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Le passé. Imparfait et Passé Composé. Three forms. Imparfait Passé Composé Passé Simple (written tense only) In this presentation, we will only see the first two: Imparfait & Passé Composé. What is the difference?. Use the Imparfait when:. Use the passé composé when:.
Le passé Imparfait et Passé Composé
Three forms • Imparfait • Passé Composé • Passé Simple (written tense only) In this presentation, we will only see the first two: Imparfait & Passé Composé.
What is the difference? Use the Imparfaitwhen: Use the passé composé when: You want to express: What you did. Whathappened. Action. An event thatbegan and endedat aparticular point in time in the past. Theaction was finite: it began and ended at a point in time in the past. You want to express: • What you used to do. • What used to be. • What you were doing. • What was going on. • The description of the scene: (time, weather…) • The description of the people involved: (looks, feelings, age…)
What does the imparfaitlook like? • These are the imparfaitendings: • ais • ais • ait • ions • iez • aient
This is the verb Regarder (to watch) in the imparfait. Nous regardions Vousregardiez Ils, ellesregardaient • Je regardais(I used to watch) • Turegardais(You were watching…) • Il, elle, on regardait
The best way to form the imparfait. • Begin with the NOUS form of the present tense. • Manger in the present tense: Nous mangeons • Je mangeais • Tumangeais • Il, elle, on mangeait • Nous mangions • Vousmangiez • Ils, ellesmangeaient
Je mangeais au restaurant. • When French people hear this, they understand: • You used to eat at the restaurant. or • You were eating at the restaurant…
Forming the Imparfait:Two Important exceptions • Être : to be • J’étais • Tuétais • Il, elle, on était • Nous étions • Vousétiez • Ils, ellesétaient • Ilsétaientjeunes. (They were young) Description. • Aller: to go • J’allais • Tuallais • Il, elle, on allait • Nous allions • Vousalliez • Ils, ellesallaient • Nous allions au bord de la mer pendant les vacances. (We used to go to the seashore during our vacations)
What does the passé composélook like? • The passé composéwill have 2 words, just like it’s name. • The first is the helper verb or auxiliary verb. • The second is the past participle.
This is the verb regarderin the passé composé! Nous avonsregardé Vousavezregardé Ils, ellesontregardé • J’airegardé(I watched) • Tu as regardé • Il, elle, on a regardé
J’ai regardé un bon film. • When French people read this: • They understand you saw a good movie. • They also understand this was a finite event at a particular point in time in the past.
J’airegardé • J’aiis the helper verb. • Regardéis the past participle. • The passé composé is composed of 2 words!
Only two helper verbs Avoir Être Je suis Tues Il, elle, on est Nous sommes Vousêtes Ils, ellessont • J’ai • Tu as • Il, elle, on a • Nous avons • Vousavez • Ils, ellesont
When do you use the helper verb AVOIR? • With the passé composé • MOST OF THE TIME.
When do you use the helper verb être? • In the passé composé • When the verb is on the list. • When the verb is reflexive.
What list? • DR and MRS P VANDERTRAMP, is an acronym-mnemonic. Each capital letter stands for a verbwhich pairs with the verbêtre (to be) whenconjugatinginto the passé composétense. • Descendre (pastparticiple) descendu)Rester (pastparticipleresté) • Monter (pastparticiplemonté)Revenir (pastparticiplerevenu)Sortir (pastparticiplesorti) • Passer (pastparticiplepassé) • Venir (pastparticiplevenu)Arriver (pastparticiplearrivé)Naître (pastparticiplené)Devenir (pastparticipledevenu)Entrer (pastparticipleentré)Retourner (pastparticipleretourné)Tomber (pastparticipletombé)Rentrer (pastparticiplerentré)Aller (pastparticipleallé)Mourir (pastparticiplemort)Partir (pastparticipleparti)
What is a reflexive verb? • A reflexive verbinfinitive is identified by its reflexive pronoun se, which is placed before the infinitive. (seregarder) • A reflexiveverb shows that the subject is performing the action upon itself and, therefore, the subject and the reflexive pronoun refer to the same person or thing. • Je me regarde = I’m looking at myself.
