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C ENTER OF I NFORMATION AND K NOWLEDGE. FAO F OOD AND A GRICULTURE O RGANIZATION OF THE U NITED N ATIONS. FAO’s Mandate (founded in 1945--Quebec City). Raise levels of nutrition and standards of living Improve agricultural productivity Better the conditions of rural populations

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  2. FAO’s Mandate(founded in 1945--Quebec City) • Raise levels of nutrition and standards of living • Improve agricultural productivity • Better the conditions of rural populations • Contribute to the expansion of the world’s economy

  3. Information Advice Neutral forum Development Assistance FAO collects, analyses, interprets and disseminates information FAO provides independent advice on agricultural policy and planning FAO offers a neutral forum for discussion and formulation of policy, negotiation of agreements and establishment of standards FAO provides practical help to developing countries through technical assistance FAO What it is, What it does

  4. Policy Makers Knowledge Support Services Support Services Market Opportunities Farmers FAO’s role One of the FAO’s major roles is “ Putting information in reach” FAO highlights information as one of the priority areas in achieving agricultural development and food security How to reach information?

  5. Diffusion of Information http://www.fao.org/ The FAO web site contains approximately 50,000 web pages, over 100 databases, and thousands of documents

  6. Platform

  7. W A I C E N T

  8. Objective What is WAICENT? • For enhancement of access to timely and relevant technical information by FAO member nations and the general public • For encouragement of FAO Member Nations to utilize information as a key for development Information is one of priority areas in achieving agricultural development and food security A corporate framework and platform for agricultural information management and dissemination WAICENT(World Agricultural Information Center) Consolidating more than 40 separate databases under the umbrella of WAICENT

  9. Statistical databases

  10. FAOSTAT (FAO Statistical Databases)

  11. What is FAOSTAT? Contents A multilingual online databases currently containing more than 1 million time-series records of international statistics for more than 210 countries in the areas of agricultures Following areas of agriculture, fisheries, forestry and nutrition Production Trade Food Balance Sheets Producer Prices Forestry Trade Flow Land Use and Irrigation Forest Products Fishery Products Population Codex Alimetarius Food Quality Control Fertlizers and Pesticides Agricultural Machinery Food Aid Shipments Exports by Destination FAOSTAT (FAOStatistical Databases)

  12. Information Access Tools

  13. David Lubin Memorial Library

  14. What is On-Line Library? Contents The library was established in Rome in 1952. it is considered one of the world's finest collections in food, agriculture and international development The On-Line site allows you to search its extensive catalogue and FAO databases, as well as providing links to both FAO andother institutional electronic journals andother sites ofinterest to FAO users. • Agriculture • Food and Nutrition • Rural Development • Plant Production and Protection • Animal Production and Health • Agricultural Machinery • Agro-industries • Agro-forestry, Forestry, Fisheries • Sustainable Development • Statistics • Agricultural Economics and • other related subjects Collections Over one million volumes; the journal collection contains approximately13,000 titles of which 1,450 are electronic. The heavily used working collection consists of FAO documentation, books and serials in FAO subject fields, a comprehensive reference collection and specialized Branch Library collections in Fisheries and Forestry David Lubin Memorial Library

  15. Specialized Information System

  16. GIEWS

  17. Mission Publications To keep the world food supply/demand situation under continuous review, issue reports on the world food situation (Food Outlook, FoodCrops and Shortages, etc.), and provideearly warnings of impending food crises in individual countries. • Food Outlook • Food crops and Shortages • Africa Report • Sahel Report • Special Reports and Alerts • Other Means • Information Analysis (Crops monitoring/ national level and global level) • Report publication, Special Reports • and Alerts, etc) • Report dissemination (email, Facsimile) • Communications • Free access to databases and tools to allow viewers to develop their owninformation • Participation • Exchange information • supply up-dated information GIEWS(Global Information and Early Warning System)

  18. EMPRES

  19. What is EMPRES? A special focus programme ofFAO to help countries fightagricultural pests and diseaseswhich migrate or spread acrossborders and cause major Losses and emergencies, leading tofamines and trade restrictions.Emphasis is on early warning andearly reaction. Initial priority 1. Animal Diseases 2. Desert Locust http://www.fao.org/EMPRES/default.htm • Early Warning, identified as all disease initiatives • Lead to improved awareness and knowledge • Forecast further evolution of an outbreak • Effective implementation (e.g. Avian influenza, bovine spongiform encephalopathy) Mission EMPRES(Emergency Prevention System)

  20. FIVIMS

  21. What is FIVIMS? • Information about food insecure and vulnerable people is lacking in many countries. • At theInternational level, FIVIMS implements diverse activities in support of national information systems, for them to become part of an international information exchange network. • At the country level, FIVIMS works with a network of information systems that gather and analyze relevant national and subnational data that measure food insecurity and vulnerability. Mission • Raise awareness about food security issues; • Improve the quality of food security related data and analysis; • Facilitate integration of complementary information; • Promote better understanding of users' needs and better use of information; • Improve access to information through networking and sharing. FIVIMS(Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems )

