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A powerpoint on the deities of old in the Middle East and the Levant
1In the Mysteries, the nailing up of the bodyof Osirisin the chest or arkwas termed the aphanism, or disappearance [of the Sun at the Winter Solstice, below the Tropic of Capricorn], and the recovery of the different parts of his body by Isis, the Euresis, or finding. The candidate went through a ceremony representing this, in all the Mysteries everywhere. The main facts in the fable were the same in all countries; and the prominent Deities were everywhere a male and a female. In Egyptthey were OsirisandIsis: in India, MahadevaandBhavani: in Phoenicia, Tammuz(or Adonis) andAstarte: in Phrygia, AtysandCybele: in Persia, MithrasandAsis: in Samothrace and Greece, DionysusorSaba Zeus andRhea: in Britain, Hu andCeridwen: and in Scandinavia, WodenandFreya: and in every instance these Divinities represented the Sun and the Moon. 2 Every one knows that the sun and moon, under various names such as Isis and Osiris, Adonis and Astarte, were the principal objects of worship in the east from the earliest times ; the sunbeing considered as the vivifying power of universal nature, the moonrepresented as a female, deriving her light from the sun, as the passive principle of production. 1 Morals and Dogma P.251) 2 Fishes, flowers, & fire as Elements and Deities in the phallic faiths of worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, A. Reader, Orange Street, Red Lion Square, London,1890, p11
Right Eye Left Eye
Mephistopheles Satan Satan: St Michael standing in triumph over the fallen Satan, modelled by Jacob Epstein in 1962 for the new cathedralat Coventry. As with all the early images of Satan defeated, he merely lies prone at the feet of the arch angel (or in some cases Christ) but he is never slain. The image may be seen as an anthropomorphic symbol of warfare in man between the Sunand the Moon, as Michael is the Archangel of the Sun, while Satan, as leader of the demonic hosts, is the ruler of the Lunar Sphere
“The Flood immortalises the collision of a fallen planet, later termed Satan, actually a cometary body, with our Earth” William Comyns Beaumont
1 Two fifth-century B.C. playwrights, Euripides and Sophocles, each of whom, wrote a dramatic play about a woman named Andromeda. Her story was old even at the time. The nineteenth century English orientalist, Archibald H. Sayceof Oxford, claimed that Andromeda, under another name, appeared in the ancient Babylonian Epic of Creation, written about 2000 B.C., not too long after the Flood. In the story of Mardukand the dragon, Tiamet, we find the oldest reference to the story of Perseus and Andromeda. Tiamet7 was the monster of primeval chaos, and was associated with the constellations Draco,2 Hydra,3 Cetus, and Serpens. The latter is part of the constellationOphiuchus. 2The Chinese divided Hydrusinto four asterisms: the serpent’s head; the serpent’s belly; and the serpent’s tail. The fourth part was called Foo Pih, the meaning of which is lost but which was marked by the star. So there is evidence attesting to the antiquity of this constellation. Gen 1:21 - And God created great whales, (KJV writes sea creatures) and every living creature that moveth, Job 7:12 - Am I a sea, or a whale(KJV writes Sea Serpent), that thou settest a watch over me? (Job 40:15 Behemothand 41:1-34Leviathan - Psa. 74:13-14; Rev. 13:1 7 heads) Ezek 32:2 - Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say unto him, Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a whale(KJV writes monster) in the seas Mat 12:40 - For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly (KJV writes great fish); so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 1Cetus – The Sea Monster, GerardusD. Bouw, Ph.D., p3 2Hydra the Serpent - Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D., p2 3Draco the Dragon - Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D., p2
1 The star s , at the nose of the serpent, is called MinchiralSugia, casting down of the deceiver. The stars d, e, z, h, r, and s, forming the head of Hydra, were collectively known as Min al Azal, the reserved place. It lies directly in the path that Leo the lion is heading, as if the Lion of Judah is en route to bruise the head of the serpent (2Gen. 3:15). 2And Iwill put enmitybetween thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel Lucida solitary one, the separated one, as one cut off from life Footnote: Acts 9:5 (allegedly written by Lux / Lucius / Luke) speaks about a churchand Saul of Tarsus persecuting Yahweh’schurch, but is thatYeshua/Yahweh’s earthly temple or the spiritual one not of this earth? 1Hydra the Serpent - Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D., p3-4
1Originally, the constellations Hydra, Corvus, and Crater(the cup) wereone. Hydrais pictured on a stone constellation map from the Euphrates. Dating from about 1200 BC., the serpentis there identified with the source of the fountains of the great deep, and is one of the several sky symbols of Tiamat, the great dragon. Now called a crow, originally it was seen as a raven. Usually “crow” is reserved for the North American variety of the raven. The constellation was a raven to the Romans, Greeks, and Hebrews. It has also been associated with Noah’s Raven (Gen. 8:7) Mercury: 87.97 days (0.2 years)Venus : 224.70 days (0.6 years)Earth: 365.26 days (1 year)Mars: 686.98 days (1.9 years)Jupiter: 4,332.82 days (11.9 years)Saturn: 10,755.70 days (29.5 years)Uranus: 30,687.15 days (84 years)Neptune: 60,190.03 days (164.8 years) Lucida On or over the back of the serpentis the constellation of Crater, the cup. The early Greeks called it the goblet of Apollo, .. The Jews called it Cos, a cup. The only named star is Alkes, which is another form for “the cup.”. Also, in the surrounding constellations, we see theLioncharging to bruise the head of the serpent 1Hydra the Serpent - Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D., p2
