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ROMANIAN FOLK COSTUMES . MUNTENIA It is situated between the Danube (south and east), the Carpathian Mountains (the Transylvanian Alps branch) and Moldavia (both north), and the Olt River to the west .
MUNTENIAIt is situated between the Danube (south and east), the Carpathian Mountains (the Transylvanian Alps branch) and Moldavia (both north), and the Olt River to the west.
OLTENIAIt is situated between the Danube, the Southern Carpathians and the Olt river (although counties in the east extend beyond the river in Muntenia in some areas).
DOBROGEAIt is situated between the lower Danube River and the Black Sea, and includes the Danube Delta, Romanian coast, and the northernmost part of the Bulgarian coast. The territory of Dobruja comprises Northern Dobruja, which is part of Romania, and Southern Dobruja, which belongs to Bulgaria.
TRANSILVANIABounded on the east and south by the Carpathian mountain range, historical Transylvania extended in the west to the Apuseni Mountains
BANATThe Banat is a geographical and historical region in Central Europe currently divided between three countries: the eastern part lies in western Romania (the counties of Timiș, Caraș-Severin, Arad south of the Mureș, and Mehedinți), the western part in northeastern Serbia (the Serbian Banat, mostly included in Vojvodina), and a small northern part in southeastern Hungary (Csongrád county).
MOLDOVAThe western part of Moldavia is now part of Romania and the eastern part belongs to the Republic of Moldova, while the northern and south-eastern parts are territories of Ukraine.
BUCOVINAis a historical region in Central Europe, currently divided between Romania and Ukraine, located on the northern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians and the adjoining plains.
TARA OASULUIis an etnographic region of Romania located in the North-East part