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NMC SUMMER 2007. Selling through Storytelling: New Media Promotion or Propaganda, Assessing Challenges and Opportunities Phylis Johnson, Ph.D. Southern Illinois University Carbondale 62901-6609 phylisj@yahoo.com. Sonicity Fitzroy. First, a word from our sponsors….
NMC SUMMER 2007 Selling through Storytelling: New Media Promotion or Propaganda, Assessing Challenges and Opportunities Phylis Johnson, Ph.D. Southern Illinois University Carbondale 62901-6609 phylisj@yahoo.com Sonicity Fitzroy
First, a word from our sponsors…. Past Meets the Futurama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tGSURjVnro&mode=related&search=
Everyone Loves a Great Story! I want to tell you A story.
IMAGE IS E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This presentation reviews the latest marketing, PR, and promotional research on reaching audiences (with an eye and ear toward youngerconsumers).
Discussion Points • Role of Advertising in our Life (Futurama: On Advertising; Truth in Advertising; MEF) • Surf’s Up: Lifestyle Marketing (Hollister) • Pop Culture Imaging: Consumer Placement (Smirnoff) • Product Placement (CW TV Network – CBS/Warner/Fox) • 360 Marketing
THE SOCIAL QUESTION How far should a business “go” when creating a new image? What works? What doesn’t?
Unity in Message “Nearly 60% of the national advertising budget involves integrated marketing and advertising. No longer are companies relying on traditional forms of advertising and the plethora of choices (many untested) are overwhelmingto the established and upstarts.” (Lebkowsky, 2006)
WEVE GOT MAIL Nick Farrell, "You Have Mail: 31 Billion A Day." Retrieved Sept 30, 2002, from http://www.vnunet.com Projected by 2006 – 60 billion emails daily
We’re FOR SALE Buying is Acceptance In the late 1990s, Dr. Jean Kilbourne stated that we see 3,000 Ads Daily; that’s 3 years of commercials in one life. Subliminal in the Ads becomes viewed as intriguing, not invasive. Advertising is part of our very culture, sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden, but we are rarely left alone outside the consumer culture.
The Youth Factor in Consumer Culture • Baby Boomers: content-driven, voyeuristically young, their children must fit in, contemplative decision-making (unless it involves their children), socially conscious • Today's Generation: make it simple impulsive, emotional, truth is relevant, irreverent attitude, socially aware, unforgiving
What’s Hot! Two of the most important strategies: • Engaging consumers in an interactive (and often altered) environment • Inviting consumers to create their own “user” stories
OMINI LIFESTYLE A 24 HOUR Consumer Lifestyle: Web sites - blogs – virtual communities - mock docs – record labels – video games – ambient marketing - in text messaging .
http://www.americasarmy.com Why a Killer Video Game Is the Army's Best Recruitment Tool by David Verklin & Bernice Kanner, Chief Marketerhttp://chiefmarketer.com/video-game-recruitment-04292007/
MySpace Video, You Tube, Google, Yahoo Viral Video Marketing • Viral Ads: It's an epidemic. Hit videos reach millions…Can this ever be a real business? (CNN Money) • You create our Super Bowl commercial. (CNN Money)
Viral Video Marketing Xango http://www.funnyplace.org/video.php?id=4008
Viral Video - Marketing • Specialized (Bikes) Police Chase http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqAZVRJ4Wi4 • Audi Park Themselves http://www.funnyplace.org/video.php?id=4006 • Federal Express Superbowl http://www.funnyplace.org/video.php?id=4029
TRUTH VS. INTEGRITY Mock corporate histories target a new generation of consumers that seem comfortable moving between truth and fiction. The TRUTH ?