Mathew 16:4 “A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah” Mathew 16:17 “Blessed are you, SimonBar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven Mathew 16:19 “And I will give you the keysof thekingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be boundin heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will have been loosed in heaven” Statue of St Peter with Keys to North and South Gates - Antwerp Cathedral
14 Greek Primordial deities • AetherLight/Universalunderstanding • HemeraGoddess of the daytime/night • AnankeDestiny, ‘Binding’ force, controls the fates • NyxThe cave of darkness (night/dream-world) • Chaos • PhanesHermaphroditic • ChronosEl Saturn Time Order • PontusSea • Erebusthe personification (place) of darkness/ the Underworld/ Tartarus/ *Sunset • TartarusThe pit/Abyss/ Adamantine Prison/Dungeon – 3rd force born of Chaos and Aether • ErosDesire • Thalassa • GaiaEarth • UranusSky Nyx
1 The Aetherwas also known as Zeus's defensive wall, the boundary that locked Tartarusfrom the rest of the cosmos. According to the poet Alcman, Aether was the father ofOuranos, the god of the sky. While Aether was the personification of the upper air, Ouranos was literally the sky itself, composed of a solid dome of brass Aetheris one of the primordial deities, the first-born elementals. His name means "light" in ancient Greek. Aetheris the personification and elemental god of "the bright, glowing upper air of heaven - the substance of light". He embodies the pure upper air that the gods breathe, as opposed to the normal air (Ἀήρ, aer) breathed by mortals According to Epiphanius, the worldbegan as a cosmic egg, encircled by Timeand Inevitability(most likely Chronosand Ananke) in serpent fashion. Together they constricted the egg, squeezing its matter with great force, until the world divided into two hemispheres. After that, the atomssorted themselves out. The lighterand finer ones floated above and became the Bright Air (Aether and/or Ouranos) and the rarefied Wind (Chaos), while the heavierand dirtier atoms sank and became the Earth (Gaia) and the Ocean(Pontosand/or Oceanus).
LAUREL WREATH TRIDENT LOTUS POSEIDON/SIDON APOLLON ZEUS HERA APOLLO NEPTUNE JUPITER JUNO JOVE SERPENT The goddessRhea, standing on a rock, hands the omphalosstonewrapped in swaddling cloth over to Kronos,(Saturn) as a substitute for her infant Zeus. The Titanraises his hand to receive the mock child which he will devour. He holds a royal sceptre in his other hand. DOVES ASS/DONKEY NET ATHENE APHRODITE RHEA MINERVA VENUS OPS http://www.theol.com
Sometimes Amphitritewas shown holding a fish.. usually rides beside her husband (Poseidon) in a chariot drawn by fish-tailed horses or hippokampoi. Sometimes her hair is enclosed with a netand her brow adorned with a pair of crab-claw "horns". LETO LATONA Detail from a scene Apollonand Leto, and the god Hermes (Mercury) She is shown crowned, holding a royal sceptre, and with veilslightly lifted in gesture of modesty. AMPHITRITE
Gaiabore the monster Typhon to claim revenge for the imprisoned Titans, chained up in Tartarus, though Zeus was victorious. URANUS GAIA MALE TITANS FEMALE TITANS The Olympians AMPHITRITE THETIS *TETHYS OCEANUS METIS SELENE EOS (Dawn) HELIOS (Sun) HYPERION SELENE (Moon) THEIA LETO (LATONA) ASTERIA PERSES PHOEBE (shining) COEUS (“North”) CRONUS ZEUS ARTIEMIS RHEA APOLLO CRIUS ASTRAEUS PALLAS MNEMOSYNE IAPETUS ATLAS PROMETHEUS MENOETIUS EPIMETHIUS THEMIS Titans = Asuras ‘Older gods’ - Olympians = Devas/Daevas ‘younger gods’ (environment/nature) The Titans were overthrown by a race of younger gods, the Olympians, in the Titanomachy ("War of the Titans"). This represented a mythological paradigm shift that the Greeks may have borrowed from the Ancient Near East Footnote: Hyperion has the same attributes as Enoch in being a knower of the number of the courses of the planets (gods), God of Understanding, Watchfulness, wisdom and light; ‘The High One’
A few subtle themes arises through all the mythologies and the pantheons; and that is there is an original creation process where a new species of man or being is created, made, formed, constructed, moulded, built, fashioned, (bio) engineered, imagined, brought forth, begat, breathed life into, ect. Cronus indo-european etymology of the name may mean ‘’to cut; to make, create”; (Rig Veda 10.104.10) later corrupted into a circumcise/castrate ritual In Greece, the elementals create 12Titans, 6male and 6female (7each in the Old Testament and Egyptian legends with the 14 body parts of Osiristhat are re-assembled by Isis as she performed the Euresis). The Tree/Casket/Coffin is also symbolic in the Isian stories. The Titansalso have the appearance of being white, or using white clay as if they are not black skinned. This dominant‘master’ race, The Titans, then birth progeny of giants or lesser titans (sons and daughters) and these ‘Olympians’ eventually seek to overthrow/rebel against their fathers / mothers / creators Being drunk or drunkeness is present in overthrowing of the olden ones as well as drink being used in the Old Testament as a source of beguilement Tartarus is the equivalent of an,inescapable prison; a pit or dark, foul-smellingabyss (a hell-hole) made of adamantine and hard as diamond, which holds 200 rebel giants, held in contempt until their release (judgment) or ‘jail break’ (which could be temporary). Paradoxically, Enochsuggests these rebel watchers faced an unforgivable crime as he pleaded on their behalf before Enlil, so ‘judgement’ seems odd in the context that they have already been judged and placed into Tartarus or Sheol; they cannot be saved and they cannot be forgiven.. Or can they?