Compare the reflexive verb in the present & in the passé composé. In the present In the passé composé Verb ÊTRE + past participle. The verb: seregarder Je mesuisregardé(I lookedat myself) Tut’esregardé Il, elle, on s’estregardé Nous noussommesregardés Vousvousétesregardés Ilsse sontregardés • The verb: seregarder • Je meregarde(I look at myself) • Tuteregardes • Il, elle, on seregarde • Nous nousregardons • Vousvousregarge • Ils, ellesseregardent
Okay so… • The passé composé is composed of 2 words: • The helper (auxiliary) verb& the past participle. • There are two helper verbs: Avoir and Être. • Use avoirmost of the time. • Use être when the verb is: • on the list(aller for example) Je suisallé au parc. I went to the park. • or reflexive(se regarder for example) Je me suisregardédans le lac. I looked at myself in the lake. • But what about the past participle?
Past participles • Past participles are generally related to verb infinitives. • Infinitives ending in er, for example, generally drop this ending and substitute é : J’aichanté(I sang) Je suistombé(I fell) • Infinitives ending in ir generally drop this ending and substitute i : J’aifini(I finished) Je suissorti( I went out) • Infinitives ending in re generally drop this ending and substitute u : J’airendu(I returned) Je suisdescendu (I went down)
A number of commonverbshave irregularpastparticiples: • avoir to have : eu • boire to drink : bu • connaître to know : connu • courir to run : couru • devoir must : dû (due) • être to be : été • faire to do, make : fait • falloir must, have to : fallu • lire to read : lu • mettre to put : mis • ouvrir to open : ouvert • pouvoircan, may : pu • prendre to take : pris • recevoir to receive : reçu • rire to laugh : ri • savoir to know : su • vivre to live : vécu • vouloir to want : voulu
A)Il a chantéune belle chanson.B)Elle chantaittrèsbien. In A):When I see the passé composé, I understand: He sang a nice song at a particular moment in the past. In B): When I see the imparfait, I understand: She used to sing very well or she was singing very well.
Un jour… • Un jour je suisallé au parc et j’ai vu un joli petit lapin. J’aiattrapé le petit lapin et je l’aiapporté chez moi. Je l’aidonné à ma maman. • Only the passé composé is used here because I’m all action. Also, the action is finite (It began and ended at that point in time). • One day, I went to the parc and I saw a cute little rabbit. I caught the little rabbit and I brought it home. I gave it to my mom. • If I had described the rabbit or my mother’s reaction, I would have use the imparfait: Il étaitblanc et elleétaitfurieuse. (It was white and she was furious) Note: None of the verbs are used to describe the rabbit although I do know it was little and cute.
Il faisait beau et la villeétaittrèscalme. Les oiseauxchantaient et Pierre étaitheureux. • Only the imparfait is used because I am entirely descriptive. • The weather was nice and the town was very clam. The birds were singing, and Peter was happy.
Tout à coup… (all of a sudden…) • Tout à coup, Pierre esttombé et ils’estcassé la jambe. Il estallé à l’hôpital. Il n’était plus très content. • Pierre esttombé: Pierre fell at a certain moment in the past. (action) • Il s’estcassé la jambe: He broke his leg at that certain moment in time. (action) • Il estallé à l’hôpital: He went to the hospital. (action) • Il n’était plus très content: He wasn’t very happy anymore. (Describing his feelings) Imparfait
Imparfait or passé composé? • It was 4:30 in the afternoon. The weather was nice. A man was walking towards me. He was big and scary looking. I was afraid. • Describingthe scene, the man and the way I felt.
Imparfait of course! • Il étaitquatreheures et demie de l’après-midi. Il faisait beau. Un hommemarchaitversmoi. Il était grand et épeurant. J’avaispeur.
Imparfait or passé composé? • Romeo went below Juliet’s window to sing her a love song. Her father saw him and he emptied a bucket of water on his head. Romeo went home. • All action here. At a finite point in time, Romeo went… her father saw and emptied… and Romeo went home. (the action started and ended at that particular time in the past : finite)
Passé composé of course! • Roméoestallésous la fenêtre de Juliette pour lui chanter une chanson d’amour. Son pèrel’a vu et illui a vidé un seaud’eausur la tête. Roméoestrentré chez lui.