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Top Down or Bottoms Up?

Top Down or Bottoms Up?. Creating an Environment for Better Care. Presentation by John Girdwood, MSA. Presenter Bio: John Girdwood, MSA. PhD Student of Sociology at Michigan State Master's of Administration, Central Michigan Univ.

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Top Down or Bottoms Up?

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  1. Top Down or Bottoms Up? Creating an Environment for Better Care Presentation by John Girdwood, MSA

  2. Presenter Bio: John Girdwood, MSA • PhD Student of Sociology at Michigan State • Master's of Administration, Central Michigan Univ. • B.A. in Professional Ethics, Philosophy, Comparative Religion from Western Michigan University • Currently a Manager of Volunteer Services at McLaren Visiting Nurse & Hospice near Flint MI • Formerly employed by and volunteer with non-profits who assist the senior population (welfare/legal) • Worked for State of MI Attorney General and Legislature as well as Dept of Community Health • Enjoy sports and academics; founded a non-profit that furthers outside movement inside K-12 schools  Creating an Environment for Better Care Presentation by John Girdwood, MSA

  3. Origins of Success "Barns spoke of the dedication that he and his staff have put forth over the years. He's humbled by the achievement. And to think, he wasn't even sure if he was going to be head coach at Goodrich, he was an assistant for 10 years before landing the top position. "I never really thought about it at first (300 wins)" said Barns. "When I first started, I never really had aspirations to be the head coach." http://highschoolsports.mlive.com/news/article/3388666054752561484/worth-the-time-goodrich-boys-varsity-basketball-coach-gary-barns-gets-300th-win-friday-night-against-lake-fenton/

  4. Mark Hollis and Tom Izzo were once college roommates at MSU in the early 80's.  Hollis was a student manager and now is one of the most powerful Athletic Directors in the nation.

  5. Where do leaders come from? The origins of leadership • Group development process • Understanding your organization • Defining clear roles Handout: "Group Development"

  6. The Flint Public Library’s lower level meeting room is the home of the Greater Flint Afro-American Sports Hall of Fame (GFAAHF), a collection of over 100 plaques honoring Flint athletes, celebrating its 27th year dedicated to its motto: “To preserve, not compete.”

  7. Preservation vs. Competition • Is it possible to win if all you do is preserve the status quo? • Is it possible to win if you compete against your own teammates or others who support you? ("friendly competition") • Do you believe that you can "lose the battle" but "still win the war"? * most important Do your teammates and/or competition answer these questions the same way? *

  8. Mismatches: Role Conflict Role Strain Value Alienation Exploitation You Need a Clear Vision

  9. The organization has a system set up to ensure that the needs of the employees are being met.  Therefore, the needs of the employees are being met. The staff needs that are not being fulfilled by the system are likely to be met by support networks outside the office, like their friends and families. System Myths Myths

  10. Wait... where is the easy answer? Okay, we now know some mismatches and myths... So where is the step by step solution to these problems? There is no Captain Answer!

  11. Issue Spotting • Name an issue • Describe it in 3 sentences • Fold the paper in half • Who does the issue effect? • Did you write any names down? • Are you thinking of a solution process or assembling a team? Handout: "Issue Spotting"

  12. Easy to see pragmatic struggles like: I'm going through a divorce I need to put food on the table My kids need new shoes Putting our daughter through college Planning for retirement More difficult to envision the psychological elements: I don't want to be viewed as a head case If I don't get my work done, my boss thinks I'm unmotivated Outside the Box Awareness is key ...it's cliche for a reason!

  13. CHallenging All Minds for Personal Success The NCAA merged NCAA CHAMPS/LifeSkills and Student-Athlete Development to become NCAA Student-Athlete Affairs (SAA). The original acronym includes "Athletes'" for "A" CHAMPS

  14. Ask yourself: Who or what is the target subject or population? What is the goal we are trying to achieve? What skills or methods will we use to reach our target subject/population? The types of models: client-centered consultee-centered program-centered administrative consultee-centered administrative Various Models to Achieve "CHAMPS"

  15. Visual Aid: Sample Org Structure

  16. You need to maintain the approach in order to sustain continuous positive outcomes REMEMBER: Decision Web Theory Connectivity of role contributors Connectivity of choice makers Difference Between Process and Problem Philosophy Maintenance Handout: "Decision Web"

  17. Do this: Put your name as CEO Write in some names of your board members Fill in your field staff Questions: Does the level change the method of decision making? How do quantities of members at various levels affect decisions? Where is the farthest distance line between two team members? Answer: CEO to patient Decision Web - "How To"

  18. Top Down or Bottoms Up? Creating an Environment for Better Care Presentation by John Girdwood, MSA

  19. Personal: 6419 Beecher Rd.Flint MI 48532 Phone # 1-774-473-9663 or girdwoo1@msu.edu Professional: McLaren Visiting Nurse & Hospice 1515 Cal DriveDavison MI 48423 Phone # 1-810-496-8779 or johngi@McLaren.org John Girdwood, MSA

  20. Bibliography • Blinde, E. M., & Greendorfer, S. L. (1992). Conflict and the College Sport Experience of Women Athletes. Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal , 1 (1), 97. • Caplan, G. (1999). Mental Health Consultation and Collaboration . Waveland Press. • Chelladurai, P. (1980). Leadership in sports organizations. Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences. Journal Canadien Des Sciences Appliquées Au Sport , 5 (4), 226-231. • Gatz, M., & Messner, M. A. (2002). Paradoxes of youth and sport . SUNY Press. • Hines, S., & Groves, D. L. (1989). Sports Competition and Its Influence on Self-Esteem Development. Adolescence , 24 (96), 861-69. • Hui, C. H. (1988). Measurement of individualism-collectivism. Journal of Research in Personality , 22 (1), 17-36. doi:10.1016/0092-6566(88)90022-0 • NCAA. (n.d.). National Collegiate Athletic Association. Retrieved February 14, 2011, from http://www.ncaa.org/wps/portal/ncaahome?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/ncaa/NCAA/Academics+and+Athletes/CHAMPS+-+Life+Skills/redirect • Ntoumanis, N. (2001). A self-determination approach to the understanding of motivation in physical education. British Journal of Educational Psychology , 71 , 225-242(18). • Vallerand, R. J. (1997). Toward A Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (Vol. 29, pp. 271-360). Academic Press. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B7J09-4S814YF-8/2/00c6bfbc65e54e0c7c30dd2ea3a626ef

  21. Top Down or Bottoms Up? • all images linked in presentation to original image; accessed through Google images • presentation includes references to sourced material; citations provided • no financial compensation was conveyed to presenter; ("pay to play") •  feel free to use, steal, copy, cite, or otherwise distribute all my original material but please give credit to cited material • the ideas presented do not represent those of my school (Michigan State) or employer  • You can find this presentation and other useful information at my website: • www.JohnGirdwood.com By John Girdwood, MSA Final Slide: End of Presentation

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