Chronoswas imagined as a god, serpentine in form, with three heads - those of a man, a bull, and a lion. Heand his consort, serpentineAnanke(Inevitability), circled the primal world egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky In the Orphic cosmogony the unageingChronosproduced Aetherand Chaos, and made a silvery egg in the divine Aether. It produced the hermaphroditic god Phanes, who gave birth to the first generation of gods and is the ultimate creator of the cosmos
1 "In 1492, Bede mentions that 'a God Krodois worshipped in the Hartz, having his feet on a fish, a wheel in one hand and a pail of water in the other—clearly a Vishnoo or Fishnoosolar deity carrying the solar or lunar disk, and the ark or womb of fertility. These fish-gods, as Mr. Baring Gould states in the case of the AmericanKox-Kox or Teokipaktli, i.e., fish-god, much resemble the Old Testament Noah, for Kox, encountered a flood and rescued himself in a cypress trunk (a true phallic symbol), and peopled the world with wise and intelligent beings.' 2Jacob Grimm refers to Krodoin his Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 and relates Him to the Roman God Saturn. We are told of an image of this Saturn or Krodo, which represented the idol as a man standing on a great fish, holding a pot of flowers in his right hand, and a wheel erect in his left; the Roman Saturn was furnished with the sickle, not a wheel." Grimmdraws further connections to the Slavic Gods Sitivratand Kirt: "...but beside Sitivratwe have learnt another name for Saturn, namely Kirt, which certainly seems to be our Krodoand Hrudo." 1 Fishes, flowers, & fire as Elements and Deities in the phallic faiths of worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, A. Reader, Orange Street, Red Lion Square, London,1890, p11 2 http://celto-germanic.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/krodo-lost-saxon-god-traceable-to-aryan.html
Jupiter, the supreme god of the heathens, son of Saturnand Rhea. When Jupiterand Juno, being twins, were born…They carried him into the island of Crete, where he was suckled by a goat. Saturn(his father) drove him out of heaven, and obliged him to conceal himself in Latium He then married his sister Juno Giving the empire of the waters to Neptune, and that of the infernal regions to Pluto Pallas/Minvera, and the other gods, were desirous of throwing off his yoke; but he defeated them, and constrained them to fly into Egypt, where they assumed different shapes; he pursued them in the form of a ram …He metamorphosed himself into all manner of shapes to deceive them; sometimes he was a satyr, to surprise Antiope…He abused Leda, daughter of Tyndarus, in the shape of a swan To deceive Europa, daughter of Agenor, he changed himself into a bull,…and at length metamorphosed himself into an eagle, to carry off Ganimede, son of Tros, and carried him into heaven, where he was made his cup bearer
Proverbs 8:22 “The LORD possessed meat the beginning of His way. Before His works of old. I have been established from everlasting. From the beginning before there was ever an earth. When there was no depths, I was brought forth, before the mountains were settled, before the hills I was brought forth, while as yet made the earth or the fields, .. When He prepared the heavens, I was there, when He drew a circle on the face of the deep.. Then I was beside Him as a Master craftsman ... Rejoicing in His inhabited world, .. And my delight was with the sons of men.. [33] Hear instruction and be wise” Proverbs 8:18 “Wisdom has built her house, She has hewn out her Seven Pillars” Proverbs 9:8-9 “Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you. Rebuke a wise man, and he’ll love you. Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser. Teach a just man, andhe will increase in learning[11] for by me your days will be multiplied, And years of life will be added to you. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself, and if you scoff, you will bear it alone”[10:27] “The fear of the LORD prolongs days”
PROVERBS AND WISDOM Proverbs 1:8-10 “And do not forsake the law of your Mother. My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent” Proverbs 1:19 “So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain, it takes away the life of its owners” (see Micah 2:1-2 as ‘evil-doers’ – UnlawfulViolencein-equity and home /theft) Proverbs 6:12 “A worthless person; a wicked man, 6 attributes it attaches to wicked: which “the LORDhates” (Proverbs 6:16 “Yes, Seven are an abominationto him” • He winks with his eyes [1] • He shuffles his feet [2] • He points with his fingers [3] • Perversity is in his heart [4] • He devises evil constantly [5] • He sows discord [6] Proverbs 13:7 “There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing, and one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches” • A proud look [1] (Proverbs 13:10 “pride”) • A lying tongue [2] (Proverbs13:5 “lying”) • Hands that shed innocent blood [3](Proverbs 13:20 “company”) • A heart that devises evil plans [4] (Proverbs 13:11 “dishonestly”) • Feet that are swift to return to evil [5] • A false witness who speaks lies [6] (Proverbs 13:22 “children”) • One who spreads discord among brethren [7] (Proverbs 15:22)
Proverbs 8:1-5 “Doeswisdom not cry out, and understanding lift up her voice? She takes her stand on top of the high hill .. And my voice is to the sons of men, O you simple ones, understanding prudence, and you fools, be of an understanding heart…receive my instruction, and not silver. And knowledge rather than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her” Proverbs 8:1-5 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge and discretion .. My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold, and my revenue than choice silver” Proverbs 11:4 “Riches do not profit in the days of wrath” Proverbs 11:28 “He who trusts in his riches will fall”
