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Do I teach TAKS ?. Or do I teach STAAR ?. It’s ALL about the TEKS. Students LEARN. TEKS. CSCOPE ORGANIZES. STAAR ASSESSES. Teachers TEACH. Leaders MONITOR. Let’s begin with the end in mind . . . . But what we really want to accomplish . . . .
Do I teach TAKS? Or do I teach STAAR?
It’s ALL about the TEKS
But what we really want to accomplish . . . Leverage the new assessment structure to improve learning for students
How are we feeling about things? JUST a little uneasy?
Keep in mind . . . we’ve been walking this path for a while TABS TEAMS TAAS TAKS [SDAA/LDAA] TAKS (Acc/M/Alt)
Lesson It’s ALL about learning!
What we now KNOW about future accountability . . . What we now KNOW about future accountability . . .
Let’s get grounded . . . • What is learning? • How do know that a student has learned?
STAAR . . . a few noteworthy items Time limits - NEW • EOCs: 4 hours • Grades 3-8: 4 hours • Do we have time limits now?
STAAR . . . a few noteworthy items • SSI (5th and 8th Grade Reading and Math) in 2011-12 • Based on raw scores and classroom performance • STAAR performance standards not set until Fall 2012 • Test format • EOCs: Paper and Online • Grades 3-8: Paper Only
STAAR . . . a few more noteworthy items • Field testing • Mostly embedded in operational tests • Writing • Grade 4 • 2 compositions • stand-alone field test for prompts • embedded field test for revision/editing • Grade 7/EOC • 3 compositions (2 scored, 1 embedded field test) • embedded field test for revision/editing
What about “other” versions of STAAR? • Accommodated/Accommodations • Modified • HS issues and graduation plan • Alternate • HS issues and graduation plan • Linguistically Accommodated Tests • Most grades/subjects (not just NCLB) • Revisions to LEP exemptions • Spanish (3-5)
STAAR Accommodated Accommodated Tests (Separate Test Form and Booklet) 2006-2010 Not a separate test • STAAR will be in Verdana font, larger type, more white space • Accommodations WILL be allowed on STAAR • SpEd • 504 • Dyslexia (Gr. 3 through Eng. III)
STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate for ALL grades and subjects STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate for all courses required for graduation under Minimum Plan
Words matter! • Getting the word “kind of right” doesn’t necessarily help!
Standards, Standards Everywhere • Curriculum Standards (TEKS) • Readiness • Supporting • Process • Assessment Standards • Passing Standards or Performance Standards • Accountability Standards • Pass Rate Standards
TEKS Structure • Knowledge and Skills • Student Expectations
Determine Eligibility • Can the Student Expectation be assessed on a paper and pencil test? • Yes: eligible for STAAR (Assessed Curriculum) • No: important for learning but will not be tested
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ X
Create criteria • All standards are not created equal
Readiness Standards≈30% of eligible TEKS • Are essential for success in the current grade or course • Are important for preparedness for the next grade or course • Support college and career readiness • Necessitate in-depth instruction • Address broad and deep ideas
Supporting Standards≈70% of eligible TEKS • Although introduced in the current grade or course, they may be emphasized in a subsequent year • Although reinforced in the current grade or course, they may be emphasized in a previous year • They play a role in preparing students for the next grade or course but not a central role • They address more narrowly defined ideas
Apply the criteria • Which eligible TEKS • meet Readiness Standards criteria? • meet Supporting Standards criteria?
ALL of the TEKS are important! But in learning (and on STAAR) they play different roles Think Academy Awards • Standards in a leading (readiness) role • Standards in a supporting role
Reviewing Readiness and Supporting Readiness Standards • ≈ 30% of Assessed Curriculum • ≈ 65% of STAAR test • 2-4 questions per standard Supporting Standards • ≈ 70% of Assessed Curriculum • ≈ 35% of STAAR test • 0-1 question per standard
Readiness vs. Supporting Standards THE ASSESSED CURRICULUM (TEKS) STAAR ITEMS
Which is Readiness and which is Supporting (4th Grade Reading)? • Distinguish fact from opinion in a text and explain how to verify what is a fact • Describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts organized by cause-and-effect, sequence, or comparison S R
Which is Readiness and which is Supporting (5thGrade Math)? • Sketch the results of translations, rotations, and reflections on a Quadrant I coordinate grid • Identify the transformation that generates one figure from the other when given two congruent figures on a Quadrant I coordinate grid R S
Which is Readiness and which is Supporting? (Alg. I) A. find specific function values, simplify polynomial expressions, transform and solve equations, and factor as necessary in problem situations B. identify and sketch the general forms of linear (y = x) and quadratic (y = x2) parent functions R S
Which is Readiness and which is Supporting (Chemistry)? A describe and calculate the relations between volume, pressure, number of moles, and temperature for an ideal gas as described by Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, Avogadro’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, and the ideal gas law B perform stoichiometric calculations, including determination of mass and volume relationships between reactants and products for reactions involving gases R S
Teach it forward…Exploring the vertical alignment of STAAR • How are the standards conceptually linked? • How does each grade level connect to the other? • Where are the connecting elements?
Reinforcing S T A A R as a vertical system
FOCUS + DEPTH = LONGER • Impact of time limits? • Math Gr. 3 – Gr. 8 = +6 questions • Reading 3-8 = +4 questions • Writing = +1 composition • Science= +4 questions • Social Studies Gr 8 = +4 questions • EOC = +2 to 13 questions
Rigorous items Rigorous test design What does rigor mean?
Items that are more rigorous • Assessing standards at a higher level of cognitive complexity • Higher than many items on TAKS • AT THE LEVEL OF TEKS • Assessing more than one SE in an item
A more rigorous test • Focused student expectations – tested multiple ways • More items that are rigorous
STAAR requires more THINKING!
In a STAAR World… Focus on fewer standards MORE novel ways to sample the student’s learning =
Preparing for STAAR • TAKS Sorting Activity – Grade 8 Math • Which questions are Moderate? • Which questions are Challenging?
Which question might be on STAAR? • What does that mean for instruction? • For assessment?