SURF’S UP HOLLISTER CO Lifestylin’ Marketing
Abercrombie & Fitch store First store (2000) in Columbus, Ohio Targeted to high school students CASE: HOLLISTER CORPORATE “Mock” HISTORY John M. Hollister was a sailor “with a love of the South Pacific and the sea. He traveled the world and ultimately settled in Santa Barbara, CA and in 1922 established the company in Laguna Beach as a vendor of South Pacific goods. His first son, John Jr., took over in 1953 and incorporated surf apparel and equipment. His younger brother, Todd, took over in 1977 after John Jr. died in a surfing accident, and turned it into today's Hollister Co.” (Wiki) http://www.hollisterco.com/hol/homepage.html
2004 http://www.girlsintelligenceagency.com/ Juliet B. Schor’s Born to Buy
Pop Culture: The Tea Party Consumer Placement: Smirnoff’s Invitation to a Trend The Tea Party http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkbJs1XwdS0
The Smirnoff Campaign • Knowing Your Audience SOOO Well that you can have fun with them. • Using technology in an appropriate manner (targeted online campaigns) • Residual Impact
Commercial Soaps Product Placement Content Wraps & Serial Commercials
The CW Television Networkhttp://www.cwtv.com/ Ads that are too fast for a fast-forward button May 18, 2007, By Stuart Elliott The New York Times CWICKIEShttp://adage.com/upfront07/article?article_id=116760 The 5 second Banner Ads for Television
CONTENT WRAP “A commercial being used by The CW that resembles a regular program…a serialized story told over the course of several commercial spots.” (Wiki)
Bauder, David, (2007, May 28), “Networks try new ways to end ad skipping,” Associated Press. “Some of the most creative thinking in television these days has nothing to do with comedy or drama. It's about the commercials. Fueled by a growing sense of desperation, networks are inserting games, quizzes and mini-dramas into commercial breaks.” http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/urn:newsml:tv.ap.org:20070528:tv_sneaky_ads__ER:78355 A return to the days of old! Source: Wiki
Content Wraps: 2006-2007 • Listerine - 7th Heaven on Sunday, Jan. 21, targeting women 18-34. • Herbal Essence - America’s Next Top Model on Wednesday, Sept. 20, targeting women 18-34. • Activision’s Guitar Hero II - Smallville on Thursday, Nov. 16, targeting teens 12-17. • Cover Girl - The CW’s three Monday night sitcoms—Girlfriends, The Game, and All of Us —on Dec. 11, targeting women 18-49. (Consoli, Jan. 29, 2007)
“Adding to the urgency,” Nielsen Media Research began last week “offering ratings for commercial breaks, instead of just the shows around them.” (Bauder, 2007) • “An estimated 17% of American homes now have digital video recorders. Nielsen estimates that in prime-time, nearly half of 18-to-49-year-old viewers with DVRs are watching recorded programs instead of live ones. Of these, six in 10 skip through the ads.” (Bauder, 2007)
CONTENT WRAP “A company will sponsor each content wrap, by either having their products embedded in the story itself (i.e., product placement) or running regular 15-second spots before/after each segment. The genre and content of the wrap is often similar to the program in which it is broadcast…
CONTENT WRAP ….for example, a spot called "Date Night" (featuring a couple in three stages of a date) would run during CW’s Gilmore Girls & Veronica Mars.”(Wiki) Add’l Sources: http://tviv.org/Content_wrap; also tv.com, cwtv.com
The 360 Campaign • From personal communication devices to mock movies to company-sponsored independent record labels, there’s more ways to reach young consumers than ever before. (Advertising Age’s Media Guide)
Millsberry: Advergame Lucky Charms Webisodes http://www.luckycharms.millsberry.com/
Calvin Klein Launches Scents in Second Life March 21, 2007 by Mark Wallace “…the virtual perfume bottles enable SL users to spray each other with bubbles that ‘initiate dialogue’”… …“ck IN2U speaks the language of a generation connected by technology —aptly named technosexuals” … “the first generation to be defined more by their means of communication rather than fashion or music.” …The technological “revolution” is… “the strongest force affecting the culture of the developed world at the moment.” (edited excerpt, Wallace, 2007)
Relevant Campaigns Do This - 1) Brands that influence culture sell more; culture is the new catalyst for growth.“Google [is] changing the way we behave online….Nike [is] a part of all culture.” 2) A brand with no point of view has no point; full-flavor branding is in, vanilla is out.“Love or hate Fox News, you know where it stands on issues. And Ben & Jerry's is more than just ice cream; it's a company that stands for a cause. "Younger consumers have grown up in a consumer world. They're flexing their muscles, and they want their brands to stand for something.”
Relevant Campaigns Do This - 3) Today's consumer is leading from the front; “this is the smartest generation to have ever walked the planet. More discriminating and experimental, strong opinions on brands, and a lot of brands are getting consumers involved….Take Converse and the Converse Gallery, where consumers can make a 24-second film that will run on their site. It's consumer-generated creativity.” 4) Customize wherever and whenever you can; customization is tomorrow's killer whale.“The second advent of the Internet has consumers wanting something all their own…The best example is Apple's iTunes Website. Instead of buying a CD, consumers are buying the tracks they want and putting them on their iPods. Starbucks creates whatever beverage a consumer wants, and Nike, allows you to design a shoe online.”