"No one is free except Zeus." (Cratos to Hephaestus. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 50). "A free man? - There is no such thing! All men are slaves; some, slaves of money; some, of chance; others are forced, either by mass opinion, or the threatening law, to act against their nature.“ (Hecabe 1 to Agamemnon. Euripides, Hecabe 864). "We men are in prison all that time which we choose to call life. For this soul of ours, being bound and fettered in a perishable body, has to endure many things, and be the slave of all the affections which visit humanity.“ (Flavius Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 7.26)
“After the first Dionysus[Zagreus] had been slaughtered, Father Zeus ... attacked the mother of the Titanes[Gaia the Earth] with avenging brand, and shut up the murderers of horned Dionysus [the Titansdismemberedthe godlingZagreus] within the gate of Tartarus[after a long war]: the trees blazed, the hair of suffering Gaea (Earth) was scorched with heat . . . Now Okeanospoured rivers of tears from his watery eyes, a libation of suppliant prayer. Then Zeusclaimed his wrath at the sight of the scorched earth; he pitied her, and wished to wash with water the ashes of ruin and the fiery wounds of the land. Then Rainy Zeus covered the whole sky with clouds and flooded all the earth[in the Great Deluge of Deukalion].” —Nonnus, Dionysiaca 6. 155 ff
CHRONUS RHEA/OPS TITAN (Wife/Sister) (GoldenAge – Scythe– Hourglass–Serpent Ouroborus) (Elder Brother) PLUTO JUNO 2JUPITER - AMON NEPTUNE God of Hell The Underworld Hades (Brothers) (Wife/Sister) EAGLE SATURNIA OLIVE TREE Anvilsat her feet and hands tied behind with a golden chain – Vulcan, theforger Chased from Heaven for conspiring against Jupiter OAK TREE/ ACORNS BULL SWAN RAM GIANTS/TITANS Drumming, dancing and Armour (Corybantes – 6 men) TYPHON He was the son of Terra – conceived by the stroke of Juno’s hand – Minerva -Jupiter’s daughter Minervaand Sea-Monster PEACOCK CHARIOT/BLACK HORSES Floodof the Deucalion/Python (serpent) sent by Junoagainst Latona– Apollo kills Pithon with an arrow. Willow Tree symbolism KEYS/WAND/SCEPTRE TRIDENT 1“..these are the notions that the Pagans had of the deitywhich they worshipped and adored more than any other. They looked upon him as the absolute master of the world, and represented him on the back of an eagle, with thunder bolts in his hand. The oakwas consecratedto him, because, after the example of Saturn, he taught men to feed upon acorns.” 1A Compendius Dictionary of Fabulous History – Heathen Gods Goddesses and Heroes, page 158 2ibid, page 160 “The AEgyptians called him Jupiter-Amon, and adored him under the figure of a ram”
Later it was natural for the Greek writers like Herodotus and Plutarch to ‘rationalise’ Amunby observing that he was Olympian Zeus among the Egyptians. This identification with the Greek godis maintained into the Roman period. Amunepithets ‘shooting-star’, ‘invincible bull’ ‘crocodile’ (Sobek)
Each featheris divided vertically into two sections – the ‘dualism’ in the iconography reflects the Egyptianworld-view of balanced opposites, e.g. the Two Lands (North and South Egypt).In each plume the horizontal segments add up to seven, a highly charged number in Egyptian religion The Nile Goose is sacred to Amun. The pre-eminent sacred creature of Amun(Zeus/Jupiter/Jove) is the ram with curved horns Amun’sname seems to be connected with the word meaning “to conceal” (the hidden one). Another possible name of Amunis an ancient Libyan word ‘aman’ meaning ‘water’ Amun’sname offers no such visual clue. The concept of the god’s invisibility admirably suits his association with the ‘breeze’ or the notion of Amunas an unseen demiurge. The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, George Hart, Second edition, 2005, p14
The KebraNagast (Ethiopic account of Solomon and Queen Sheba) 100. Concerning the Angels who rebelled And the MercifulOneand the Lover of mercy answered them on behalf of Adam, and said unto them, “You have I created out of fire and air with one intent [that ye should] praise [Me]. Himhave I created of twice as many elements as you – of dust and water, and of wind and fire; and he became [a being] of flesh and blood. And in him are ten thoughts (or intentions), five good, and five bad. And if his heart inciteth him to good, he walketh with good intent; and if the Devil seduceth him, he walketh with him on an evil path. As for you, ye have no other object in your minds but praise of Me, with the exception of that arrogant one who produced evil, and became an evil being, and was driven forth from your assembly. “ Now Satan hath no power whatsoever, for he hath only what he maketh to germinate in the mind; he cannot grasp firmly, and he cannot perform anything, and he cannot beat, and he cannot drag, and he cannot seize, and he cannot fight; he can only make thoughts to germinate silently in the mind. And him who is caught by the evil mind he prepareth for destruction; and if [a man] hath conquered the evil mind he findeth grace and hath a reward which is everlasting
1 And straightaway God was wroth with them, and He bound them in the terror of Sheol until the day of redemption, as the Apostle saith, “He treated his angels with severity. He spared them not, but made them to dwell in a state of judgment, and they were fettered until the Great Day. The word of God conquered, Who had fashioned Adam in his likeness (or, form), and those who had reviled and made a laughingstock of Adamwere conquered. 2And the daughters of Cain with whom the angels had companied conceived, but they were unable to bring forth their children, and they died. And of the children who were in their wombs, some died, and some came forth; having split open the bellies of their mothers they came forth by their navals. And when they were grown up and reached the man’s estate they became giants, who height reached unto the clouds; and for their sakes and the sakes of sinners the wrath of God became quiet, and He said, “My spirit shall only rest on them for one hundred and twenty years, and I will destroy them with the waters of the Flood (Genesis 6, 2-4) He showed that the Sign of the Cross was fourfold. Now the four corners of the ark are the horns of the altar; and He commanded Mosesto make the arkout of indestructible wood 1.2The KebraNagast (Ethiopic account of Solomon and Queen Sheba) p.159;160
