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To Wish ‘Happy ‘ is always okay! Care shown by wishing is accepted by us & is even needed for mankind too; But! NOW There is no True Sense in calling it as New Year at all ! [so new year is not accepted] Why? Lets slide to learn….
To Wish ‘Happy ‘ is always okay! Care shown by wishing is accepted by us & is even needed for mankind too; But! NOW There is no True Sense in calling it as New Year at all![so new year is not accepted]Why?Lets slide to learn….
Except for change of paper,i.e. Calendar, nothing else is significant to celebrate NOW as New Year![KIND NOTE: this awareness drive is not by any “anti system/group”, but a sincere effort to realize the truth & to know the true facts behind Indian rich scientific culture. Let us not be narrow minded to not to accept India! If some thing is true then we need to accept it from any corner of the Universe,.. Like we have accepted this software from US, Oil from Saudi, Technology from Japan,…and so on![of course, before continental drift, countries were one only as per our history of geography & Sanskrit was the only language, which is now the base for all languages] S, I know we are broad enough!
‘New’ should be fresh & blooming in all sense, right?but it is not so now!Where as in Great Indian (BHARATEEYA) System OF New Year, lot many significances are there….for e.g.
Now the season is so cold & we feel dull!Whereas in the time of March-April i.e. Yugaadi, its Spring! The Balanced condition keeps us pleasant isn't it? No thermal activation energy
Now Even The Animals FEEL Sleepy;;;;;;;; tHEY Hibernate! While in Yugaadi, THE Animal kingdom is active !!haven't we heard the nightingales?
Now The Plant kingdom shed their leaves to appear bare In Yugaadi, they will be blossoming in full swing true right?
Oh! Don’t know who started NOW as new year?! But how is that even we accept it blindly? & we are still continuing! Can we call ourselves as people in scientific era, with no logics behind? [What a BIG BLIND BELIEF or Superstition this is! Isn’t it?]
Among Civilizations, Indian (Bharateeyan) is the 1st one! & its still alive! [it has more than 10kilo years of historical proofs].How is it living so long?Its because: In doing ‘anything’ in their Life, they take into account of all the aspects associated with that act in deep & wider sense! Its Multidimensional, Like they consider: Physical, Psychological, Social, Environmental, Spiritual, Historical, Logical, Economical, Medical, …..that is all aspects!
Yes, I know that your intellect agrees but the mind disagrees simply Because that ‘Whole World Celebrates’, so Why Shall I Comment?!……………………………………..Even I am not religious! But I am Scientific & Righteous. Even I am for the fact & true logics!!
So, the concept of ‘Majority’ shall not rule us always! We need the True path to follow.Always the Righteousness Supports the truth seekers i.e. the true people.So, gradually & constantly “WE SHALL OVER COME”
Yes! not yet over, Lot many things to learn:Now wishes are given @ midnight! How come People cant think this much at least that the NEW DAY starts when the Sun rises? [yugadi wishes are given at sun rise] “So sad is the state of mass allover”
No significant planetary changes takes place NOW; where as @ yugaadi the relative positions of: Sun, Moon, Earth, Stars change!
Now, peopleget engaged in unwanted food stuffs!Nobody suggests aswhat kind of intake should one need to have i.e. they have no path way. But, a great study has been made by Ancient Indians & they have prescribed the consumption of Jaggery, Neem leaves with its flowers, combination of jeera, honey, & etc for climatic, spiritual, social & medical reasons. So, there is proper guidance all along.
We just say “pen is mightier than sword”, but have we experienced it?So, take a chance now! Only few more hours to reach whole world! Its possible! Just each one “send to all” without worrying! Nothing is wrong in this mail. Its only but TRUE & Logical. So, even the boss/ company accepts the facts.
MORE INFO: people often ask what is wrong if we celebrate new year on dec31/jan1? we tell its not correct in any dimension & many people got realized by the pre said facts. And here is one more dimension to add: For a year to get completed there should be 12 months right? But even this rule doesn't apply if we consider dec31/jan1st for NEW YEAR celebrations! So sad isn't it?.........................wondering as HOW? Please read.. Let us see the terms used for seventh, eighth, ninth & tenth as per different systems: It is sapthama, ashtama, navama & dashama in sanskrith! it is hepta, octa, nano & deca in some systems! now, tell me please: whether september, october, november, & december falls in the order of 7,8,9 & 10th month respectively or not? & so after 11th & 12th month ie jan & feb; the year cycle will be completed. so to celebrate new year in the time of march - april ie as on yugaadi is so much correct in this dimension also!....perfect match right :=) learners will always learn, they will grow & enjoy too, but rigid people :-( ?