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39 th EUCEN Conference University of Lapland Finland ‘Lifelong Learning in the New Decade’.

’Developing skills for teachers in lifelong learning: Challenges for the new decade.’ Rob Mark, Helena Tompuri & Lenita Hietanen. 39 th EUCEN Conference University of Lapland Finland ‘Lifelong Learning in the New Decade’. May 2010. Summary. The EVETE 1&2 Project 2005-2009

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39 th EUCEN Conference University of Lapland Finland ‘Lifelong Learning in the New Decade’.

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  1. ’Developing skills for teachers in lifelong learning: Challenges for the new decade.’ Rob Mark, Helena Tompuri & Lenita Hietanen 39th EUCEN Conference University of Lapland Finland ‘Lifelong Learning in the New Decade’. May 2010

  2. Summary The EVETE 1&2 Project 2005-2009 EU Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2005) Examples from Finland and Northern Ireland Questions and Discussion Rob Mark, Lenita Hietanen&Helena Tompuri

  3. to provide teachers and trainers working with an understanding and competence in diversification of training based on individual expectations and abilities • to develop materials for teachers and trainers • using technology enhanced learning Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  4. EU Policy on Lifelong Learning • Memorandum on Lifelong Learning (2000) http://www.bologna-berlin2003.de/pdf/MemorandumEng.pdf • ‘Lifelong learning and key competences for all: vital contributions to prosperity and social cohesion’ (2005) • http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/2010/doc/keyrec_en.pdf Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  5. Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2005) • Communication in the mother tongue; • communication in foreign languages; • Basic competences in maths, science and technology; • Digital competence; • Learning to learn; • Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences, and civic competence; • Cultural expression; • Entrepreneurship; http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/2010/doc/keyrec_en.pdf Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  6. In EVETE 1 2005-2007 ▸ Competence Assesment Tool (CAT) was developed ▸Partners developed virtual courses for ICT Helena Tompuri 28.5.2010

  7. virtual course • based on the European Key Competencies: entrepreneurship • six learning units (numbers one and six common for all) • four different learning environments • pilotted during Spring 2009 • one part of the new entreperneurial studies at the University of Lapland University of lapland Lenita Hietanen&Helena Tompuri 28.5.2010

  8. LU3 Entrepreneurial readiness in the learner oriented interaction in upper classes in basic education (age 13-16 years) Learners (means T&T) will be able to • know the meaning of entrepreneurial readiness at upper classes in basic education • know how to guide each learner to be responsible for his/her own and others´ learning • organize possibilities to each learner to make his/her own decisions during normal learning situation at upper classes in basic education • know how to guide each learner to participate continuously  in his/her own learning process • understand how his/her own entrepreneurial readiness is related to organizing learners´ entrepreneurial learning environment Lenita Hietanen 28.05.2010

  9. How could you best guide each learner to take most safely some risk during normal lessons? (case music) a) You advise a learner regularly to learn new skills by taking risks with his/her instrument although a learner would sometimes like to strengthen some already achieved skill a longer time. b) You assume each learner to take risks by studying at least one new phase of skills at every lesson. c) You remind learners that if they want to progress in playing they sometimes have to try some new skills even if they feel themselves uncertain. You allow each learner to make the decision according to his/her feelings. d) You want to ensure the learning environment’s psychological and social safety. So you recommend learners to take risks by trying new skills only very rare. Lenita Hietanen 28.5.2010

  10. In what situations you should tolerate uncertainty and be ready to react to possible change although you want to keep your own feeling about your psychological safety? (several right alternatives but at least one wrong alternative) (case music) a) You allow each learner to choose the instrument and the phase of skills. b) You allow learners to decide the way they play the song. You try to understand their aims mainly by observing that you can give a feedback about the right things. c) You allow some learners to do whatever they want to because they have their rights to have some observing or just relaxing moments. d) You don´t know which songs learners are going to choose this lesson but you have to rely on your skills as an expert and think that you can guide and play every tens of songs in the books well enough. Lenita Hietanen 28.5.2010

  11. Entrepreneurial activity in face-to-face teacher education - case music The task: The teacher students plan the accompaniment examples themselves by the piano and play them to others Students´entrepreneurial activity while planning own accompaniment and playing it: ▸ creativity ▸ risk taking ▸ committing oneself to activity Lenita Hietanen 28.5.2010

  12. Entrepreneurial activity in face-to-face teacher education - case music Teacher´s entrepreneurial activity when the students have made the material and present it to others ▸ responsibility for safe learning environment ▸ tolerance for uncertainty/self-confidence ▸ risk taking/tolerance for making mistakes ▸ ability to solve problems ▸ ability to react in changes/creativity Lenita Hietanen 28.5.2010