The Serpent, The Eagle, and the Owl “The Great Serpentof the Garden of Eden and the Lord Godareidentical“. Helena Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine “And the great dragonwas cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world..” Revelation 12:9 Left: Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400 AD)
The Japaneserepresent their Messiahemerging like Vishnoofrom a fish, and as such call him Kan-On or Can-on, and his temple, Onius, and make his spirit repose on twelve cushions, just as they do in the case of Foor Boodha, showing clearly the solar significance of the whole. 1Kan-On, Kwannon, Kanzeon- Goddess of Harmony, Compassionand Mercy "Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World” She’s the Japaneseversion of China’sGUAN-YIN, who is really a female manifestation of India’s AVALOKITESVARA (Androgynyne – See slides 11-12) 2Due to her symbolizing compassion, in East Asia Guanyinis associated with vegetarianism. Chinesevegetarian restaurants are generally decorated with her image, and she appears in most Buddhist vegetarian pamphlets and magazines She is generally regarded by many as the protector of women and children. By this association she is also seen as a fertility goddess capable of granting children. She is also seen as the champion of the unfortunate, the sick, the disabled, the poor, and those in trouble. Some coastal and river areas of Chinaregard her as the protector of fishermen, sailors, and generally people who are out at sea, thus many also come to believe that Mazu, the Taoist goddess of the sea, is a manifestation of Guanyin. Due to her association withthe legend of the Great Flood, where she sent down a dogholding rice grains in its tail after the flood, she is worshiped as a rice goddess 1 http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/chinese-mythology.php?deity=GUAN-YIN 2 Did the resurrected Christ visit Asia? (PDF)
The Sword of Orion Painting by Edmund Blair Leighton Knighting Accolade Libertas atop the Capitol Building
St. Augustinesaid of Christ: ' Heis the great Fishthat lives in the midst of the waters; ' so no wonder that Ichthus, a fish, should become a holy term, and applied to Christ's representative, who in token wears a Poitrine as his higher officers wear what is called a mitreor turban like a fish's mouth. Christ, being a Hebrew, of course received the title Ikthusfrom his Greekfollowers, just as he got I.H.S. - the monogram of Bacchus - from those who forsook that god to follow Christianity. There is nothing sacred about such matters. Ichor Ik, or Ak= Ab, at once Our Father andwater; and in India the fish is the god of the water, and so we have Dev-ab, from which may come Deg-an or Dagon. The Greeks, of course, used Thus or theus, and so Ik-theus or God-Ik ; at any rate Christians have made Ik-thus a veritable God, and water its element a very holy thing. The most ancient Keltic tongues seem to identify the two, for water in Gaelic is Uisye, the water of life being Wisge(whiskey), and a fish Iasg, or in old Irish, Iskaor Ischa, which is an Eastern term for Jesus. If Vor F - the digamma- is here admissible, then we arrive very near our own word Fish. Perhaps Vishnoo, Vicnuor Fishnoo, is responsible here, for he is the first who rises out of the water,and from a fish; and from his first incarnation to his last,He is always connected with both." 1 Fishes, flowers, & fire as Elements and Deities in the phallic faiths of worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, A. Reader, Orange Street, Red Lion Square, London,1890,
1The Assyriansoften represented Ishtar as the upright fish, probably because of the fecundative powers of the fish, and as the creature par excellence of water. The great mythic queen Semiramis, wife of Ninus, the founder of Ninevehor Ninus, was said to have sprung from a fish some twenty-three centuries BC, and to be representative woman, Eva or Mary…" The mythic genealogy of Semiramisbegins with a fish and ends with Ninyas. Her mother was Dorketo the Fish Goddess of Askalon, in Syria, where she was worshipped as Astarte or Aphrodite In a bas-relief from Korsabadrepresenting a naval engagement, or the siege of a city on the sea coast, we have the god nearly as described by Berosus. To the body of a man as far as the waist, is joined the tail of a fish. The three-horned cap, surmounted by the flower in the form of a fleur-de-lis, as worn by the winged figures of the bas reliefs, marks the sacred character. The Dagon of the Philistines of Ashdadevidently resembled the figure on the Assyrian sculptures and cylinders. When it fell before, the ark, the head and both the palms of his hands were cut oft' upon the threshold ; only the fishy part of Dagon was left to him. (I. Samuel, v.4). Although the image, like that of the Assyrians, appears to have been originally male ; at a later period, it became female in Syria, as we learn from Lucian (de Dea Syria), and DiodorusSiculus, who describes the idol at Ascalonwith the face of a woman and body of a fish. (Lib. ii.) An icthyolatry, connected with Derceto or Atergates, was perhaps confounded with the worship of Dagon. 1 Fishes, flowers, & fire as Elements and Deities in the phallic faiths of worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, A. Reader, Orange Street, Red Lion Square, London,1890, p22
The sacred scriptures, in Hebrews, bestow on him the masculine gender, and so do the authors of the Greek version. Philo Bibliussays of Dagon, that he is a fruitererand the son of Coelus, and thus thinks he should be called, because he first discovered fruit. For Dagon in Hebrewis translated by the Greek word Siton, which means fruit. He is also said to be the inventor of the plough, therefore was named Zeusthe plougher, as ifhe were Jupiter, the president of agriculture. "The temple of Dagon is called Beth-Dagon, which is pure Hebrew. (See I. Maccabeus x., 23.) ' The horsemenalso being scattered in the field, fled to Azotusand went into Beth-Dagon, their idol's temple, for safety.' Venus of the Ascalonites-that is Derceto- has the very same name with Herodotus, as Mylitta, Alitta, and the mother of the gods, and about the temple of the goddess of Hierapolis, fish and doves were received as sacred, and in her honour, no less than where Derceto was worshipped.
