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GE Healthcare Renews

GE Healthcare Renews, Expands Partnership With Ultrasound Training Platform Developer<br>

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GE Healthcare Renews

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  1. GE Healthcare Renews, Expands Partnership WithUltrasound Training PlatformDeveloper (http://www.ultrasoundindia.com/GE+Healthcare+Renews%2C+Expands+Partnership+With+Ultrasound+Training+Platform+Developer) GE Healthcare will renew its partnership with SonoSim, developer of a system that trains clinicians in the use of ultrasound using mannequins and cases simulated from real patients. The collaboration will expand to include GE’s Women’s Health and Urology divisions,andworktoaccelerateadoptionofpoint-of-careultrasoundtechnology. SonoSim’sportablesystemisprogramedtoworkwithsophisticatedmapsofthehumanbodyandmetaltabsplacedonmannequins created by Laerdal Medical, o"ering professionals hands-on training using 60 di"erent education modules. Complex simulations featuring vague or subtle symptoms can train clinicians in much more complex disease pathologies than is currently possible with traditional training methods, said SonoSim founder Eric Savitsky in a presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare,reportedtheSanDiegoUnionTribune. GE Healthcare originally inked an agreement with SonoSim in 2015 to broaden the adoption of bedside ultrasound technology. Though an e"ective tool in a broad range of diagnostic applications, the technology lacks e"ective training methods, which inhibits itswidespreadpoint-of-careuse,saidDerekMcLeish,presidentofSonoSim,inapressrelease. Using SonoSim 365’s modules, GE Healthcare’s customers can obtain continuing medical education (CME) by completing the CME- accredited program. In a statement, Tracy Bury, GM of GE’s Women’s Health Ultrasound US, commented that the system will help doctorsfurtherenhancetheirscanningskillset. “OB-GYN ultrasound is a complex, operator-dependent modality, meaning the skills and outcome are dependent on the training of the operator performing the ultrasound exam,” said Alfred Abuhamad, Eastern Virginia Medical School Department of Obstetrics andGynecology,addingthathe’dneverseenabetterultrasoundtrainingplatformin25yearsofpractice. “As early adopters of point-of-care ultrasonography, obstetricians and gynecologists can use SonoSim 365 for GE to improve their ultrasoundpro䒮 ciencywhilereducingskilldecay,”saidDan Katz, VPofbusinessdevelopmentatSonoSim. GE Healthcare recently invested $13 million to help build a more sustainable and modernized healthcare system in Kenya by building the GE Healthcare Skills and Training Institute, which will educate healthcare professionals in the use of the latest technology.Thiscommitmentbuildsona2015agreement,whereinGEinkedalong-termmanagedserviceplanthatwouldallowthe Kenyan Ministry of Health to 䒮 nance a long-term transformation of its healthcare system. In a statement, GE Healthcare committed totrainingover10,000cliniciansacross East Africaby2020. Source :- MED DEVICE ONLINE (http://www.meddeviceonline.com/doc/ge-healthcare-renews-expands-partnership-with-ultrasound- training-platform-maker-0001) dated June 28,2016 Disclaimer : Niranjan Ultrasound India Pvt Ltd! will not be responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to NUIPL Blog! by contributinginstitutionsorfortheuseofanyinformationthroughtheNUIPLsystem.

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