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Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health A tool offering local health officials guidance in conducting a community-based environmental health assessment and creating an accurate profile of a community’s environmental health status
PACE EH was produced by: The Community Environmental Health Assessment Program at NACCHO Funded through a cooperative agreement between NACCHO and the National Center for Environmental Health, CDC
Question: What is the cornerstone of “good” science?
Key Objectives of PACE EH • Evaluate Environmental Health Conditions • Target Populations at Risk • Set Priorities • Support Health Equity and Social Justice
What Are Not the Key Objectives of PACE EH • Does not define the parameters of “Environmental Health” • Does not provide a menu of issues or indicators • Does not provide pre-designed action plans • Does not require a health equity focus
Fosters confidence “Clients” to “Partners” Database development Community ownership of EH Improved EH Leadership role Bridge-building New work skills New professional partnerships Benefits Across PACE EH Sites
Task 1: Determine Community Capacity Task 2: Define/Characterize the Community Task 3: Assemble a CEHA Team Task 4: Define the Goals, Objectives and Scope Task 5: Generate List of EH Issues Task 6: Analyze Issues w/ Systems Framework Task 7: Develop Indicators Task 8: Select Standards Task 9: Create Issue Profiles Task 10: Rank Issues Task 11: Set Priorities for Action Task 12: Develop Action Plan(s) Task 13: Evaluate Progress and Plan for the Future The Thirteen Tasks of PACE EH
Tasks 1- 3 Prepare for the Process 1.) Facilitators examine potential for a CEHA 2.) Facilitators “map” the target community 3.) Invite key community/staff members
Tasks 4 - 6 Locate the Issues 4.) Define Goals & Scope of Assessment 5.) Generate List of Local EH Issues 6.) Describe the Context of the Issues
Tasks 7 - 9 Quantify and Qualify the Issues 7.) Develop Local Indicators 8.) Select Relevant Standards 9.) Create Issue Profiles
Tasks 10 - 13 Set the Stage for Action 10.) Rank the Issues 11.) Set Priorities for Action 12.) Develop Action Plans 13.) Evaluate Progress
PACE EH – The Five Primary Challenges Data limitations Lack of consensus Scientific view v. public perception Authority Indicators
Obstacles to meeting the challenges of PACE EH • Extensive community outreach • Translating between perception and science • Rearranging work methods and priorities • Promotion of CEHA efforts
Environmental Health at Schools of Public Health • 28-30 Graduate Schools of Public Health • 11 offer advanced degrees in EH • 85-90% of all core classes are “hard science” and issue specific • Little to no Social Sciences • No community outreach, no media strategies • Approximately 75% of PH graduate students do NOT become employees of local public health agencies
The Public Health Workforce • About 500,000 public health workers • Of those, only 44% have formal, academic training in public health; most do not have a public health credential (e.g., an MPH). • Median local public health agency staff size is 13 FTEs • Local public health agencies struggle to fill workforce with technically proficient staff, other proficiencies deemed secondary
Environmental Health Workforce Development Current Status: • Less than 50% coming out of schools of public health • Those that do, not prepared for community collaboration • Too few employees, and too many specific funding streams, in most local public health agencies to support discrete skill specialization • Maryland health directors claim it takes approximately five years to fully train a new employee
What can PACE EH do? Undertaking the PACE EH methodology builds competency: • Extensive community outreach • Translating between perception and science • Rearranging work methods and priorities • Promotion of agency efforts