1The Scriptures make him a masculine god, but what has been said elsewhere of the common sex of the gods should be here considered, for this very Dagon was changed into the goddess Adirclaga, that is, Atergatis, Adargatis, Derceto (Derketo?), and those other names mispronounced by the Europeans. It is certain that the Phoenician andBabylon goddess is the very same figure as Dagon,if you will change the sex. Lucianusdescribes briefly the imageof Dercetoas seen by him in Phoenicia, and it answers to that of Dagon. But also among other great writers the goddessofHierapolis is calledDerceto, or Atergatis. 2Semi'ramis, a famous queenof the Assyrians, who was daughter of the goddess Darceto. She was exposed soon after her birth, and was fed by pigeons, on account of which she received her name for Semiramisin the Assyrian language signifies a pigeon. It was shethat built the magnificent gardens and wall of Babylon. 1Fishes, flowers, & fire as Elements and Deities in the phallic faiths of worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, A. Reader, Orange Street, Red Lion Square, London,1890, p15 2Compendius Dictionary of Fabulous History – Heathen Gods Goddesses and Heroes, page 226
1 The fishwas sacred to Venus, and was a favourite esculent among the luxurious Romans. The fishwas an emblem of fecundity. The word nun, however, in the Hebrew, signifies to sprout, to put forth, as well as fish; and thus the fish symbolises the male principle in an active state. The creature had a very strong symbolic connection with the worship of Aphrodite, and the Romanists still eat it on that day of the week called Dies Veneris, Venus' Day." "The fishwas also associated with Isis, who, like Venus,represented the female element in creation. It was likewise a sacred emblem amongst the Buddhists. TYPHON SATURN & RHEA OLIVE TREE HERA ZEUS ECHIDNA The Plough; (firstfruit) “Snake” TRIDENT/FISH Deflowered Medusa in the Temple of Minerva JUPITER JUNO ATHENE APOLLO OLIVE TREE Sprang from the headof father Zeus – Parthenos– the Virgin ROME GREECE MINERVA/PALLAS POSEIDON NEPTUNE Beliza’na: a name given to her by the Gauls – sacrificed human victims. 13 Dragon teeth sown from the slain Dragon WATER NYMPHS, DOLPHINS, SEA MONSTERS, SHELLS 1 Fishes, flowers, & fire as Elements and Deities in the phallic faiths of worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, A. Reader, Orange Street, Red Lion Square, London,1890, p11
SYRIA PALESTINE GREECE BABYLONIA ASTARTE ASTHORETH ATHENE ISHTAR/ASHTAR/INANNA ‘Goddess of Wisdom’ ‘the seat of the cow’ ‘Astharothwith the two horns’ Sprang from the head of father Zeus– Parthenos – the Virgin ‘Has +toreth’ OLIVE TREE CANAAN ISIS SIVA STAR BAAL 1ADAD ‘Nandin/Bull’ VENUS/APHRODITE/SEMIRAMIS LOTUS ATARGATIS ANAT MYLITTA *It is, however, well known that doveswere sacred to Venus, and she isDerceto. ALITTA DOVES *DERKETO ‘mermaid form’ Macrobius calls Der-Ketis ' the mother of the gods,' and Syrians, ' the receptacle of the gods,' that is, anErkorArk, which the fish represented. If we were fully cognisant of the origin ofDer-Ketis, it might turn out to be, like the Indian names, a dual or Linga-in Yoni. Thus Brahma, sitting on the lotus, is called Brahma-Yoni, and if Derbe the Jovinetree or Oak, Der-Ketiswould be simply the bi-sexual name of a supreme god. The mythical Semiramiswas a daughter of Der-ketis, who was changed into a dove, and her mother into a fish, showing the close intertwining of all these figures by phallists." 2 Fishes, flowers, & fire as Elements and Deities in the phallic faiths of worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, A. Reader, Orange Street, Red Lion Square, London,1890, p21
in 1995Inoticed a previously undetected association between the Alphabet and the moon which led to a thesis about its conception. Several key letters appear to have originated as symbols not only representing, but also tracing the phases of the lunation. The moon-godalone is visible. The visible phases were deemed malein part because the terminal crescents resemble a phallus (the ‘phallus’ figuratively reflected as a ‘brandished blade’), capable of ‘rising’. Yet two nights each lunation, the moon-god too is compelled to retreat into the darkness of the underworld to be restored to sight through the intercession of the goddess.
