upon the previous annual work plan.
Annual Progress Report • Executing Agency: [Insert Name of NEA i.e. Ministry Name] • MOU Reference Number: GFL XXXXX--ID XXX • Reporting Period: FROM Month/Year - TO Month/Year • I. Summary of implementation of planned activities and results: Please explain whether key objectives of the Support Programme have been met through the implementation of activities • II. Constraints and suggested solutions • III. Lessons learnt and good practices that could be shared with other Focal Points • IV.Narrative description of activities for the next year: Please describe the planned activities in this section and ensure these match the activities listed in Annex C of the MOU for the following period