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About the NMC. Updated June 18, 2012. What is the NMC?. A grassroots, horizontal, national network of thousands of federal public service managers spanning all departments and agencies and regions and territories
About the NMC Updated June 18, 2012
What is the NMC? A grassroots, horizontal, national network of thousands of federal public service managers spanning all departments and agencies and regions and territories NMC represents, supports, and promotes the needs, interests and aspirations of all federal public service managers in their role of achieving public service objectives
Who the NMC represents Thousands of federal public service managers who manage people and/or money, and public servants who aspire to be managers “Managers are the creators and carriers of corporate culture. They translate the principles and goals of renewal into the realities of daily work.” - Clerk of the Privy Council, 2010-2011 PS Renewal Action Plan 3
For managers… Promotes the needs and interests of managers to decision makers Enables managers to connect with each other and learn through NMC sponsored regional and national events Fosters communities of practice –managers learning from managers For the public service as a whole… Engages managers on key GC-wide and workplace issues Supports effective policy / initiative development by providing managers’ perspective Sharing of information and best practices Tools and learning events to make better managers What does NMC do? 4
NMC Governance Structure NMC Governing Council A decision making body made up of members from every province, territory and the NCR. Representatives are chosen by their peers NMC Champion Provides advice and guidance to NMC Governing Council ADM Advisory Board Provides direction and advice to the Champion on proposed plans/strategies Host Treasury Board of Canada NMC Secretariat Facilitates and enables the work of the Regional Coordinators, the Governing Council and the Champion Regional Manager Committees Ensure the effective delivery of the annual work plans in the regions Host Federal Regional Council Regional Coordinators Implement the plans and strategies in their respective regions
Vision and Mission Statements NMC Vision “The NMC is recognized by all as a vibrant, influential and well-connected community that inspires managers and gives them a voice” NMC Mission “To support excellence in public service managers”
NMC Strategic Direction Voice and Influence Managers and senior leaders partner to make positive changes that facilitate serving our Government and Canadians Engaging Managers Managers are committed and work to make improvements that contribute to employee engagement and citizen satisfaction Relevant and Sustainable Community Managers and senior leaders have the capacity to work as a horizontal collective through the National Managers’ Community
Year in Review – 2011/12 Strategic Outcome 1: Voice and Influence Supported DM senior level committees and working groups on key files, e.g. performance management, prevention & resolution of harassment, workplace policy, HR business process, collaboration culture, etc. Shared results of 2011 e-polling and a summary of the dialogue between delegates and Deputy Heads Collaborated with Policy Horizons Canada to gather data for their foresight study on Vision of the Public Service for 2020
Year in Review – 2011/12 Strategic Outcome 2: Engaging Managers Regional Events and National Forum More than 250 learning events delivered to well over 12,400 managers across the country; including sessions on performance management and workplace health and wellness; Regional Forums / events held in every region; National Forum Toronto – over 1200 delegates Tools for Engagement 100 volunteer managers who train other managers on leadership tools and coaching practices Workforce Planning and Management Worked with key partners to develop and share tools and information managers will need during period of fiscal restraint; Partnered with the Canada School of Public Service to deliver 2 seminars to 1,400 managers on Workforce Planning and Management Support to Departmental Networks Supported 17 departmental networks; Supported the creation of 2 new departmental networks NMC Leadership Awards launched in celebration of our 10th anniversary 18 recipients across the country were recognized at National Forum in Toronto
Year in Review – 2011/12 Strategic Outcome 3: Relevance and Sustainability Published Annual Performance Report and shared with our community and supporters Enhanced information sharing with community through quarterly newsletters, emails and web 2.0 technologies, e.g. GCForums, Twitter, Facebook, Webcasts Continued to work with key stakeholders such as departmental networks, central agencies, Canada School of Public Service, Collaboration Management team and the Federal Youth Network
Year Ahead 2012-13 Efforts aligned to PS Renewal, Workforce Management and e-polling results with key focus on… Voice and Influence Consult with managers across the country to drill down into e-polling and PSES 2011 results, and other emerging issues; present results to Senior Officials; Continue collaboration with OCHRO/TBS on people management files. Engaging managers Continue support to departmental manager networks and regional managers’ communities (Fall Managers’ Network Summit); Continue to deliver regional events and sessions on coaching and leadership tools to better equip managers; emphasis on addressing issues that managers identified in e-polling (managing competing priorities, having difficult conversions, workforce management). Relevant and Sustainable Community Annual Report with greater focus on performance measurement; Collaboration across the board with emphasis on CSPS, HRC, FYN and RFCs.
www.managers-gestionnaires.gc.ca web site for information: Attend an NMC sponsored event Subscribe to NMC news Contact your Regional Coordinator Connect with us on: GCPEDIA GCForums FACEBOOK TWITTER Contact us at: NMC-CNG@tbs-sct.gc.ca Connect to the NMC 12