1 Focal Egyptianand Hellenicpantheons [1] Nephthys- first dark night – Artemis(1) [2] Isis- second dark night – Demeter(2) (3) Horus- waxing crescent – Ares(3) (9) Thoth- waxing half-moon – Hermes(4) (15) Amon- first full-moon – Apollo(5) (16) Ra- second full-moon – Zeus(6) (17) Set- first waning phase – Poseidon(7) (23) Ptah- waning half-moon – Hephæstus /vulcan(8) (30) Osiris- waning crescent - Hades/Pluto(9) These nine identifiable phases presented ideal candidates for deification in ancient cultures (eg, the Egyptian Ennead or Paut) while the seven identifiable spectres accord with the sacred number seven If ancient iconography proves lunar, the goddess, as becomes evident from the model of the lunation, is never seen; she remains out of sight in the underworld (the white, or lunargoddess thereby synonymous with theearth-mother goddess in various cultures). Which may explain why the so-called Venus figurines lack faces (the absence of eyes signalling invisibility). 1 The Lunar Basis of Ancient Myth and Symbol, p10
Two Marys, one no stranger to ‘sin’ (the carnalMary Magdalene), the other beyond reproach (the ethereal Virgin Mary), remarkably sustain the ancient iconography of twin goddessesresident in the underworld (one sinister, the other sanctified), personifying the two dark phases between visible lunations. In the Egyptian myth, Osiris(waning crescent, resembling a phallus) copulates with Nephthys(wifeof1Set)begetting Anubis, his shadow son; while Isis(her role as ‘double’ accentuated in the doubled syllable of her name) magically gives birth to Horusthe avenging‘son’of Osiris. 1Setembodied the ‘fullest’ waning phase while Osiriswas the ‘leanest’. Thus it may be seen that Osiris represents Set at his leanest or oldest (or conversely, Set, Osiris as a youth, at his fullest). In this respect Nephthys, wifeofSet, was not adulterous in receiving Osirisas her lover. This doubled name-clue in the second of the two underworld ‘sisters’ recursin the names of the Sumerian goddessInin(Inanna, Nin, Nana); her Hurriancounterpart Hanna-hannah; and descriptively in Hellenic Demeter (‘deo-metera’ signifying “double mother” as well as the more evident “mother goddess” in ‘thea-metera’) among others. In the Arthurian cycles, ‘evil 2Guenevere’, the all-but-identical half-sister of ‘Guenevere of the regal birthmark’, supplants her irreproachable ‘twin’ as Arthur’s queen, for a tell-taletwo-and-a-half ‘years’ (echoing the two-and-a-half days between visible lunations) 2‘Gyny’ (Greek for “woman”) + ‘ver’ (arguably cognate with Egyptian ‘wur’ or “underworld”) intimating ‘underworld woman’. 1 The Lunar Basis of Ancient Myth and Symbol, p13
1Apollo(association with the lyreand 7strings/ planets) Ciceromentions 4of this name, the most ancient of whom was son of Vulcan; the second a son of Corybas, born in Crete; the third, an Arcadian called Nomion, from his being a great legislator; and the last, to whom the greatest honours are ascribed, the son of Jupiter andLatona(“hidden”),daughter of Coeus, the Titan. Of these four, it appears the last three were Greeks, and the first an Egyptian, who according to Herodotus, was the son of Osiris andIsis, and called Orus. Pausaniusis of the same opinion with Herodotus, and ranks Apolloamong the Egyptian divinities TV series, “The Strain” showing a picture of Vulcan, The weaponsmithand forger of the ‘gods’
DiodorusSiculusis still more express, for in speaking of Isis, after saying that she had invented the practice of medicine, he adds that she taught this art to her son, Orus, named Apollo, who was the last of the gods that reigned in Egypt. It is easy to trace almost all the Grecian fable and mythologies fromEgypt; for, if the Apolloof the Greeks was said to be son of Jupiter, it was becauseOrus, theApolloof the Egyptians, hadOsirisfor his father, whom the Greeks confoundedwith Jupiter If the Greek Apollowere the god and conductor of the muses(fates), it was because Osiriscarried with him, in his expedition to the Indies, singing women and musicians Apollois strongly associated with the mystical number seven(almost certainly a Mesopotamianconcept). In Ugaritic inscriptions he is referred to as Resepof the Arrow. Apollowas widely revered under various local synonyms by the Celts. 1Bells New Pantheon of Gods, demi-gods and Heroes, fabulous personages of Antiquity, MDCCXC, p85
1Belor Belusson of Neptune andLybia, was King of Assyria. They paid divine honours to his statue, and afterwards the Chaldeans and other people worshipped him under the name of Baal. Jupiter was likewise worshipped under the name. Apollo, son of Jupiter andLatona, and brotherof Diana; they called him Phoebus in heaven, because he conducted the chariotof the sun drawn by four horses. He was esteemed the god of poetry, music, and the liberal arts. Heput himself at the head of the nine muses, and dwelt with them on the mountsParnassus, Helicon, Pierus, the banks of the HippocreneandPermessus, where the winged horse Pegasus generally fled. Jupiter, having killed Aesculapiuswith a thunderbolt, because he had raised Hippolytus from the dead, Apollokilled the Cyclops, because he had furnished him with bolts; upon this he was driven out of heaven… he is generally painted with a lyrein his handor near him, and sitting on a car drawn by four horses prancing along the Zodiac Associations: Bow and Arrow –Mercury – Deucalion’s Flood – Serpent Pithon Daphne&Laurel wreath – The Cock, Hawkand the Olive Tree were consecrated to him 1A Compendius Dictionary of Fabulous History – Heathen Gods Goddesses and Heroes, page 56; 74