And This - 5) Forget the transaction, just give me an experience; the mandate is simple: Wow them every day, every way. “Apple and Coach found that the best way to give consumers a brand experience wasn't just to sell product in store but to control the entire experience. ‘This is why they build stores in major cities. Looking for the other brands to soon be involved in the experience.’" 6) Deliver clarity at point of purchase; be obsessive about presentation.“There's an ‘option overload’ in the supermarket aisles, and anything that simplifies that for consumers is welcome. ‘If I'm a consumer and I stand in front of a shelf, I see a wall of product. Brands are beginning to recognize that you have to be clear about what they are selling at the point of purchase.’"
And This - 7) You are only as good as your weakest link; do you know where you're vulnerable? “Today's younger consumers show zero tolerance when a brand makes a mistake. If a Website isn't good enough, they will ignore your brand, and if you get negative PR about something, it will stick. Brands like Wal-Mart and Nike are still connected to negative PR.” 8) Social responsibility is no longer an option; what's your cause, what's your contribution? “Consumers now expect corporations to get involved in cause marketing. Timberland (‘Take a stand against genocide’), Target (‘Every day Target gives back to the community’), eBay (its Giving Works program, for starters), and GE (which this year launched its Citizenship Report, an annual report of sorts regarding the company’s environmental and safety initiatives).”
Finally - 9) Pulse, pace, and passion really make a difference; Have you had your heartbeat checked recently?"We're in a crazy world. We keep piling more devices upon us. The more you have, the more you need. If your business does not have a high metabolic rate, you're not going to survive….Companies like Google move fast, and that means the older, slower companies are doomed.“ 10) Innovation is the new boardroom favorite."Brands are inspired by Apple more than anyone else They transformed the music business, and people are taking what they did seriously. Procter & Gamble and GE are driving this and have made innovation the core of their corporate strategy." Source: Parry, Tim (2007). Simon Williams: The Ten New Rules of Marketing. Chief Marketer. Retrieved May 23, 2007, from http://chiefmarketer.com/cm_report/10_New_Rules_of_Branding_11152005/
Socially Responsible Generation?http://www.funnyplace.org/video.php?id=4025
Truth as Integrity The Dove Campaign http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFPGa0pKyTg
Knowing Your MarketNow and in the Future • Baby Boomers vs. Youth Market • Image, Consumption, Socially Conscious • Vance Packard’s Hidden Persuader • Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death • Sonic Branding & Posteffects.com
NEW SOUNDS OF ADVERTISING “Americhip produces chips to let advertisers integrate sound into just about any kind of printed matter: books, POP, magazine inserts, and even packaging. Pictured above is what they claim [to be] the first ever magazine insert with sound for Twix that quips: ‘Twix. Two for me. None for you.’” Sources: AdvertisingLab.Blogspot.com; The Future of Advertising: MIT Advertising Lab “See a print ad you like, then dial the number you see on your mobile phone to listen to a corresponding soundtrack.”
“Sound Beam is ideally suited to delivering messages and commercial information as people wait in line, watch a video presentation, or approach your store-front window.”Source: http://www.reallycooltoys.com/news/news10.html “The sound only becomes apparent to the listener when the traveling sound waves have made impact with a surface, be it material, organic, or human.”
Sony Patents Telepathy "Sony Corp. has been granted a patent for beaming sensory information directly into the brain.“ -- Reuters
The Consumer Culture • Present-Oriented Culture • Advertising Cannot be Avoided • Fear, Desire, and Self-Actualization become blurred (The Pyramid Falls) Future of Advertising: Futuramahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmbBSiusMKs&mode=related&search=
Advertising & theEnd of the World (MEF) We have created a “cynical audience” – that when it decided to avoid advertising, it became necessary for marketers to incorporate it into our very lives – and make it unavoidable, where the line between truth and fiction becomes irrelevant and irreverently enticing. Consequently, we are moving from “cognitive” to “emotional” consumer choices.
STARBUCKS: Your 360 Campaign The Omni Marketing Lifestyle! • Web/Blog site • Mobile Communication • Television/Radio/Movies • Online • Point-of-Purchase/Ambient/Placement • E-mail