  22. FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System

  23. What is this system? Links to other FAO Country Information Systems and Country Profiles The system offers decision-makers around the world a fast and reliable way to access country-specific Information without the need to search individual databases and systems. • Aquastat Country Profiles • Biotechnology Country Profiles • BIODEC Biotechnologies in Developing Countries • Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles • FAO Projects in the country • FAO Terminology - Names of Countries • Fisheries Country Profiles • Forestry Country Profiles • Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) • Information on Fisheries Management in the Country • Livestock Sector Briefs • METART ARTEMIS and AGROMET Data and Information • Nutrition Country Profiles • Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean - Information by country • Water and Food Security Country Profiles • Compendium of Food and Agriculture Indicators 2004 (PDF) • Directory of National Agricultural Research Institutions • EXPORTS - Commodities by Country • Food Balance Sheet of fish and fisheries products in live weight and fish contribution to protein supply (PDF) • IMPORTS - Commodities by Country • Major Food and Agricultural Commodities and Producers • Review of water resource statistics by country Mission Brings together documents, statistical data, project details and maps from FAO's existing specialized country profiles which are listed below, as well as information from the Organization's Web pages and systems and those of its partners. FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System

  24. Publication, News, Photos, Graphics

  25. FAO Corporate Document Repository • An electronic library that holds FAO’s huge collection of publications and meeting documents in full-text, electronic format. • Since the initiative started in 1998, over 6 000 documents have been converted into HTML allowing users to download valuable agricultural formation from anywhere in the world, free of charge. • Several types of search facilities allow users to look for documents using a combination of search fields such as title, language, publication year and keywords.

  26. FAO Catalogue Online • The FAO on-line catalogue (FAOBIB) is a multilingual, on-line catalogue of documents and publications produced by FAO since 1945, books added to the library collections since 1976, and serials held in the FAO library. • Full text links are provided for all documents that are available in the Corporate Document Repository. Requests for copies of FAO documents in print or microfiche (pre-1998) may be addressed to the library

  27. FAO Publications Catalogue Online • The FAO Sales Catalogue lists a wide selection of FAO publications and CD-ROMs in English, French and Spanish that are available to buy over the Internet, by mail, by fax or through official distributors. • The interactive catalogue covers a wide spectrum of FAO subjects including agriculture, genetics, plant production and protection, animal production and health, forestry, fisheries, land and water development, statistics, trade, biotechnology and food and nutrition.

  28. FAO News Room • Providing Information related to media by text, audio, video, etc • Online photo (access to photos related to FAO projects.) • Access to Fact sheets in key subjects

  29. Agriculture Extension: FAO’s view • Nonformal rural education: transferring practical information & innovation and opening opportunities. • Multidisciplinary - combining educational methodologies, communication, and group techniques

  30. Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) What is SPFS? the SPFS is a core agriculture extension work implemented by FAO which is a multidisciplinary participatory programme with a strong emphasis on meeting people’s needs directly by raising farmer’s net income, generating rural employment, increasing social equity and promoting gender sensitivity In 2004, the SPFS has been implemented in 100 countries, Including 42 African countries

  31. Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) • Control water through small-scale projects to protect against vagaries of weather • Boost small farmers’ crop, livestock and aquaculture productivity through intensification and diversification • Identify and find measures to respond to socio-economic constraints on production, marketing and processing of agricultural products

  32. Farmer Field Schools (FFS) • Participatory farmer training through experiential learning • Focused initially on integrated pest management (IPM) • Season-long series of weekly meetings where farmers identify problems and then design, carry out and interpret field experiments. • Learning combines local knowledge with scientific ecological approaches. After field practicals, Farmers are discussing new cultural practices demonstrated on the IPM field in the FarmerFieldSchool in Sudan. Farmers of the IPM FarmerFieldSchool, Sudan, are establishing tomato nurseries to grow healthy seedlings.

  33. South-South Cooperation • Advanced developing countries send field technicians and experts to specific recipient countries for up to two or three years, where they work directly with rural communities and farmers. • The number of experts required at any one time is determined on a case-by-case basis, assuring critical mass and site coverage in all regions of the country. Vietnamese technicians in the fieldswith Senegalese farmers Worldwide 28 countries are receiving help with over 1000 experts and technicians in the field.

  34. Rural Radio/Rural Communication FAO has long supported rural radio initiatives: • Direct support for setting up/improving stations • Training rural radio workers • Supporting networking initiatives • Research & evaluation of content and impact • Advent of low-cost FM transmitters has made rural radio more participatory. A retransmission at Radio St. Louis of broadcasts on environmental problems realized in collaboration with the regional forestry service and an FAO project A meeting between villagers and the team from the Communications and Information Unit of the State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

  35. Garden-Based Learning Programs (GBL) • GBL provide pupils with environmental education, ecological literacy, agricultural literacy and agricultural education. Main Objectives • Giving knowledge and skills for better agricultural productivity • Making Science teaching more relevant and more effective • Giving environmental education a sustainable practical dimension • Influencing pupils’ attitudes, giving positive motivation towards agriculture and rural life • Spreading agricultural development at village level • Giving girls access to basic agricultural education as the future food producers • Improving pupils nutritional status by providing school meals • Attracting pupils to school with greater local relevance of subject matter and better teaching methods

  36. The Growing Connection – Hands-on Extension • Combines water-efficient vegetable production with modern communications • At schools gardens in Ghana, Mexico and USA • Common growing and IT practices • Rural communities gain access to local, nat’l & int’l sources of information & advice on food production • Enhances household level food security and income-generation Website: http://www.thegrowingconnection.org

  37. Conclusion • FAO provides information technology tools to internationalize the work of extension agents everywhere • Visit http://www.fao.org or contact: FAO Liaison Office for North America 2175 K Street NW Washington, DC 20437 Phone: 202-653-2400

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