TYPHON GREECE ROME JUPITER OANNES POSEIDON TRIDENT NEPTUNE Echidna WATER NYMPHS, DOLPHINS, SEA MONSTERS, SHELLS “Snake” Deflowered Medusain the Temple of Minerva VENUS The Plough; (first fruit) ZEUS ATHENE OLIVE TREE MINERVA/PALLAS Beliza’na: a name given to her by the Gauls – sacrificed human victims. 13 Dragon teeth sown Sprang from the head of father Zeus – Parthenos – the Virgin 1 The fishwas sacred to Venus, and was a favourite esculent among the luxurious Romans. The fishwas an emblem of fecundity. The word nun, however, in the Hebrew, signifies to sprout, to put forth, as well as fish ; and thus the fish symbolises the male principle in an active state. The creature had a very strong symbolic connection with the worship of Aphrodite, and the Romanists still eat it on that day of the week called Dies Veneris, Venus' Day." "The fishwas also associated with Isis, who, like Venus,represented the female element in creation. It was likewise a sacred emblem amongst the Buddhists. 1 Fishes, flowers, & fire as Elements and Deities in the phallic faiths of worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, A. Reader, Orange Street, Red Lion Square, London,1890, p11
Isis Osiris Associations/Symbols Rhea Saturn Golden Seraph/ FeiryflyingSerpent Devas/Daevas ‘younger gods’ SUN MOON Latona Jupiter Bow & Arrow Apollo DIANA Authority,; Source of Harmony MINERVA/PALLAS Other names: Agreaeus, Archagetas, Cynthius, Delius, Delphicus, Delphinius, Delphis, Didymaeus, Epidelius, Healer, Hyperborean, Liber Pater, Lycius, Nomius, Paean, Phanaeus, Phaneta, Philaexandrus, Phoebus, Pythius, Sol Deione“Abundance” Wolf Quail Acuteness of sight Security Shepherd When sparing flock TYPHON/PYTHON Crow/Raven Faculty of prediction/ Foresight Hermes Chariot rider with 4 Horses: Eous, Etbon, Pblegon,Pyrios Mercury Lambs, Bull, Oxen Sacrificial animals Aesculapius Swan The Apollo medicusis often mentioned by the poets, and it probably is on account of this character, that the serpent is placed at the feet of statues.. Figures of Apollo with a serpent by him, he has generally an aspect placid and lenient Divines its own death Hawk Boldness of Flight Cock Announces the dawn Palm, Laurel, Olive, juniper Footnote: The Apollo Belvedere(Vatican museum) was featured in the official logo of the Apollo XVII moon landing mission (1972). Sacred Trees
Psalm 68:4“Extol Him who rides on the clouds. By His nameYAH” ( and Mount Bashan, a mountain with many peaks is where Yah, God of Israel wishes to dwell (68:15-16) and Psalm 68:33 “To Him who rides on the heaven of heavens, which were of old” Psalm 72:7“In His days the righteous shall flourish. And abundance of peace. Until the Moon is no more” Psalm 72:17 “His name shall endure forever; His name shall continue as long as the Sun” Psalm 73:27 “You have destroyed all those who desert you for harlotry(Moon worship of the Cow-Milk goddess, the Moon, the queen of heaven) Psalm 75:3“I set up its pillars firmly” Psalm 75:10“All the horns of the wicked I will also cut off. But the horns of the righteous shall be exalted” Reference to Old Serpent Mythos Psalm 74:13“You broke the heads of the sea-serpents in the waters. You broke the heads of leviathan in pieces. You gave himas food to the people inhabiting the wilderness. You broke open the fountain and the flood” Psalm 77:5“I have considered the days of old, The years of ancient times”.. Psalm 78:9 “A stubborn and rebellious generation” Psalm 78:23“Yet He had commanded the clouds above . And opened the doors of heaven , had rained down manna on them to eat, And given them of the bread of heaven. Men ate angels food.. He caused an east wind to blow in the heavens .. He also rained meat on them like the dust”
Anatoly Fomenko- History: Fiction or Science regarding the anomalous 3 Graces picture by Raphael of the Renaissance period being present in the wrong time period of 79 AD and articles such as glass and steel implements -implements that seem 16th century than 1st century AD
The divine order of the world At the top of the stele are the astral deities, as if in the vault of the heavens. The crescent of Sin, the moon god, and the star set with the rays of Shamash, the sun god, flank the goddess Ishtar, represented by the planet Venus They are accompanied by the sovereign gods who preserve the equilibrium of the world. The crowns with six rows of horns placed on the altars are the emblems of Anu, the sky god, (the ‘ancient and hidden one’) and Enlil, the air god They are followed by the ram's head and the goatfish representing Ea, the god of fresh water, and the symbol ofNinhursag, the earth goddess. On the row immediately underneath are the warrior gods, whose victories in battle protect the order of the world - Nergal, representedby a weapon mounted on a dragon's back; Zababa, shownby a weapon with the head of a bird of prey; and Ninurta, depicted by a weapon with the head of a lion. This kudurruis remarkable in that in recording the royal gift, it represents the entire pantheon of gods who preserve the order of the world. The artist has used a formula that was later to be developed on other kudurrus, representing the symbols associated with each deity in hierarchical rows
The Bible uses the lion as a symbol of Babylon (Daniel 7:2-4). “Israelis a scattered sheep. Lions themselves have done the dispersing.Neb·u·chad·rez´zarthe king of Babylon has gnawed on his bones.” - Jeremiah 50:17 Isa 46:1 Belboweth down, Nebostoopeth, their idols were upon the beasts, and upon the cattle: your carriages were heavy laden; they are a burden to the weary beast.