Periodic Health Assessments (PHA) This annual, multi-component, face-to-face individualized assessment reviews Coast Guard personnel medical health status. The PHA visit and all Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) data are documented in a secure electronic system (MRRS) and in the member’s health record.Specialty exams such as DOD Medical Review Board, MEPS, OMSEP, commissioning, retirement, release from active duty, overseas screenings, Command Afloat examinations, etc are still required.Member PHA Responsibilities:It is the CG member’s responsibility to make and keep the PHA appointment during their birth month or the two preceding months. Follow these three steps: • STEP 1: Members must know the name/address of their Health Records Custodian (HS’s the last name of any of the 5 HS’s), what region they belong to (PAC/LANT – Sector Jax AOR > You are LANT) & OPFAC code. • STEP 2: Prior to making your appointment, members must complete a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) by accessing the following website: On the HRA homepage, in the UIC (Unit Identification Code) space, enter your 7 digit OPFAC without dashes or spaces. All reservists must type in the letter “R” in front of their 7 digit OPFAC (e.g. R0737100). Your Unit OPFAC number can be found on your printed LES in Box 21 or by contacting Sector Admin. • STEP 3: Members who DO NOT receive their primary care at CG clinics (all sector personnel) must call the Reserve Health Readiness Program (RHRP) to make their appointment at (888 MYPHA99) aka 888-697-4299, M-F 0700—2200 CST and Saturday 0700 – 1500 CST. While on the phone, members will then be scheduled an appointment within 50 miles of their home zip code and mailed a “PHS Kit”. Follow the instructions within the “Kit”. Be prepared to spend about ½ hour on the phone and have access to your calendar.