  13. Entrepreneurial Studies 60 ECTS University of Lapland The Aim of the Curriculum ▸The aim of entrepreneurial studies is to promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mindset among university students and spirit of entrepreneurship ▸ In Curriculum skills of business and entrepreneurial mindset are integrated Helena Tompuri 28.5.2010

  14. Curriculum Twelve Learning Units ▸ Basic Studies 25 cr ▸ Subject Studies 35 cr • Especially for teachers: • ▸LU 1 Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindset, 3 cr • ▸LU 12 Researching own work to develop own entrepreneurial acting, 10 cr Helena Tompuri 28.5.2010

  15. Curriculum of Entrepreneurial Studies Can be found: ▸www.ulapland.fi/entrepreneurship ▸First LU of Entrepreneurial Studies is based in EVETE2 course (www.evete.org ) Helena Tompuri 28.5.2010

  16. The EVETE Project focus in Northern Ireland‘Supporting collaborative learning and reflective practice in teacher training through technology enhanced learning.’ Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  17. Key Competences for Lifelong Learning • Key competency 1,4 & 5 - Communication in the mother tongue (Literacy) • Mathematical Competence ( Numeracy);and digital competency Queen’s University, Belfast Tutor Education Programme, Adult Basic Education Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  18. Promoting Reflective Practice among Teachers • ‘an approach which aims to develop our understanding and critical thinking skills through the use of reflection.’ • the process by which we transform problematic frames of reference (mind sets, meaning perspectives) – sets of assumptions and expectations – to make them more inclusive, discriminating, open, reflective and emotionally able to change. Such frames are better because they are more likely to generate beliefs and opinions that will prove more true or justified and to guide action.” Mezirow (2007) Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  19. Reflective Teachers. • Teacher as a researcher • action-research • ‘the reflective practitioner’ (Schön, 1983), • ‘teacher as inquirer’ (Day, 1999) Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  20. Planning Acting Evaluating Observing Reflective practice spiral: Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  21. Tutor Education Programme Initial & CPD Training • Reflective Practice • Collaborative Practice: • Exhibition • Microteaching • Presentations Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  22. Types of Reflection : • Self or Peer assessment • Problem-based learning • Group work • Work-based learning/ learning from experience Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  23. Tools for Reflection • Plans for teaching & Learning • Evaluation of teaching sessions (self & student assessment) • Learning Journal or diary Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  24. Benefits of Learning Journal • to record experience and to learn from experience • to support understanding and to develop critical thinking and a questioning attitude • to increase active involvement in and ownership of learning • to enhance problem-solving skills • as a means of assessment • self-empowerment • to enhance your creativity • to support planning and progress in research or a project • as a means of communication between a learner and tutor Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  25. Collaboration and Reflection Technology Enhanced learning applications Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  26. Using Google Docs to create PowerPoint presentations Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  27. Student Discussion on the Use of Image & Video • http://www.bakerma.com/Interactions/Essential%20Skills/player.html • http://www.bakerma.com/Interactions/Essential%20Skills/player.html • Movie for Diploma Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  28. The Views of Student Teachers • “the introduction of GoogleDocs proved a life-saver for the group …… we created a PowerPoint file so that we could all collaborate. This gave us an insight into what each person was adding ” • Skype definitely contributed to us assisting and supporting one another, especially through the difficult times on the course • I used my mobile to take pictures during active learning sessions; they were particularly good as a reflection tool • I find self reflection quite difficult. I find it hard to express myself through words Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  29. Views of the Tutor The use of images helped them to understand concepts they were struggling with; they came to understand the importance of visual literacy; the use of images supported learner engagement in discussion, reading and creative writing; their enjoyment of the process of making films had facilitated them in using this method in their own practice (Shelley Tracey, course tutor) Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  30. Questions for discussion: • What are the challenges in teacher education in your university or lifelong learning sector? • What skills will teachers need to teach adults in the future? • How can entrepreneurial  skills  be promoted in teacher education? • How can critical reflection  among teachers be fostered? • What new challenges does technology present? Rob Mark, Lenita Hietanen & Helena Tompuri 28.5.2010

  31. EVETE project www.evete.org Presenters: Rob Mark r.d.mark@qub.ac.uk Helena Tompuri Helena.Tompuri@ulapland.fi Lenita Hietanen Lenita.Hietanen@ulapland.fi Rob Mark 28.5.2010

  32. Thank you for attention!

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