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Building Schools for the Future

Building Schools for the Future. the contribution of PE & Sport. Lloyd Conaway t eam BEDS&LUTON. Content. About BSF Who’s who The Stakeholder Group model The BSF process Transforming Learning Opportunities for PE & Sport Strategic Planning & Design Summary. About BSF.

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Building Schools for the Future

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  1. Building Schools for the Future thecontribution of PE & Sport Lloyd Conaway team BEDS&LUTON

  2. Content About BSF Who’s who The Stakeholder Group model The BSF process Transforming Learning Opportunities for PE & Sport Strategic Planning & Design Summary

  3. About BSF • A DCSF initiative to transform teaching and learning in secondary education • Partnerships for Schools (PfS) is the national delivery vehicle for BSF • Expert support in creating transformational visions and delivery plans for education followed by sustained strategic capital investment approx £2.5 to £3bn per year subject to future public spending decisions, initially planned to delivered through 15 Waves • Waves 1 – 6 agreed based on Indices of Deprivation; post Wave 6 criteria for entry process changed for LA’s following extensive consultation; 8 LA’s in 6A; all remaining LA’s now invited to engage with programme and will enter on rolling basis • PE and Sport Workstream lead, Stakeholder Group and PFS required • Funding allocation: Based on 50% New Build, 35% Major Refurbishment and 15% Minor Works • ICT = 10% of budget. • Work Force Reform – Development plan required as part of the process

  4. Educational Drivers for Change: • Every Child Matters • Personalised Learning • Curricular Organisation • ICT • Integrated services • Inclusion • 14 -19 Agenda • Workforce Reform • Extended schools

  5. National Indicators for LA’s to consider NI 1 % of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area PSA 21(Social Cohesion) NI 2 (Stronger communities) NI 8 (Adult participation in sport) NI 55/ NI 56 (Obesity) NI 57(Participation in high quality PE and sport) NI 79 Achievement of a Level 2 qualification by the age of 19 PSA 10 NI 80 Achievement of a Level 3 qualification by the age of 19 PSA 10 NI 88 (Extended services) NI 90 Take up of 14-19 learning diplomas DCSF NI 110 Young people’s participation in positive activities PSA 14 NI 174 Skills gaps in the current workforce reported by employers PSA 21 - Build more active Communities. PSA 22 - 5 hour offer

  6. The 5 Hour Offer/PSA 22Sport Unlimited • Ensure that all 5-16 year olds have access to two hours PE and three hours beyond the curriculum, and 16-19 yr olds have three hours of sport outside of the curriculum. This is referred to as the 5 hour offer– Sport Unlimited

  7. PE & Sport Stakeholder Group External PfS PE & Sport Adviser – PfS MDT Team Sport England BSF Officers Head Teacher Think Tank PE & Sport Design Steering Group LA PE & Sport Workstream Lead LA BSF PROJECT BOARD

  8. The PE & Sport Route Map • Visioning • Communication and Networks • Where are we now? • Strategic Planning • Estate Options • Community Use Outcomes • Design Principles and Specifications • Funding Opportunities

  9. Opportunities for PE & Sport Not Modernisation… Where do we want to be in 15-20 years time? .. but Transformation!

  10. Transforming Learning BSF aims to deliver 21st Century Learning Environments….

  11. Design – new trends in participation • Stimulating ‘hard to reach’ kids • Innovative approaches to design • PE curriculum / new trends • ‘Action’ Sports (MacMillan Academy) • Personal ‘lifestyle’ activities • Flexible space / arts / dance • Integrate ICT – make it interesting

  12. Strategic Planning • Consider education alongside leisure portfolio • Analyse existing evidence and strategies- • eg. Playing Field Strategies • People and places • Current and future demand/ trends • Using relevant tools and data • NGBWhole Sport Plans, including facility strategies

  13. The Outcome? What sort of facilities do we want to see….? • Not one size fits all – potential hub / specialist sites • Based on strategic need – sustainable • Maximises whole site – external and internal, formal and informal • Promotes physical activity • Future Proof – Flexible but useful • Encourage community use • Appropriate for different types of Learners • Utilises ICT • Fulfils needs of partners – Clubs etc.

  14. Contact • PfS Website : www.p4s.org.uk • From this web site link to the PE & Sport pages • http://www.partnershipsforschools.org.uk/library/PE_Sport.jsp • PE & Sport Advisers: Liz Delany (South) 07917 184129 Becky Bracey (North) 07825 528357 Mark Perkins (Central) 07825 204877 name.surname@partnershipsforschools.org.uk

  15. Development of PE and Sport Development through PE and Sport • Player Development • Coach Development • Competitive Structures • Sporting infrastructure • Educational Attainment • Social Exclusion • Inclusion • Regeneration • Health • Cultural bridges

  16. Wave 7 onwards • All LA’s in consideration • As and when ready will ‘fall out’ of the ‘hopper’ • Likely to be 5/6 per quarter

  17. How to use BB98? • NOT a default document • Background to Funding Envelope (FAM) • How to apply the ‘guidance’ • Non statutory area guidelines • Apply fit for purpose principles • Supplementary Areas • Float (8% - 11%) • Community use • Room Data Sheet (RDS) • Area Data Sheets • Be an informed client

  18. Working with Sport England • Recommended minimum specifications for internal and external spaces for PE and Sport • Consultation with Sport Governing Bodies Sports halls, studios, fitness suites, storage, changing rooms, natural turf pitches, MUGAs, synthetic surfaces, cycle tracks….etc Flooring, Lighting, Ventilation, Acoustics, Equipment, Construction, Maintenance…..etc

  19. School managedLA managed – Borough /DistrictManaged by Cultural OrganisationSocial EnterpriseTrustPrivateVoluntary sector Management options need to be considered , based on required outcomes and agreed KPI’s ,for all facilities to enable and support community access

  20. Local Education Partnership (LEP) PUBLIC SECTOR OFFERS: PRIVATE SECTOR BRINGS Innovation in school design & technology Development capital & expertise Supply chain mgt. skills Continuous improvement Scale economies, efficiencies Integration of contracts & services (PFI,D&B,ICT) Faster delivery • Exclusivity over a large volume of work • Repeat business with a single client • High reward to bidding cost ratio

  21. BSF on our patch! • Luton • Bedford • Central Bedfordshire

  22. Luton • Early wave Authority • It’s happening now • X3 Phases of 4 Schools • It’s moving very quickly • X12 new or refurbished Sports Halls • X 5/6 STPs (Astros) • Plus a new Aquatics Centre (50 Metre Pool)

  23. Bedford • In the scheme • Dependant on 2 or 3 tier debate! • Progress in early 2010 • Assessing various strategic plans. • £250m

  24. Central Bedfordshire • A new Vision for Education • Readiness to Deliver opportunity • Stakeholder Group now formed • Drawing together strategic plans • BSF or another route?

  25. Thank You Lloyd Conaway lloyd@teambedsandluton.co.uk www.teambedsandluton.co.uk www.boost.uk.com

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