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Geoff Coates Syngenta ELO Wildlife Estates

Geoff Coates Syngenta ELO Wildlife Estates. 11/9/2014. Why it all began – CAP to change Distribution of Payments after 2000....... but when?. CSS. HLS. Sir Don Curry’s Report on the Greening of European Agriculture 1999 Gov. Farm business Support would change ?

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Geoff Coates Syngenta ELO Wildlife Estates

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  1. Geoff Coates Syngenta ELO Wildlife Estates 11/9/2014

  2. Why it all began – CAP to change Distribution of Payments after 2000....... but when? CSS HLS • Sir Don Curry’s Report on the Greening of European Agriculture 1999 • Gov. Farm business Support would change ? • IACS replaced by SFP • Plus New Agri-Environmental Schemes ? • Syngenta was formed 2000 • So our industry would change but when and what would that mean? ELS IACS SFP HLS = Higher Level Stewardship ELS = Entry Level Stewardship SFP = Single Farm Payment

  3. Need to understand Agri-environmental Schemes 2000 + • Objectives • Increase biodiversity and retain farm profitability • Project replicated across 6 sites • 7 habitats compared • Examine impact of habitat creation and management techniques on a wide range of plants and animals

  4. It all began for Syngenta 2001-06

  5. A Site Plan N Each plot 6 meters wide x 50 meters long Randomisation of plots will vary from site to site • Crop - Winter Wheat • Tussocky mix • Flowery mix • Legume Mix • Natural Regeneration • Conservation Headland 7E 1F CROPPED TO EDGE 8B 2A 0.2ha WildBirdSeed Mix 3C 9C 4E 10D 5B 11A 6D 12F CROPPED TO EDGE

  6. Habitats created to test the management techniques used to deliver both plants and wildlife diversity

  7. Bumblebee food plant preferences 2003

  8. Year 1 Year 2 Buzz Results 2001 & 2002 Buzz Project Results – Bumblebee abundance

  9. Why the Bumblebee? • The Bumblebee was in decline in UK • It is “One” of Nature pollinators • Over last 40yrs 97% of farmland • pollen & nectar sources lost – “Bumblebee Food” • Now to a greening of the CAP • Buzz Project shows • ” Bumblebees respond quickly” to TLC • Bumblebee is a BAP species for UK • Buzz demonstrated that sustainable, profitable food production and a vibrant countryside can sit side by side IN THE SAME FIELD!

  10. Operation Bumblebee 2005-2008 sow 1000 ha of mix on 1000 farms

  11. Why Operation Bumblebee 2005-08 for Syngenta ? • Greening of the “ CAP” • New Agricultural Revolution Mar-05 = SFP / ELS /HLS • Go to Market Strategy in the UK • Need to demonstrate Sustainable Profitable Agriculture to Gov. In UK & in Brussels • Corporate and Social Responsibility fit • On Brand • Knowledge transfer from Buzz + New Seed mixtures • Pilot Aug 04 & Launch OBBee Autumn 2005 to UK Press • Could it become a Pan European Project?

  12. What was Operation Bumblebee -Syngenta Commitment • Regional Environmental Training at Centres across the UK (1 day Farmer training course – knowledge transfer from Buzz -incl. mixtures, site, sow, management, ES -fit ) • Operation Bumblebee Training Pack • Bumblebee ID guide & Poster • OBBee Signs • Topical in-season updates • Phone Support • Web Site http://www.operationbumblebee.co.uk • Farmers commitment for training to sow 1 ha of mix on their farm record site and manage the mixture

  13. How do we know it’s working? Monitoring Monitoring of both Pollen & Nectar habitats and existing farm margins took place across the UK on 35 farms by Mike Edwards et al annually over 3 yrs

  14. Success = Bombus ruderatus

  15. Bombus ruderatus – distribution over time 1800 -1959 1960 -1980 1980 - 2008

  16. Operation Bumblebee 2005 - 2008 Summary • Over 1200ha’s of seed mix sown over 3 yrs • Over 600 farms signed up to the project & trained across NI, Scotland and England • Significant sustainable effect for the Bumblebee on over 20 % of UK arable land • Return of Bombus ruderatus • Still demand in 2010 every week from farmers • Supermarket buy-in for Fresh Produce.

  17. Operation Pollinator 2009 - 2013

  18. And why change to a new name and logo? From to • Every project is unique! It is now a trans-continental project! • Bumblebees not always key pollinators in every country • Delivery of landscape biodiversity and pollination services • Fit with Resource Protection- soil & water • Design changes registered as TMs in EU,USA & Australia

  19. Mining & Solitary Bees - Megachile visiting legumes

  20. Small mining bee ( genus: Lasioglossum) on Melon flower in France – Rogue Gorge

  21. Honey Bee ( Apis mellifera) on pear blossom

  22. Bumblebee - Bombus ruderatus

  23. Operation Pollinator – the next step in Europe • Pollinators are in decline across Europe • Changes in Cropping patterns • Gov. Policy • More than 80% of European crop types are dependent on insects for pollination • Pollination by native bees and other pollination insects is worth €5bn to European farmers • Est value of Pollinator Services Globally is $150bn

  24. So what have Syngenta done in Europe in 2009 -10 • 2009 was 6 - Now 13 ( incl.UK)countries :- • Year 1 - Operation Pollinator Team = Syngenta Staff + external consultants. Est. 3 farms per country – sown mix – range of crops. • 2010 - Train Staff to establish habitat & develop Specific Pollinator Seed mixtures & protocols per country. (already UK1200,Italy200,Germany 600 farmers involved) • 2011 + Roll-out - train Farmers / Agronomists - on landscape scale & to fit with Agri.Envir. Support • Monitoring teams & reporting per year

  25. Training the “ologists” at Madrid University 2009

  26. Flowering Period - Operation Pollinator Italian Legume Mix I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII month

  27. On a Hill top in a Portuguese Apple Orchard

  28. 24m Pollen & Nectar( Legume Only) Margin – Sir Richard Sutton’s Settled Estates ,UK

  29. Operation Pollinator Grass & Wildflower

  30. WW Wild Bird Seed Mixture

  31. Combinations – Sandwich MarginWood, Hedge, Tussocky Grass, Pollen & Nectar, Wildbird Seed & Crop

  32. Operation Pollinator Offer Knowledge Transfer as :- • OP Training for Land Mangers, Farmers, Agronomists, whoever? • Operation Pollinator Seed mixtures – Northern, Central and Southern Europe(+Wild Bird Seed mixtures) • Syngenta Platform Sites UK & Model Farms in EU • ELO Ambassador Estates • Eco-system Services - Landscape Biodiversity or Pollination Services

  33. Together making a difference ! 0

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