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What has the most power to change you?

What has the most power to change you?. What you eat What you read Who you talk to What you think What you learn. The Sacrament of the Eucharist. To describe how receiving the Eucharist heals us To explain why the Eucharist is important

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What has the most power to change you?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What has the most power to change you? What you eat What you read Who you talk to What you think What you learn

  2. The Sacrament of the Eucharist To describe how receiving the Eucharist heals us To explain why the Eucharist is important To evaluate if the Eucharist is the most important Sacrament

  3. Do Catholics believe the bread and wine • Represent Jesus’ body and blood? • Remind us of the Last Supper? • are Jesus, in His body and His blood

  4. The Eucharist isJesus’ sacrifice – it is His body and His blood offered up for us on the cross. At the Last Supper, Jesus told his disciples to “do this” – to offer up, eat and drink this sacrifice, in memory of Him. He said we would “have life” if we did this. 1. Explain what the Eucharist is. 2. What did Jesus tell his disciples to do at the Last Supper? **What did Jesus mean when he said we would “have life” if we did this?

  5. “You are what you eat ! The Eucharist makes Jesus really and fully present among us, in all His body, spirit, love, life and power. So it gives us God’s own life, inside us. • What was Jesus like? • - in his body, spirit, love, power? dissatisfied resentful 1. What does the Eucharist do? 2. How could receiving Jesus in the Eucharist give the boy different attitudes? **Why does a Christian need to receive the Eucharist to keep faithful to their Christian way of life? • Angry & rude Needs to be cool and popular • Doesn’t like being told what to do • Losing sight of what is right Confused about who he should be

  6. Homework • Baptised “The Eucharist is the most important Sacrament in the Church. Do you agree?” • Explain 2 reasons why the Eucharist is important • Explain 2 reasons why Baptism is important • Explain 2 reasons why Confirmation is important • Give your final opinion about which of the 3 is the most important Sacrament and why. • Confirmed Receiving the Eucharist

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