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Menjelaskan kapasitas tampung atau kemampuan lahan HMT untuk memenuhi atau menyediakan hijauan untuk ternak ruminansia
What's Carrying Capacity? • Carrying capacityor carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals that can be supported or served by the existing resources in an ecosystem. • Alternatively, the ability of the environment (ecosystem) in supporting the lives of all who lived in it continuously.
This concept was introduced by Thomas Robert Malthus who in essays called the Principle of Population stated that population growth would exceed food production so that it will be famine everywhere. • Another statement uttered by Thomas Robert Malthus was: "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man" (The power of population is greater than the power of the earth to produce needs / livelihoods for humans) • Every individual in the area (ecosystem) have the same carrying capacity different.
Carrying capacityis influenced by three factors: • 1) the amount of resources (food) is available in the ecosystem2) the number of population3) the amount of resources (food) consumed by each individual • Therefore, the carrying capacity of the ecosystem will affect all who are or live in these ecosystems.
For the purpose of facilitating, limitations on the carrying capacity or carrying capacity can be illustrated with a haulage capacity or in the car.If the capacity of a car only for 6 people, what if the car is met by 10 or even 15?
For example, if the pasture area of 100 meters can accommodate only four goats, then if there are more than four goats, of course there will be overcapacity, or the field can not serve all the goats in a sustainable manner.For example, the food sources available in the grass field can be consumed for 2 days to 4 goats.What if that field is populated by eight goats ?.What about the 2nd day?Not to mention if the level of consumption of the goats are no higher than other goats.What will happen?
Carrying Capacity (CC) is the ability to accommodate livestock per unit per unit area so as to provide optimum results or the capacity of the pasture to meet the needs of forage that is calculated in animal units (AU) • Stocking density not notice Carring Capacity will inhibit the growth of forage that is preferred, so that the population of forage production well will decrease its production capacity, because it does not get a chance to grow back because it supplies to support livestock management can largely be derived from the waste products of crops
Standard needs of forage fodder based Livestock Unit are as follows: • Adult cattle (1 AU) requires forage as much as 35 kg / head / day. • Young cattle (0.50 AU) requires forage as much as 15 to 17.5 kg / head / day. • Calf (0.25 AU) requires forage as much as 7.5 to 9 kg / head / day.