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Sumerians. Weaponry. The Sumerians relied on many materials to make their weapons, a few are copper, tin, and bronze which they seized through trade. Did you know that the Sumerians where the first ones to in The B ronze A ge to use metals such as copper and iron?

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  1. Sumerians Weaponry

  2. The Sumerians relied on many materials to make their weapons, a few are copper, tin, and bronze which they seized through trade. • Did you know that the Sumerians where the first ones to in The Bronze Age to use metals such as copper and iron? • The 3 main resources they used to make weapons were-gold(uncommon), silver(common), and iron(most common).

  3. Their rarest weapon was a copper sword. • The Sumerians ultimate weapon was Ningursu-Ninurta(flood-storm). • The bronze weapons they made were made by pouring molten into stone molds. • The Sumerians used chariots in battle which could carry 1 driver, 2 archers, and a spearman.

  4. Ancient weapons came in 3 forms: ranged, melee(close combat), and siege weapons. • The sling was a very common weapon. • The bronze socket axe became a very popular weapon for 2,000 years. • Composite bows were a major innovation.

  5. Sickle swords were a large part of battle. • Compound bows were a formidable weapon. • They also fought with spears, axes, and clubs. • They also fought with bows and arrows. • A compound bow is a modern bow that uses a levering system, usually of cables and pulleys, to bend the limbs.

  6. Crafts people were required to make extra daggers, swords, and shields in a hurry. • In skilled hands a sling is a very effective weapon and is accurate.

  7. The 2-handed sword, the club, javelin, lancepole arm, which was a specific pike, the sling, staff, and dagger were commonly used weapons. • They used copper and iron to make armor and weapons such as spears, maces, and swords. • The other major weapon was the bronze socket axe.

  8. The penetrating axe, whose narrow blade and strong socket can penetrate bronze plate armor. • Their composite bows could penetrate through leather and some bronze armor. • The Sumerians invented a large amount of weapons that were used for a long time.

  9. Weapons made from stone, copper, wood, and bone were replaced with silver, iron, and bronze. • Weapons were occasionally used during Medieval Times. • The cross bow, war hammer, and long bow were not in the list of weapons they used.

  10. Bibliography • http://www.angelfire.com/un/sumeria/wea.html • http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread878525/pg1 • http://www.antiques.com/classified/17177/antique-rare-sumerian-copper-dagger-ca-3000-bc • http://www.ancientmilitary.com/ancient-weapons.htm • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080218065907AAvPIGx

  11. Bibliography continued... • http://www.sharpblades.net/sumerian-and-akkadian-weapons • http://factsnddetails.com/world.php?itemid=15168&catid=56&subcatid=363 • http://www.localhistories.org/warancient.html • http://socyberty.com/history/the-sumerians-an-ancient-race • http://www.inisfail.com/oldsage/ancient/sumerians.html

  12. Bibliography continued… • http://www.ehow.com/info8099335tools-mesopotamia.html • http://www.ancientmesopotamians.com/ancient-mesopotamia-weapons.html • http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/gabrmetz/gabr0004.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_bow

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